Examples: COMPARE Procedure

Example 1: Producing a Complete Report of the Differences

Procedure features:

  • PROC COMPARE statement options

    • BASE=


    • COMPARE=

Data sets:

  • PROCLIB.ONE, PROCLIB.TWO on page 224

This example shows the most complete report that PROC COMPARE produces as procedure output.


Declare the PROCLIB SAS data library.

 libname proclib '  SAS-data-library  '; 

Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=40; 

Create a complete report of the differences between two data sets. BASE= and COMPARE= specify the data sets to compare. PRINTALL prints a full report of the differences.

 proc compare base=proclib.one compare=proclib.two printall;     title 'Comparing Two Data Sets: Full Report';  run; 


A > in the output marks information that is in the full report but not in the default report. The additional information includes a listing of variables found in one data set but not the other, a listing of observations found in one data set but not the other, a listing of variables with all equal values, and summary statistics. For an explanation of the statistics, see Table of Summary Statistics on page 248.

 Comparing Two Data Sets: Full Report                           1                                  COMPARE Procedure                      Comparison of PROCLIB.ONE with PROCLIB.TWO                                    (Method=EXACT)                                  Data Set Summary  Dataset                Created           Modified   NVar    NObs   Label  PROCLIB.ONE   11SEP97:16:19:59   11SEP97:16:20:01      5       4   First Data Set  PROCLIB.TWO   11SEP97:16:20:01   11SEP97:16:20:01      6       5   Second Data Set                                  Variables Summary                 Number of Variables in Common: 5.                 Number of Variables in PROCLIB.TWO but not in PROCLIB.ONE: 1.                 Number of Variables with Conflicting Types: 1.                 Number of Variables with Differing Attributes: 3.             Listing of Variables in PROCLIB.TWO but not in PROCLIB.ONE                               Variable  Type  Length  >                             major     Char       8                 Listing of Common Variables with Conflicting Types                        Variable  Dataset      Type  Length                        student   PROCLIB.ONE  Num        8                                  PROCLIB.TWO  Char       8 
 Comparing Two Data Sets: Full Report                        2                                  COMPARE Procedure                      Comparison of PROCLIB.ONE with PROCLIB.TWO                                    (Method=EXACT)                Listing of Common Variables with Differing Attributes              Variable  Dataset      Type  Length  Format  Label              year      PROCLIB.ONE  Char       8          Year of Birth                        PROCLIB.TWO  Char       8              state     PROCLIB.ONE  Char       8                        PROCLIB.TWO  Char       8          Home State              gr1       PROCLIB.ONE  Num        8  4.1                        PROCLIB.TWO  Num        8  5.2                         Comparison Results for Observations  >         Observation 5 in PROCLIB.TWO not found in PROCLIB.ONE.                                 Observation Summary                            Observation      Base  Compare                            First Obs           1        1                            First Unequal       1        1                            Last  Unequal       4        4                            Last  Match         4        4                            Last  Obs           .        5           Number of Observations in Common: 4.           Number of Observations in PROCLIB.TWO but not in PROCLIB.ONE: 1.           Total Number of Observations Read from PROCLIB.ONE: 4.           Total Number of Observations Read from PROCLIB.TWO: 5.           Number of Observations with Some Compared Variables Unequal: 4.           Number of Observations with All Compared Variables Equal: 0. 
 Comparing Two Data Sets: Full Report                           3                                  COMPARE Procedure                      Comparison of PROCLIB.ONE with PROCLIB.TWO                                    (Method=EXACT)                              Values Comparison Summary           Number of Variables Compared with All Observations Equal: 1.           Number of Variables Compared with Some Observations Unequal: 3.           Total Number of Values which Compare Unequal: 6.           Maximum Difference: 20.                           Variables with All Equal Values  >                      Variable  Type  Len   Label                        year      CHAR    8   Year of Birth                            Variables with Unequal Values                 Variable  Type  Len   Compare Label  Ndif   MaxDif                 state     CHAR    8   Home State        2                 gr1       NUM     8                     2    1.000                 gr2       NUM     8                     2   20.000 
 Comparing Two Data Sets: Full Report                       4                      COMPARE Procedure          Comparison of PROCLIB.ONE with PROCLIB.TWO                        (Method=EXACT)            Value Comparison Results for Variables  __________________________________________________________               Year of Birth               Base Value           Compare Value         Obs   year                  year   ________    ________              ________                       1    1970                  1970          2    1971                  1971          3    1969                  1969          4    1970                  1970  __________________________________________________________  __________________________________________________________               Home State               Base Value          Compare Value          Obs  state                state    ________   ________             ________                         1   NC                    NC           2   MD                    MA           3   PA                    PA           4   MA                    MD  __________________________________________________________ 
 Comparing Two Data Sets: Full Report                              5                                 COMPARE Procedure                     Comparison of PROCLIB.ONE with PROCLIB.TWO                                   (Method=EXACT)                       Value Comparison Results for Variables             __________________________________________________________                               Base    Compare                    Obs         gr1        gr1      Diff.     % Diff              ________    _________  _________  _________  _________                                             1         85.0      84.00    -1.0000    -1.1765                     2         92.0      92.00          0          0                     3         78.0      79.00     1.0000     1.2821                     4         87.0      87.00          0          0              ________    _________  _________  _________  _________  >                                      N                4          4          4          4                Mean        85.5000    85.5000          0     0.0264                Std          5.8023     5.4467     0.8165     1.0042                Max         92.0000    92.0000     1.0000     1.2821                Min         78.0000    79.0000    -1.0000    -1.1765               StdErr        2.9011     2.7234     0.4082     0.5021                 t          29.4711    31.3951     0.0000     0.0526              Prob>t       <.0001     <.0001     1.0000     0.9614                                       Ndif               2     50.000%              DifMeans        0.000%     0.000%         0               r, rsq         0.991      0.983             __________________________________________________________ 
 Comparing Two Data Sets: Full Report                               6                                 COMPARE Procedure                     Comparison of PROCLIB.ONE with PROCLIB.TWO                                   (Method=EXACT)                       Value Comparison Results for Variables             __________________________________________________________                               Base    Compare                    Obs         gr2        gr2      Diff.     % Diff              ________    _________  _________  _________  _________                                             1      87.0000    87.0000          0          0                     2      92.0000    92.0000          0          0                     3      72.0000    73.0000     1.0000     1.3889                     4      94.0000    74.0000   -20.0000   -21.2766              ________    _________  _________  _________  _________  >                                      N                4          4          4          4                Mean        86.2500    81.5000    -4.7500    -4.9719                Std          9.9457     9.4692    10.1776    10.8895                Max         94.0000    92.0000     1.0000     1.3889                Min         72.0000    73.0000   -20.0000   -21.2766               StdErr        4.9728     4.7346     5.0888     5.4447                 t          17.3442    17.2136    -0.9334    -0.9132              Prob>t       0.0004     0.0004     0.4195     0.4285                                       Ndif               2     50.000%              DifMeans       -5.507%    -5.828%   -4.7500               r, rsq         0.451      0.204             __________________________________________________________ 

Example 2: Comparing Variables in Different Data Sets

Procedure features:

  • PROC COMPARE statement option


  • VAR statement

  • WITH statement

Data sets:

  • PROCLIB.ONE, PROCLIB.TWO on page 224.

This example compares a variable from the base data set with a variable in the comparison data set. All summary reports are suppressed.


Declare the PROCLIB SAS data library.

 libname proclib '  SAS-data-library  '; 

Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=40; 

Suppress all summary reports of the differences between two data sets. BASE= specifies the base data set and COMPARE= specifies the comparison data set. NOSUMMARY suppresses all summary reports.

 proc compare base=proclib.one compare=proclib.two nosummary; 

Specify one variable from the base data set to compare with one variable from the comparison data set. The VAR and WITH statements specify the variables to compare. This example compares GR1 from the base data set with GR2 from the comparison data set.

 var gr1;     with gr2;     title 'Comparison of Variables in Different Data Sets';  run; 


 Comparison of Variables in Different Data Sets                       1                                 COMPARE Procedure                     Comparison of PROCLIB.ONE with PROCLIB.TWO                                   (Method=EXACT)  NOTE: Data set PROCLIB.TWO contains 1 observations not in PROCLIB.ONE.  NOTE: Values of the following 1 variables compare unequal: gr1^=gr2                       Value Comparison Results for Variables             __________________________________________________________                               Base    Compare                    Obs         gr1        gr2      Diff.     % Diff              ________    _________  _________  _________  _________                                             1         85.0    87.0000     2.0000     2.3529                     3         78.0    73.0000    -5.0000    -6.4103                     4         87.0    74.0000   -13.0000   -14.9425             __________________________________________________________ 

Example 3: Comparing a Variable Multiple Times

Procedure features:

  • VAR statement

  • WITH statement

Data sets:

  • PROCLIB.ONE, PROCLIB.TWO on page 224.

This example compares one variable from the base data set with two variables in the comparison data set.


Declare the PROCLIB SAS data library.

 libname proclib '  SAS-data-library  '; 

Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=40; 

Suppress all summary reports of the differences between two data sets. BASE= specifies the base data set and COMPARE= specifies the comparison data set. NOSUMMARY suppresses all summary reports.

 proc compare base=proclib.one compare=proclib.two nosummary; 

Specify one variable from the base data set to compare with two variables from the comparison data set. The VAR and WITH statements specify the variables to compare. This example compares GR1 from the base data set with GR1 and GR2 from the comparison data set.

 var gr1 gr1;     with gr1 gr2;     title 'Comparison of One Variable with Two Variables';  run; 


The Value Comparison Results section shows the result of the comparison.

 Comparison of One Variable with Two Variables                        1                                 COMPARE Procedure                     Comparison of PROCLIB.ONE with PROCLIB.TWO                                   (Method=EXACT)  NOTE: Data set PROCLIB.TWO contains 1 observations not in PROCLIB.ONE.  NOTE: Values of the following 2 variables compare unequal: gr1^=gr1 gr1^=gr2                       Value Comparison Results for Variables             __________________________________________________________                               Base    Compare                    Obs         gr1        gr1      Diff.     % Diff              ________    _________  _________  _________  _________                                             1         85.0      84.00    -1.0000    -1.1765                     3         78.0      79.00     1.0000     1.2821             __________________________________________________________             __________________________________________________________                               Base    Compare                    Obs         gr1        gr2      Diff.     % Diff              ________    _________  _________  _________  _________                                             1         85.0    87.0000     2.0000     2.3529                     3         78.0    73.0000    -5.0000    -6.4103                     4         87.0    74.0000   -13.0000   -14.9425             __________________________________________________________ 

Example 4: Comparing Variables That Are in the Same Data Set

Procedure features:

  • PROC COMPARE statement options



  • VAR statement

  • WITH statement

Data set:

  • PROCLIB.ONE on page 224.

This example shows that PROC COMPARE can compare two variables that are in the same data set.


Declare the PROCLIB SAS data library.

 libname proclib '  SAS-data-library  '; 

Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=40; 

Create a short summary report of the differences within one data set. ALLSTATS prints summary statistics. BRIEFSUMMARY prints only a short comparison summary.

 proc compare base=proclib.one allstats briefsummary; 

Specify two variables from the base data set to compare. The VAR and WITH statements specify the variables in the base data set to compare. This example compares GR1 with GR2. Because there is no comparison data set, the variables GR1 and GR2 must be in the base data set.

 var gr1;     with gr2;     title 'Comparison of Variables in the Same Data Set';  run; 


 Comparison of Variables in the Same Data Set                               1                                 COMPARE Procedure                      Comparisons of variables in PROCLIB.ONE                                   (Method=EXACT)  NOTE: Values of the following 1 variables compare unequal: gr1^=gr2                       Value Comparison Results for Variables             __________________________________________________________                               Base    Compare                    Obs         gr1        gr2      Diff.     % Diff              ________    _________  _________  _________  _________                                             1         85.0    87.0000     2.0000     2.3529                     3         78.0    72.0000    -6.0000    -7.6923                     4         87.0    94.0000     7.0000     8.0460              ________    _________  _________  _________  _________                                         N                4          4          4          4                Mean        85.5000    86.2500     0.7500     0.6767                Std          5.8023     9.9457     5.3774     6.5221                Max         92.0000    94.0000     7.0000     8.0460                Min         78.0000    72.0000    -6.0000    -7.6923               StdErr        2.9011     4.9728     2.6887     3.2611                 t          29.4711    17.3442     0.2789     0.2075              Prob>t      <.0001     0.0004     0.7984     0.8489                                       Ndif               3     75.000%              DifMeans        0.877%     0.870%    0.7500               r, rsq         0.898      0.807             __________________________________________________________ 

Example 5: Comparing Observations with an ID Variable

Procedure features:

  • ID statement

In this example, PROC COMPARE compares only the observations that have matching values for the ID variable.


Declare the PROCLIB SAS data library.

 libname proclib '  SAS-data-library  '; 

Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=40; 

Create the PROCLIB.EMP95 and PROCLIB.EMP96 data sets. PROCLIB.EMP95 and PROCLIB.EMP96 contain employee data. IDNUM works well as an ID variable because it has unique values. A DATA step on page 1405 creates PROCLIB.EMP95. A DATA step on page 1406 creates PROCLIB.EMP96.

 data proclib.emp95;     input #1 idnum . @6 name .           #2 address .           #3 salary 6.;     datalines;  2388 James Schmidt  100 Apt. C Blount St. SW Raleigh NC 27693  92100  2457 Fred Williams  99 West Lane  Garner NC 27509  33190  ...  more data lines  ...  3888 Kim Siu  5662 Magnolia Blvd Southeast Cary NC 27513  77558  ;  data proclib.emp96;     input #1 idnum . @6 name .           #2 address .           #3 salary 6.;     datalines;  2388 James Schmidt  100 Apt. C Blount St. SW Raleigh NC 27693  92100  2457 Fred Williams  99 West Lane Garner NC 27509  33190  ...  more data lines  ...  6544 Roger Monday  3004 Crepe Myrtle Court Raleigh NC 27604  47007  ; 

Sort the data sets by the ID variable. Both data sets must be sorted by the variable that will be used as the ID variable in the PROC COMPARE step. OUT= specifies the location of the sorted data.

 proc sort data=proclib.emp95 out=emp95_byidnum;   by idnum;  run;  proc sort data=proclib.emp96 out=emp96_byidnum;     by idnum;  run; 

Create a summary report that compares observations with matching values for the ID variable. The ID statement specifies IDNUM as the ID variable.

 proc compare base=emp95_byidnum compare=emp96_byidnum;     id idnum;     title 'Comparing Observations that Have Matching IDNUMs';  run; 


PROC COMPARE identifies specific observations by the value of IDNUM. In the Value Comparison Results for Variables section, PROC COMPARE prints the nonmatching addresses and nonmatching salaries. For salaries, PROC COMPARE computes the numerical difference and the percent difference. Because ADDRESS is a character variable, PROC COMPARE displays only the first 20 characters . For addresses where the observation has an IDNUM of 0987 , 2776 , or 3888 , the differences occur after the 20th character and the differences do not appear in the output. The plus sign in the output indicates that the full value is not shown. To see the entire value, create an output data set. See Example 6 on page 268.

 Comparing Observations that Have Matching IDNUMs                  1                                COMPARE Procedure             Comparison of WORK.EMP95_BYIDNUM with WORK.EMP96_BYIDNUM                                  (Method=EXACT)                                Data Set Summary      Dataset                       Created          Modified  NVar    NObs      WORK.EMP95_BYIDNUM   13MAY98:16:03:36  13MAY98:16:03:36     4      10      WORK.EMP96_BYIDNUM   13MAY98:16:03:36  13MAY98:16:03:36     4      12                                Variables Summary                      Number of Variables in Common: 4.                      Number of ID Variables: 1.                               Observation Summary                     Observation      Base  Compare  ID                     First Obs           1        1  idnum=0987                     First Unequal       1        1  idnum=0987                     Last   Unequal     10       12  idnum=9857                     Last   Obs         10       12  idnum=9857  Number of Observations in Common: 10.  Number of Observations in WORK.EMP96_BYIDNUM but not in WORK.EMP95_BYIDNUM: 2.  Total Number of Observations Read from WORK.EMP95_BYIDNUM: 10.  Total Number of Observations Read from WORK.EMP96_BYIDNUM: 12.  Number of Observations with Some Compared Variables Unequal: 5.  Number of Observations with All Compared Variables Equal: 5.                 Comparing Observations that Have Matching IDNUMs                  2                                COMPARE Procedure             Comparison of WORK.EMP95_BYIDNUM with WORK.EMP96_BYIDNUM                                  (Method=EXACT)                            Values Comparison Summary         Number of Variables Compared with All Observations Equal: 1.         Number of Variables Compared with Some Observations Unequal: 2.         Total Number of Values which Compare Unequal: 8.         Maximum Difference: 2400.                          Variables with Unequal Values                       Variable  Type  Len  Ndif   MaxDif                       address   CHAR   42     4                       salary    NUM     8     4     2400                      Value Comparison Results for Variables             _______________________________________________________                       Base Value           Compare Value              idnum    address               address              _____    ___________________+  ___________________+                                   0987     2344 Persimmons Bran  2344 Persimmons Bran              2776     12988 Wellington Far  12988 Wellington Far              3888     5662 Magnolia Blvd S  5662 Magnolia Blvd S              9857     1000 Taft Ave. Morri  100 Taft Ave. Morris             _______________________________________________________                 Comparing Observations that Have Matching IDNUMs               3                                COMPARE Procedure             Comparison of WORK.EMP95_BYIDNUM with WORK.EMP96_BYIDNUM                                  (Method=EXACT)                      Value Comparison Results for Variables             _______________________________________________________                            Base    Compare              idnum       salary     salary      Diff.     % Diff              _____    _________  _________  _________  _________                                   0987         44010      45110       1100     2.4994              3286         87734      89834       2100     2.3936              3888         77558      79958       2400     3.0945              9857         38756      40456       1700     4.3864             _______________________________________________________ 

Example 6: Comparing Values of Observations Using an Output Data Set (OUT=)

Procedure features:

  • PROC COMPARE statement options:


    • OUT=




    • OUTDIF


Other features: PRINT procedure

Data sets: PROCLIB.EMP95 and PROCLIB.EMP96 on page 265

This example creates and prints an output data set that shows the differences between matching observations.

In Example 5 on page 264, the output does not show the differences past the 20th character. The output data set in this example shows the full values. Further, it shows the observations that occur in only one of the data sets.


Declare the PROCLIB SAS data library.

 libname proclib '  SAS-data-library  '; 

Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=120 pagesize=40; 

Sort the data sets by the ID variable. Both data sets must be sorted by the variable that will be used as the ID variable in the PROC COMPARE step. OUT= specifies the location of the sorted data.

 proc sort data=proclib.emp95 out=emp95_byidnum;   by idnum;  run;  proc sort data=proclib.emp96 out=emp96_byidnum;     by idnum;  run; 

Specify the data sets to compare. BASE= and COMPARE= specify the data sets to compare.

 proc compare base=emp95_byidnum compare=emp96_byidnum 

Create the output data set RESULT and include all unequal observations and their differences. OUT= names and creates the output data set. NOPRINT suppresses the printing of the procedure output. OUTNOEQUAL includes only observations that are judged unequal. OUTBASE writes an observation to the output data set for each observation in the base data set. OUTCOMP writes an observation to the output data set for each observation in the comparison data set. OUTDIF writes an observation to the output data set that contains the differences between the two observations.

 out=result outnoequal outbase outcomp outdif  noprint; 

Specify the ID variable. The ID statement specifies IDNUM as the ID variable.

 id idnum;  run; 

Print the output data set RESULT and use the BY and ID statements with the ID variable. PROC PRINT prints the output data set. Using the BY and ID statements with the same variable makes the output easy to read. See Chapter 35, The PRINT Procedure, on page 719 for more information on this technique.

 proc print data=result noobs;     by idnum;     id idnum;     title 'The Output Data Set RESULT';  run; 


The differences for character variables are noted with an X or a period (.). An X shows that the characters do not match. A period shows that the characters do match. For numeric variables, an E means that there is no difference. Otherwise, the numeric difference is shown. By default, the output data set shows that two observations in the comparison data set have no matching observation in the base data set. You do not have to use an option to make those observations appear in the output data set.

 The Output Data Set RESULT                                                       1  idnum      _TYPE_      _OBS_     name               address                                                salary  0987       BASE           1      Dolly Lunford      2344 Persimmons Branch  Apex NC 27505                   44010             COMPARE        1      Dolly Lunford      2344 Persimmons Branch Trail Apex NC 27505              45110             DIF            1      ...............    .......................XXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXX               1100  2776       BASE           5      Robert Jones       12988 Wellington Farms Ave. Cary NC 27512               29025             COMPARE        5      Robert Jones       12988 Wellington Farms Ave. Cary NC 27511               29025             DIF            5      ...............    ........................................X.                  E  3278       COMPARE        6      Mary Cravens       211 N. Cypress St. Cary NC 27512                        35362  3286       BASE           6      Hoa Nguyen         2818 Long St. Cary NC 27513                             87734             COMPARE        7      Hoa Nguyen         2818 Long St. Cary NC 27513                             89834             DIF            6      ...............    ..........................................               2100  3888       BASE           7      Kim Siu            5662 Magnolia Blvd Southeast Cary NC 27513              77558             COMPARE        8      Kim Siu            5662 Magnolia Blvd Southwest Cary NC 27513              79958             DIF            7      ...............    ........................XX................               2400  6544       COMPARE        9      Roger Monday       3004 Crepe Myrtle Court Raleigh NC 27604                47007  9857       BASE          10      Kathy Krupski      1000 Taft Ave. Morrisville NC 27508                     38756             COMPARE       12      Kathy Krupski      100 Taft Ave. Morrisville NC 27508                      40456             DIF           10      ...............    ...XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXX.......               1700 

Example 7: Creating an Output Data Set of Statistics (OUTSTATS=)

Procedure features:

  • PROC COMPARE statement options:



Data sets: PROCLIB.EMP95, PROCLIB.EMP96 on page 265

This example creates an output data set that contains summary statistics for the numeric variables that are compared.


Declare the PROCLIB SAS data library.

 libname proclib '  SAS-data-library  '; 

Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=40; 

Sort the data sets by the ID variable. Both data sets must be sorted by the variable that will be used as the ID variable in the PROC COMPARE step. OUT= specifies the location of the sorted data.

 proc sort data=proclib.emp95 out=emp95_byidnum;   by idnum;  run;  proc sort data=proclib.emp96 out=emp96_byidnum;     by idnum;  run; 

Create the output data set of statistics and compare observations that have matching values for the ID variable. BASE= and COMPARE= specify the data sets to compare. OUTSTATS= creates the output data set DIFFSTAT. NOPRINT suppresses the procedure output. The ID statement specifies IDNUM as the ID variable. PROC COMPARE uses the values of IDNUM to match observations.

 proc compare base=emp95_byidnum compare=emp96_byidnum               outstats=diffstat noprint;     id idnum;  run; 

Print the output data set DIFFSTAT. PROC PRINT prints the output data set DIFFSTAT.

 proc print data=diffstat noobs;     title 'The DIFFSTAT Data Set';  run; 


The variables are described in Output Statistics Data Set (OUTSTATS=) on page 253.

 The DIFFSTAT Data Set                         1  _VAR_     _TYPE_      _BASE_     _COMP_     _DIF_    _PCTDIF_  salary    N            10.00      10.00     10.00     10.0000  salary    MEAN      52359.00   53089.00    730.00      1.2374  salary    STD       24143.84   24631.01    996.72      1.6826  salary    MAX       92100.00   92100.00   2400.00      4.3864  salary    MIN       29025.00   29025.00      0.00      0.0000  salary    STDERR     7634.95    7789.01    315.19      0.5321  salary    T             6.86       6.82      2.32      2.3255  salary    PROBT         0.00       0.00      0.05      0.0451  salary    NDIF          4.00      40.00       .         .  salary    DIFMEANS      1.39       1.38    730.00       .  salary    R,RSQ         1.00       1.00       .         . 

Base SAS 9.1.3 Procedures Guide (Vol. 1)
Base SAS 9.1 Procedures Guide, Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4
ISBN: 1590472047
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 260

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