

S convergence measure, 3030
saddle test, definition
MODECLUS procedure, 2879
salience of loadings, FACTOR procedure, 1294, 1327
Sampford's method
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4455
sample design
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4203
sample selection methods
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4446
sample size
CATMOD procedure, 887
overview of power concepts (POWER), 3488
See GLMPOWER procedure, 1929
See POWER procedure, 3411
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4440
sample size adjustment
GLMPOWER procedure, 1946
POWER procedure, 3494
sample survey analysis, ordinal data, 816
sampling fraction, 165
sampling frame, 164
sampling rate, 165
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4194, 4204
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4251, 4280
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4324, 4334
SURVEYREG procedure, 4374, 4382
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4439
sampling unit, 164
sampling weight, 165
sampling zeros
and log-linear analyses (CATMOD), 871
and structural zeros (CATMOD), 888
sandwich estimator
MIXED procedure, 2676
SAS Companion, 327, 336, 348
SAS current folder, 327
SAS data set
DATA step, 21
summarizing, 21, 22
SAS Registry, 327, 346
SAS Registry Editor, 346
SAS Results Viewer, 327, 336
SAS/ETS software, 22
SAS/GRAPH software, 22
SAS/IML software, 22
SAS/INSIGHT software, 22
SAS/OR software, 23
SAS/QC software, 23
Satterthwaite method
MIXED procedure, 2694
Satterthwaite t test
power and sample size (POWER), 3463, 3472, 3527
Satterthwaite's approximation , 4775, 4785
testing random effects, 1835
Savage scores
NPAR1WAY procedure, 3167
saving graphics image files
ODS Graphics, 336
saving templates
examples, ODS Graphics, 368
sawtooth power function, 3541
scale estimates
FASTCLUS procedure, 1390, 1392, 1397, 1399, 1400
scale parameter
GENMOD procedure, 1653
Scaled Residual
MIXED procedure, 2705
Scaled residuals
MIXED procedure, 2764
scaling variables
DISTANCE procedure, 1251
MODECLUS procedure, 2856
STDIZE procedure, 4143
scalogram analysis
CORRESP procedure, 1069
scatter plots
plots, ODS Graphics, 343, 351
Scheff 's multiple-comparison procedure, 1810
Scheff 's multiple-comparison procedure, 444
Scheff 's multiple-comparison procedure, 1769
Schoenfeld residuals
PHREG procedure, 3234, 3258
Schwarz criterion
LOGISTIC procedure, 2341
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4279
Schwarz's Bayesian information criterion
example (MIXED), 2780, 2794, 2823
MIXED procedure, 2676, 2740, 2750
SCORE procedure
CALIS procedure, 571, 586, 643
computational resources, 4075
examples, 4067, 4075
input data set, 4072
OUT= data sets, 4075
output data set, 4072, 4075
PRINCOMP procedure, 3611
regression parameter estimates from REG procedure, 4074
scoring coefficients, 4065
score residuals
PHREG procedure, 3234, 3259
score statistics
GENMOD procedure, 1668
LOGISTIC procedure, 2343
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4287
score test
PHREG procedure, 3229, 3231, 3246, 3269, 3274, 3276
TPHREG procedure, 4486
score variables
interpretation (SCORE), 4074
NPAR1WAY procedure, 3166
MIXED procedure, 2674, 2680, 2774
scoring coefficients (SCORE), 4065
scree plot, 1336
screening design, analysis, 1895
screening experiments
GLMMOD procedure, 1923
See survival distribution function
selecting graphs
examples, ODS Graphics, 330, 352, 361
ODS Graphics, 330
selection methods,
See model selection
semiparametric model
PHREG procedure, 3215
semipartial correlation
CANCORR procedure, 762
formula (CLUSTER), 984
computation (VARIOGRAM), 4876, 4877
empirical (or experimental) (VARIOGRAM), 4856, 4858
robust (VARIOGRAM), 4861, 4869, 4877
CATMOD procedure, 941
sequential random sampling
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4448
serpentine sorting
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4445
Shape distance coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1271
Shewhart control charts , 23
p -value adjustments, 2942, 2956, 2972
Sidak's t test, 1769, 1810
Sidak's adjustment
GLM procedure, 1754
MIXED procedure, 2688
MULTTEST procedure, 2942, 2956, 2972
Sidak's inequality, 444
Siegel-Tukey scores
NPAR1WAY procedure, 3167
significance level
CALIS procedure, 588
entry (PHREG), 3230
hazards ratio confidence interval (PHREG), 3233
removal (PHREG), 3230, 3277
significance tests
MODECLUS procedure, 2876, 2916
KRIGE2D procedure, 2047
SIM2D procedure
Cholesky root, 4107
computational details, 4109
conditional and unconditional simulation, 4091
conditional distributions of multivariate normal random variables, 4108
examples, 4092, 4111
Gaussian assumption, 4091
Gaussian random field, 4091
LU decomposition, 4106
memory usage, 4110
output data sets, 4099, 4110
OUTSIM= data set, 4110
quadratic form, 4108
simulation of spatial random fields, 4106-4109
similarity data
MDS procedure, 2471, 2478, 2484
Similarity Ratio coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1272
simple cluster-seeking algorithm, 1381
simple effects
GLM procedure, 1758, 1817
MIXED procedure, 2691
simple kappa coefficient, 1493, 1495
Simple Matching coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1274
Simple Matching dissimilarity coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1274
simple random cluster sampling
SURVEYREG procedure, 4397
simple random sampling
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4315
SURVEYREG procedure, 4365, 4395
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4423, 4447
simplicity functions
CALIS procedure, 607
FACTOR procedure, 1294, 1316, 1329
SIMPLS method
PLS procedure, 3380
simulation of spatial random fields
SIM2D procedure, 4106-4109
simulation-based adjustment
GLM procedure, 1754
MIXED procedure, 2688
single linkage
CLUSTER procedure, 967, 982
MIXED procedure, 2775
REG procedure, 3917
MI procedure, 2521
singularity checking
CANCORR procedure, 762
GLM procedure, 1750, 1752, 1758, 1772
singularity criterion
CALIS procedure, 590
contrast matrix (GENMOD), 1632
contrast matrix (LOGISTIC), 2300
contrast matrix (SURVEYLOGISTIC), 4258
contrast matrix (TPHREG), 4481
covariance matrix (CALIS), 588, 590, 591
information matrix (GENMOD), 1642
PHREG procedure, 3232
TRANSREG procedure, 4579
singularity level
SURVEYREG procedure, 4377, 4379
singularity tolerances
NLMIXED procedure, 3072
Size distance coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1271
CALIS procedure, 658
displayed in CLUSTER procedure, 972
SMM multiple-comparison method, 444, 1769, 1811
smoothing parameter
cluster analysis, 979
MODECLUS procedure, 2864, 2871
optimal ( DISCRIM ), 1162
smoothing parameter, default
MODECLUS procedure, 2872
smoothing spline transformation
PRINQUAL procedure, 3663
TRANSREG procedure, 4564, 4596
Sokal and Sneath 1 coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1274
Sokal and Sneath 3 coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1275
Somers' D statistics, 1474, 1478
STDIZE procedure, 4139
spatial anisotropic exponential structure
MIXED procedure, 2721
spatial covariance structures
examples (MIXED), 2723
MIXED procedure, 2722, 2730, 2774
spatial prediction
VARIOGRAM procedure, 4851, 4852
Spearman rank correlation coefficient, 1474, 1480
CATMOD procedure, 941
spherical semivariogram model
KRIGE2D procedure, 2046, 2047
sphericity tests, 449, 1780, 1881
spline t-options
PRINQUAL procedure, 3665
TRANSREG procedure, 4566
spline transformation
PRINQUAL procedure, 3662
TRANSREG procedure, 4564, 4611
Bayesian confidence intervals, 4513
goodness of fit, 4514
regression model, 4497, 4513, 4518
thin-plate smoothing, 4497
TPSPLINE procedure, 4497
TRANSREG procedure, 4560, 4561, 4614, 4637, 4678, 4709
split-plot design
ANOVA procedure, 451, 470, 472, 475
generating with PLAN procedure, 3352
MIXED procedure, 2734, 2777
square root difference cloud
VARIOGRAM procedure, 4882
Squared Correlation dissimilarity coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1272
Squared Correlation similarity coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1272
Squared Euclidean distance coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1271
squared multiple correlation
CALIS procedure, 657, 686
CANCORR procedure, 762
squared partial correlation
CANCORR procedure, 762
squared semipartial correlation
CANCORR procedure, 762
formula (CLUSTER), 984
SSCP matrix
displaying, for multivariate tests, 438, 439
for multivariate tests, 437
for multivariate tests (GLM), 1759, 1761
stacking table
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4324
standard deviation
CLUSTER procedure, 972
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4341
standard error
PHREG procedure, 3225, 3233, 3235, 3269
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4338
TPHREG procedure, 4487
standard error of ratio
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4339
standard error ratio
PHREG procedure, 3269
TPHREG procedure, 4487
standard linear model
MIXED procedure, 2663
STANDARD procedure, 21
standardized values, 21
comparisons between DISTANCE and STDIZE procedures, 1251
standardized score process
PHREG procedure, 3267, 3271
cluster analysis (STDIZE), 4143
CLUSTER procedure, 972
MODECLUS procedure, 2856
raw data (SCORE), 4066
redundancy variables (TRANSREG), 4591
TRANSREG procedure, 4572
values (STANDARD), 21
values (STDIZE), 4119
star (*) operator
TRANSREG procedure, 4558
stationary point
NLMIXED procedure, 3100
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4326
assumptions (GLM), 1783
quality control, 23
tests (MULTTEST), 2948
statistical computation
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4336
statistical computations
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4206
Statistical Graphics Using ODS,
see ODS Graphics
Statistical style
ODS styles, 333
STD option (MODECLUS), 2856
STD= option (DISTANCE), 1265
STDIZE procedure
AGK estimate, 4139
analyzing data in groups, 4134
Andrew's wave estimate, 4139
breakdown point and efficiency, 4138
comparisons of quantile computation,
PCTLMTD option, 4139
computational methods, PCTLDEF option, 4140
Euclidean length, 4138
examples, 4119, 4143
final output value, 4119
formulas for statistics, 4138
fuzz factor, 4130
Huber's estimate, 4139
initial estimates for A estimates, 4131
input data set (METHOD=IN()), 4137
methods resistant to clustering, 4138
methods resistant to outliers, 4124, 4138
Minkowski metric, 4138
missing values, 4131, 4133, 4141
normalization, 4131, 4133
one-pass quantile computations, 4139
OUT= data set, 4130, 4141
output data sets, 4132, 4141
output table names , 4142
OUTSTAT= data set, 4141
quantile computation, 4119, 4139
robust estimators, 4138
spacing, 4139
standardization methods, 4119, 4136
standardization with weights, 4135
Tukey's biweight estimate, 4127, 4139
tuning constant, 4127, 4137
unstandardization, 4133
weights, 4135
step halving
PHREG procedure, 3245
step length
CALIS procedure, 581
step length options
NLMIXED procedure, 3096
STEPDISC procedure
average squared canonical correlation, 4173
computational resources, 4171
input data sets, 4170
introductory example, 4158
memory requirements, 4171
methods, 4157
missing values, 4170
ODS table names, 4174
Pillai's trace, 4173
stepwise selection, 4159
time requirements, 4171
tolerance, 4173
Wilks' lambda, 4173
stepdown methods
GLM procedure, 1814
MULTTEST procedure, 2957, 2972
stepwise discriminant analysis, 4157
stepwise selection
LOGISTIC procedure, 2317, 2341, 2391
PHREG procedure, 3229, 3265, 3272
REG procedure, 3800, 3874
STEPDISC procedure, 4159
stored data algorithm, 986
stored distance algorithms, 986
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4196
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4266
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4332
SURVEYREG procedure, 4381
strata variables
PHREG procedure, 3237
programming statements (PHREG), 3235
strata weights
MULTTEST procedure, 2951
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4196, 4203
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4266
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4332, 4346
SURVEYREG procedure, 4381, 4391
stratified analysis
FREQ procedure, 1431, 1450
PHREG procedure, 3216, 3237
stratified cluster sample
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4350
stratified sampling, 164
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4318
SURVEYREG procedure, 4368, 4401
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4425, 4444
stratified table
example, 1540
stratified tests
LIFETEST procedure, 2150, 2155, 2156, 2158, 2167, 2180, 2187
stratum collapse
SURVEYREG procedure, 4388, 4411
stress formula
MDS procedure, 2479, 2480, 2489
strip-split-plot design
ANOVA procedure, 475
structural equation (CALIS)
definition, 585, 625, 658
dependent variables, 625
models, 552
structural model example (CALIS), 555
COSAN model, 561
factor analysis model, 564
LINEQS model, 558, 562
LISREL model, 559
path diagram, 555, 600
RAM model, 557, 563
Stuart's tau- c statistic, 1474, 1478
Student's multiple range test, 444, 1769, 1814
Studentized maximum modulus
pairwise comparisons, 444, 1769, 1811
Studentized Residual
MIXED procedure, 2704
studentized residual, 1774, 3899
Studentized residuals
external, 2768
internal, 2768
MIXED procedure, 2768
style attributes, modifying
examples, ODS Graphics, 374, 376, 378
style elements, modifying
examples, ODS Graphics, 374, 376, 378
subdomain analysis
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4205
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4336
subgroup analysis
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4205
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4336
subject effect
MIXED procedure, 2683, 2715, 2721, 2776, 2782
subject weights
MDS procedure, 2471, 2477
GENMOD procedure, 1637
LOGISTIC procedure, 2308, 2316, 2355
PROBIT procedure, 3742, 3745, 3761
subpopulation analysis
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4205
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4336
sum-to-zero assumptions, 1835
summary of commands
MIXED procedure, 2672
summary statistics
REG procedure, 3896
sums of squares
GLM procedure, 1772, 1773
Type II (GLM), 1773
Type II (TRANSREG), 4580
supported operating environments
ODS Graphics, 348
supported procedures
ODS Graphics, 348
suppressing output
CANCORR procedure, 761
GENMOD procedure, 1627
MI procedure, 2520
surface plots
plots, ODS Graphics, 324, 360
surface trend
VARIOGRAM procedure, 4854
survey data analysis, 161
survey sampling, 161,
see also SURVEYFREQ procedure
see also SURVEYMEANS procedure
see also SURVEYREG procedure
see also SURVEYSELECT procedure
cluster sampling, 164
data analysis, 4185
descriptive statistics, 4315
finite population correction factor, 165
first-stage sampling unit, 165
fpc, 165
multistage sampling, 165
population, 164
population total, 165
PPS, 161
primary sampling units (PSUs), 165
regression analysis, 4365
sample selection, 4421
sampling fraction, 165
sampling frame, 164
sampling rate, 165
sampling unit, 164
sampling weight, 165
stratified sampling, 164
survey weight, 165
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 167
SURVEYREG procedure, 167
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 167
variance estimation, 166
survey weight, 165
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 159, 4185
alpha level, 4199
chi-square test, 4216
cluster, 4195
clustering, 4203
coefficient of variation, 4214
column proportions , 4212
confidence limits, 4213
covariance, 4210
crosstabulation tables, 4227
data summary table, 4225
default tables, 4197
degrees of freedom, 4214
design effect, 4215
design-adjusted chi-square test, 4216
displayed output, 4225
domain analysis, 4205
expected weighted frequency, 4215
introductory example, 4185
missing values, 4205
multiway tables, 4227
ODS table names, 4230
one-way frequency tables, 4226
order of variables, 4193
output table names, 4230
population total, 4194, 4204
proportions, 4210
Rao-Scott chi-square test, 4216
Rao-Scott likelihood ratio test, 4219
row proportions, 4212
sample design, 4203
sampling rate, 4194, 4204
statistical computations, 4206
statistical test tables, 4229
strata, 4196
stratification, 4196, 4203
stratum information table, 4225
subdomain analysis, 4205
subgroup analysis, 4205
subpopulation analysis, 4205
Taylor series method, 4206
totals, 4209
unequal weighting , 4204
Wald chi-square test, 4221
Wald log-linear chi-square test, 4223
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 159
Akaike's information criterion, 4279
cluster, 4255
computational details, 4282
confidence intervals, 4288
convergence criterion, 4261-4263
customized odds ratio, 4267
displayed output, 4292
EFFECT Parameterization, 4270
estimability checking, 4258
existence of MLEs, 4277
first-stage sampling rate, 4251
Fisher's scoring method, 4264, 4265, 4276
GLM Parameterization, 4271
gradient, 4287
Hessian matrix, 4264, 4287
infinite parameter estimates, 4263
initial values, 4280
link function, 4243, 4263, 4273
log odds, 4289
maximum likelihood algorithms, 4275
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), 4302
missing values, 4251, 4268
model fitting criteria, 4279
Newton-Raphson algorithm, 4264, 4265, 4277
odds ratio confidence limits, 4262
odds ratio estimation, 4288
ORDINAL Parameterization, 4271
ORTHEFFECT Parameterization, 4272
ORTHORDINAL Parameterization, 4272
ORTHOTHERM Parameterization, 4272
ORTHPOLY Parameterization, 4273
ORTHREF Parameterization, 4273
output table names, 4295
Parameterization, 4270
POLY Parameterization, 4271
POLYNOMIAL Parameterization, 4271
population total, 4252, 4280
primary sampling units (PSUs), 4281
rank correlation, 4292
REF Parameterization, 4272
REFERENCE Parameterization, 4272
response level ordering, 4270
reverse response level ordering, 4259, 4269
sampling rate, 4251, 4280
Schwarz criterion, 4279
score statistics, 4287
singular contrast matrix, 4258
strata, 4266
stratification, 4266
testing linear hypotheses, 4266, 4288
Variance Estimation, 4282
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 159, 4315
categorical variable, 4329, 4337, 4341
class level, 4346
cluster, 4329
coefficient of variation, 4340
confidence level, 4323
confidence limits, 4340, 4342
data summary, 4346
degrees of freedom, 4340, 4344
denominator variable, 4330
descriptive statistics, 4347
domain analysis, 4336, 4348
domain mean, 4343
domain statistics, 4342
domain total, 4343
domain variable, 4330
empty stratum, 4334, 4344
estimated frequency, 4341
estimated total, 4341
first-stage sampling rate, 4324
indicator variable, 4337
mean per element, 4337
means, 4337
missing values, 4323, 4333, 4358
numerator variable, 4330
ODS table names, 4349
output data set, 4321, 4345
output table names, 4349
population total, 4326, 4334
primary sampling units (PSUs), 4335
proportion estimation, 4341
ratio, 4330, 4339
ratio analysis, 4330, 4339, 4348
rectangular table, 4324
sampling rate, 4324, 4334
simple random sampling, 4315
stacking table, 4324
standard deviation of the total, 4341
standard error of ratio, 4339
standard error of the mean, 4338
statistic-keywords, 4326
statistical computation, 4336
strata, 4332
stratification, 4332, 4346
stratified cluster sample, 4350
stratified sampling, 4318
subdomain analysis, 4336
subgroup analysis, 4336
subpopulation analysis, 4336
t test, 4339
valid observation, 4346
variance of the mean, 4338
variance of the total, 4341
SURVEYREG procedure, 159, 4365
ADJRSQ, 4380
Adjusted R-square, 4387
analysis of contrasts, 4393
analysis of variance, 4387
ANOVA, 4380, 4387, 4392
classification level, 4391
classification variables, 4375
cluster, 4376
coefficients of contrast, 4392
coefficients of estimate, 4393
computational details, 4384
confidence level, 4373
confidence limits, 4380
contrasts, 4376, 4389
data summary, 4390
degrees of freedom, 4385
design effect, 4388
design summary, 4390
effect testing, 4386, 4392
estimable functions, 4378, 4393
first-stage sampling rate, 4374
inverse matrix of X ² X , 4391
missing values, 4382
MSE, 4388
multiple R-square, 4387
output data set, 4372, 4393
output table names, 4394
pooled stratum, 4389
population total, 4374, 4382
primary sampling units (PSUs), 4383
regression coefficients, 4384, 4392
regression estimator, 4400, 4407
Root MSE, 4388
sampling rate, 4374, 4382
simple random cluster sampling, 4397
simple random sampling, 4365, 4395
singularity level, 4377, 4379
strata, 4381
stratification, 4381, 4391
stratified sampling, 4368, 4401
stratum collapse, 4388, 4411
variance estimation, 4385
Wald test, 4386, 4389
X ² X matrix, 4391
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 167, 4421
Brewer's method, 4453
certainty size measure, 4432
Chromy's method, 4448, 4452
control sorting, 4443, 4445
displayed output, 4458
dollar-unit sampling, 4466
initial seed, 4441
introductory example, 4422
joint selection probabilities, 4433
maximum size measure, 4433
minimum size measure, 4436
missing values, 4445
Murthy's method, 4454
output data sets, 4456
output table names, 4460
PPS sampling, 4463
PPS sampling, with replacement, 4451
PPS sampling, without replacement, 4449
PPS sequential sampling, 4452
PPS systematic sampling, 4451
replicated sampling, 4438, 4460
Sampford's method, 4455
sample selection methods, 4446
sample size, 4440
sampling rate, 4439
sequential random sampling, 4448
serpentine sorting, 4445
simple random sampling, 4423, 4447
stratified sampling, 4425, 4444
systematic random sampling, 4448
unrestricted random sampling, 4447
survival analysis
power and sample size (POWER), 3473, 3481, 3533
survival distribution function
LIFETEST procedure, 2149, 2171, 2184
PHREG procedure, 3239
survival function
LIFEREG procedure, 2083, 2111
survival models, parametric, 2083
survival times
PHREG procedure, 3215, 3281, 3283
survivor function,
See survival distribution function
definition (PHREG), 3239
estimates (LOGISTIC), 2460
estimates (PHREG), 3225, 3235, 3261, 3299
PHREG procedure, 3215, 3235, 3240
sweep algorithm
REG procedure, 3917
symmetric and positive definite (SIM2D)
covariance matrix, 4107
symmetric binary variable
DISTANCE procedure, 1250
ROBUSTREG procedure, 3982
systematic random sampling
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4448

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 7)
SAS/STAT 9.1 Users Guide, Volumes 1-7
ISBN: 1590472438
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 132 © 2008-2017.
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