RecordSet.isFullyPopulated( )

RecordSet.isFullyPopulated( ) Method Flash 6

determines whether a recordset is fully downloaded
   myRecordSet   .isFullyPopulated( ) 


The Boolean true if the RecordSet object is local or if a RecordSet object coming from a remote method has been fully received from the server.


The isFullyPopulated( ) method is used when you have a remote method that returns a resultset as a RecordSet object and you need to determine if it has been fully downloaded. This is often necessary, because the following methods work only with fully populated RecordSet objects:

addItem( )
addItemAt( )
filter( )
removeAll( )
removeItem( )
replaceItemAt( )
setField( )
sort ( )

For a local RecordSet object, the isFullyPopulated( ) method always returns true .


The following code shows how the isFullyPopulated( ) is called. In the example, if the RecordSet object is not fully populated, the button last_pb is disabled:

 if (!myProducts_rs.isFullyPopulated( )) last_pb.enabled = false; 

As of this writing, the isFullyPopulated( ) method works only in the ColdFusion implementation of Flash Remoting when employing pageable recordsets.

See Also

RecordSet.addView( ) , RecordSet.getLength( ) , RecordSet.getNumberAvailable( ) , RecordSet.setDeliveryMode( ) ; Chapter 4 and Chapter 5

Flash Remoting
Flash Remoting: The Definitive Guide
ISBN: 059600401X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 239
Authors: Tom Muck © 2008-2017.
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