Chapter 16 Stored Code


Add a function in school_api package specification called get_course_descript. The caller takes a course.cnumber%TYPE parameter and it returns a course.description%TYPE.


Answer: Your answer should look similar to the following:

 CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE student_api AS v_current_date DATE; PROCEDURE discount; FUNCTION new_instructor_id RETURN instructor.instructor_id%TYPE; FUNCTION total_cost_for_student (p_student_id IN student.student_id%TYPE) RETURN course.cost%TYPE; PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES (total_cost_for_student, WNDS, WNPS, RNPS); PROCEDURE get_student_info (p_student_id IN student.student_id%TYPE, p_last_name OUT student.last_name%TYPE, p_first_name OUT student.first_name%TYPE, p_zip OUT, p_return_code OUT NUMBER); PROCEDURE get_student_info (p_last_name IN student.last_name%TYPE, p_first_name IN student.first_name%TYPE, p_student_id OUT student.student_id%TYPE, p_zip OUT, p_return_code OUT NUMBER); PROCEDURE remove_student (p_studid IN student.student_id%TYPE, p_ri IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'R'); FUNCTION get_course_descript (p_cnumber course.course_no%TYPE) RETURN course.description%TYPE; END student_api; 

Create a function in the school_api package body called get_course_description. A caller passes in a course number and it returns the course description. Instead of searching for the description itself, it makes a call to get_course_descript_private. It passes its course number to get_course_descript_private. It passes back to the caller the description it gets back from get_course_descript_private.


Answer: Your answer should look similar to the following:

 CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY student_api AS PROCEDURE discount IS CURSOR c_group_discount IS SELECT distinct s.course_no, c.description FROM section s, enrollment e, course c WHERE s.section_id = e.section_id GROUP BY s.course_no, c.description, e.section_id, s.section_id HAVING COUNT(*) >=8; BEGIN FOR r_group_discount IN c_group_discount LOOP UPDATE course SET cost = cost * .95 WHERE course_no = r_group_discount.course_no; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('A 5% discount has been given to' r_group_discount.course_no' ' r_group_discount.description); END LOOP; END discount; FUNCTION new_instructor_id RETURN instructor.instructor_id%TYPE IS v_new_instid instructor.instructor_id%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT INSTRUCTOR_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO v_new_instid FROM dual; RETURN v_new_instid; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DECLARE v_sqlerrm VARCHAR2(250) := SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,250); BEGIN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20003, 'Error in instructor_id: ' v_sqlerrm); END; END new_instructor_id; FUNCTION get_course_descript_private (p_course_no course.course_no%TYPE) RETURN course.description%TYPE IS v_course_descript course.description%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT description INTO v_course_descript FROM course WHERE course_no = p_course_no; RETURN v_course_descript; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN NULL; END get_course_descript_private; FUNCTION total_cost_for_student (p_student_id IN student.student_id%TYPE) RETURN course.cost%TYPE IS v_cost course.cost%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT sum(cost) INTO v_cost FROM course c, section s, enrollment e WHERE c.course_no = c.course_no AND e.section_id = s.section_id AND e.student_id = p_student_id; RETURN v_cost; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN NULL; END total_cost_for_student; PROCEDURE get_student_info (p_student_id IN student.student_id%TYPE, p_last_name OUT student.last_name%TYPE, p_first_name OUT student.first_name%TYPE, p_zip OUT, p_return_code OUT NUMBER) IS BEGIN SELECT last_name, first_name, zip INTO p_last_name, p_first_name, p_zip FROM student WHERE student.student_id = p_student_id; p_return_code := 0; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Student ID is not valid.'); p_return_code := -100; p_last_name := NULL; p_first_name := NULL; p_zip := NULL; WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Error in procedure get_student_info'); END get_student_info; PROCEDURE get_student_info (p_last_name IN student.last_name%TYPE, p_first_name IN student.first_name%TYPE, p_student_id OUT student.student_id%TYPE, p_zip OUT, p_return_code OUT NUMBER) IS BEGIN SELECT student_id, zip INTO p_student_id, p_zip FROM student WHERE UPPER(last_name) = UPPER(p_last_name) AND UPPER(first_name) = UPPER(p_first_name); p_return_code := 0; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Student name is not valid.'); p_return_code := -100; p_student_id := NULL; p_zip := NULL; WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Error in procedure get_student_info'); END get_student_info; PROCEDURE remove_student -- the parameters student_id and p_ri give user an -- option of cascade delete or restrict delete for -- the given students records (p_studid IN student.student_id%TYPE, p_ri IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'R') IS -- declare exceptions for use in procedure enrollment_present EXCEPTION; bad_pri EXCEPTION; BEGIN -- the R value is for restrict delete option IF p_ri = 'R' THEN DECLARE -- a variable is needed to test if the student -- is in the enrollment table v_dummy CHAR(1); BEGIN -- This is a standard existence check -- If v_dummy is assigned a value via the -- SELECT INTO, the exception -- enrollment_present will be raised -- If the v_dummy is not assigned a value, the -- exception no_data_found will be raised SELECT NULL INTO v_dummy FROM enrollment e WHERE e.student_id = p_studid AND ROWNUM = 1; -- The rownum set to 1 prevents the SELECT -- INTO statement raise to_many_rows -- exception -- If there is at least one row in enrollment -- table with corresponding student_id, the -- restrict delete parameter will disallow -- the deletion of the student by raising -- the enrollment_present exception RAISE enrollment_present; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN -- The no_data_found exception is raised -- when there are no students found in the -- enrollment table -- Since the p_ri indicates a restrict -- delete user choice the delete operation -- is permitted DELETE FROM student WHERE student_id = p_studid; END; -- when the user enter "C" for the p_ri -- he/she indicates a cascade delete choice ELSIF p_ri = 'C' THEN -- delete the student from the enrollment and -- grade tables DELETE FROM enrollment WHERE student_id = p_studid; DELETE FROM grade WHERE student_id = p_studid; -- delete from student table only after -- corresponding records have been removed from -- the other tables because the student table is -- the parent table DELETE FROM student WHERE student_id = p_studid; ELSE RAISE bad_pri; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN bad_pri THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20231, 'An incorrect p_ri value was ' 'entered. The remove_student procedure can ' 'only accept a C or R for the p_ri 'parameter.'); WHEN enrollment_present THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20239, 'The student with ID'p_studid ' exists in the enrollment table thus records' ' will not be removed.'); END remove_student; FUNCTION get_course_descript (p_cnumber course.course_no%TYPE) RETURN course.description%TYPE IS BEGIN RETURN get_course_descript_private(p_cnumber); END get_course_descript; BEGIN SELECT trunc( sysdate , 'DD') INTO v_current_date FROM dual; END student_api; 

Add a PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES for get_course_description specifying the following: writes no database state, writes no package state, and reads no package state.


Answer: Your answer should look similar to the following:

 CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE student_api AS v_current_date DATE; PROCEDURE discount; FUNCTION new_instructor_id RETURN instructor.instructor_id%TYPE; FUNCTION total_cost_for_student (p_student_id IN student.student_id%TYPE) RETURN course.cost%TYPE; PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES (total_cost_for_student, WNDS, WNPS, RNPS); PROCEDURE get_student_info (p_student_id IN student.student_id%TYPE, p_last_name OUT student.last_name%TYPE, p_first_name OUT student.first_name%TYPE, p_zip OUT, p_return_code OUT NUMBER); PROCEDURE get_student_info (p_last_name IN student.last_name%TYPE, p_first_name IN student.first_name%TYPE, p_student_id OUT student.student_id%TYPE, p_zip OUT, p_return_code OUT NUMBER); PROCEDURE remove_student (p_studid IN student.student_id%TYPE, p_ri IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'R'); FUNCTION get_course_descript (p_cnumber course.course_no%TYPE) RETURN course.description%TYPE; PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES (get_course_descript,WNDS, WNPS, RNPS); END student_api; 

Oracle PL[s]SQL by Example
Oracle PL[s]SQL by Example
ISBN: 3642256902
Year: 2003
Pages: 289 © 2008-2017.
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