Chapter 14 Packages


Oracle® PL/SQL® Interactive Workbook, Second Edition
By Benjamin Rosenzweig, Elena Silvestrova
Table of Contents
Appendix D.  Answers to Test Your Thinking Sections


Add a procedure to the student_api package called remove_student. This procedure accepts a student_id and returns nothing. Based on the student id passed in, it removes the student from the database. If the student does not exist or there is a problem removing the student (such as a foreign key constraint violation), then let the calling program handle it.


 CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE student_api AS     v_current_date DATE;     PROCEDURE discount;     FUNCTION new_instructor_id        RETURN instructor.instructor_id%TYPE;     FUNCTION total_cost_for_student        (p_student_id IN student.student_id%TYPE)        RETURN course.cost%TYPE;     PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES        (total_cost_for_student, WNDS, WNPS, RNPS);     PROCEDURE get_student_info         (p_student_id   IN  student.student_id%TYPE,          p_last_name    OUT student.last_name%TYPE,          p_first_name   OUT student.first_name%TYPE,          p_zip          OUT,          p_return_code  OUT NUMBER);     PROCEDURE get_student_info         (p_last_name   IN student.last_name%TYPE,          p_first_name  IN student.first_name%TYPE,          p_student_id  OUT student.student_id%TYPE,          p_zip         OUT,          p_return_code OUT NUMBER);     PROCEDURE remove_student         (p_studid IN student.student_id%TYPE);  END student_api;  CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY student_api AS     PROCEDURE discount IS        CURSOR c_group_discount IS           SELECT distinct s.course_no, c.description             FROM section s, enrollment e, course c            WHERE s.section_id = e.section_id           GROUP BY s.course_no, c.description,                    e.section_id, s.section_id           HAVING COUNT(*) >=8;     BEGIN        FOR r_group_discount IN c_group_discount LOOP           UPDATE course           SET cost = cost * .95           WHERE course_no = r_group_discount.course_no;           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE              ('A 5% discount has been given to'||               r_group_discount.course_no||' '||               r_group_discount.description);     END LOOP;  END discount;  FUNCTION new_instructor_id     RETURN instructor.instructor_id%TYPE  IS     v_new_instid instructor.instructor_id%TYPE;  BEGIN     SELECT INSTRUCTOR_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL       INTO v_new_instid       FROM dual;     RETURN v_new_instid;  EXCEPTION     WHEN OTHERS THEN        DECLARE              v_sqlerrm VARCHAR2(250) :=                 SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,250);           BEGIN              RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR                 (-20003, 'Error in instructor_id: '||                    v_sqlerrm);           END;     END new_instructor_id;     FUNCTION get_course_descript_private        (p_course_no  course.course_no%TYPE)        RETURN course.description%TYPE     IS        v_course_descript course.description%TYPE;     BEGIN        SELECT description          INTO v_course_descript          FROM course         WHERE course_no = p_course_no;        RETURN v_course_descript;     EXCEPTION        WHEN OTHERS THEN           RETURN NULL;     END get_course_descript_private;     FUNCTION total_cost_for_student        (p_student_id IN student.student_id%TYPE)        RETURN course.cost%TYPE     AS        v_cost course.cost%TYPE;     BEGIN        SELECT sum(cost)          INTO v_cost          FROM course c, section s, enrollment e         WHERE c.course_no = c.course_no           AND e.section_id = s.section_id           AND e.student_id = p_student_id;        RETURN v_cost;     EXCEPTION        WHEN OTHERS THEN           RETURN NULL;     END total_cost_for_student;     PROCEDURE get_student_info        (p_student_id   IN  student.student_id%TYPE,         p_last_name    OUT student.last_name%TYPE,         p_first_name   OUT student.first_name%TYPE,         p_zip          OUT,         p_return_code  OUT NUMBER)     IS     BEGIN        SELECT last_name, first_name, zip          INTO p_last_name, p_first_name, p_zip          FROM student         WHERE student.student_id = p_student_id;        p_return_code := 0;     EXCEPTION        WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE              ('Student ID is not valid.');           p_return_code := -100;           p_last_name := NULL;           p_first_name := NULL;           p_zip := NULL;        WHEN OTHERS THEN           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE              ('Error in procedure get_student_info');     END get_student_info;        PROCEDURE get_student_info        (p_last_name   IN student.last_name%TYPE,         p_first_name  IN student.first_name%TYPE,         p_student_id  OUT student.student_id%TYPE,         p_zip         OUT,         p_return_code OUT NUMBER)     IS     BEGIN        SELECT student_id, zip          INTO p_student_id, p_zip          FROM student         WHERE UPPER(last_name) = UPPER(p_last_name)           AND UPPER(first_name) = UPPER(p_first_name);        p_return_code := 0;     EXCEPTION        WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE              ('Student name is not valid.');           p_return_code := -100;           p_student_id := NULL;           p_zip := NULL;       WHEN OTHERS THEN          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE             ('Error in procedure get_student_info');     END get_student_info;     PROCEDURE remove_student       (p_studid IN student.student_id%TYPE)     IS     BEGIN        DELETE          FROM STUDENT         WHERE student_id = p_studid;     END;  BEGIN     SELECT trunc(sysdate, 'DD')       INTO v_current_date       FROM dual;  END student_api; 

Alter remove_student in the student_api package body to accept an additional parameter. This new parameter is a VARCHAR2 and is called p_ri. Make p_ri default to "R." The new parameter may contain a value of "R" or "C." If "R" is received, it represents DELETE RESTRICT and the procedure acts as it does now. If there are enrollments for the student, the delete is disallowed. If a "C" is received, it represents DELETE CASCADE. This functionally means that the remove_student procedure locates all records for the student in all of the CTA tables and removes them from the database before attempting to remove the student from the student table. Decide how to handle the situation where the user passes in a code other than "C" or "R."


Answer: Your answer should look similar to the following:

 CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE student_api AS     v_current_date DATE;     PROCEDURE discount;     FUNCTION new_instructor_id        RETURN instructor.instructor_id%TYPE;     FUNCTION total_cost_for_student        (p_student_id IN student.student_id%TYPE)        RETURN course.cost%TYPE;     PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES        (total_cost_for_student, WNDS, WNPS, RNPS);     PROCEDURE get_student_info        (p_student_id   IN  student.student_id%TYPE,         p_last_name    OUT student.last_name%TYPE,         p_first_name   OUT student.first_name%TYPE,         p_zip          OUT,         p_return_code  OUT NUMBER);     PROCEDURE get_student_info        (p_last_name   IN student.last_name%TYPE,         p_first_name  IN student.first_name%TYPE,         p_student_id  OUT student.student_id%TYPE,         p_zip         OUT,         p_return_code OUT NUMBER);     PROCEDURE remove_student        (p_studid IN student.student_id%TYPE,         p_ri     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'R');  END student_api;  CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY student_api AS     PROCEDURE discount IS        CURSOR c_group_discount IS           SELECT distinct s.course_no, c.description             FROM section s, enrollment e, course c            WHERE s.section_id = e.section_id           GROUP BY s.course_no, c.description,                    e.section_id, s.section_id           HAVING COUNT(*) >=8;     BEGIN        FOR r_group_discount IN c_group_discount LOOP           UPDATE course           SET cost = cost * .95           WHERE course_no = r_group_discount.course_no;           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE              ('A 5% discount has been given to'||               r_group_discount.course_no||' '||               r_group_discount.description);        END LOOP;     END discount;     FUNCTION new_instructor_id        RETURN instructor.instructor_id%TYPE     IS        v_new_instid instructor.instructor_id%TYPE;     BEGIN        SELECT INSTRUCTOR_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL          INTO v_new_instid          FROM dual;        RETURN v_new_instid;     EXCEPTION        WHEN OTHERS THEN           DECLARE              v_sqlerrm VARCHAR2(250) :=                 SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,250);           BEGIN              RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR                 (-20003, 'Error in instructor_id: '||                    v_sqlerrm);           END;     END new_instructor_id;     FUNCTION get_course_descript_private        (p_course_no course.course_no%TYPE)        RETURN course.description%TYPE     IS        v_course_descript course.description%TYPE;     BEGIN        SELECT description          INTO v_course_descript          FROM course         WHERE course_no = p_course_no;        RETURN v_course_descript;     EXCEPTION        WHEN OTHERS THEN           RETURN NULL;     END get_course_descript_private;     FUNCTION total_cost_for_student        (p_student_id IN student.student_id%TYPE)        RETURN course.cost%TYPE     IS        v_cost course.cost%TYPE;     BEGIN        SELECT sum(cost)          INTO v_cost          FROM course c, section s, enrollment e         WHERE c.course_no = c.course_no           AND e.section_id = s.section_id           AND e.student_id = p_student_id;        RETURN v_cost;     EXCEPTION        WHEN OTHERS THEN           RETURN NULL;     END total_cost_for_student;     PROCEDURE get_student_info        (p_student_id   IN  student.student_id%TYPE,         p_last_name    OUT student.last_name%TYPE,         p_first_name   OUT student.first_name%TYPE,         p_zip          OUT,         p_return_code  OUT NUMBER)     IS     BEGIN        SELECT last_name, first_name, zip          INTO p_last_name, p_first_name, p_zip          FROM student         WHERE student.student_id = p_student_id;        p_return_code := 0;     EXCEPTION        WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Student ID is not valid.');           p_return_code := -100;           p_last_name := NULL;           p_first_name := NULL;           p_zip := NULL;        WHEN OTHERS THEN           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE              ('Error in procedure get_student_info');     END get_student_info;     PROCEDURE get_student_info        (p_last_name   IN student.last_name%TYPE,         p_first_name  IN student.first_name%TYPE,         p_student_id  OUT student.student_id%TYPE,         p_zip         OUT,         p_return_code OUT NUMBER)     IS     BEGIN        SELECT student_id, zip          INTO p_student_id, p_zip          FROM student         WHERE UPPER(last_name) = UPPER(p_last_name)           AND UPPER(first_name) = UPPER(p_first_name);       p_return_code := 0;     EXCEPTION        WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE              ('Student name is not valid.');           p_return_code := -100;           p_student_id := NULL;           p_zip := NULL;        WHEN OTHERS THEN           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE              ('Error in procedure get_student_info');     END get_student_info;     PROCEDURE remove_student        -- the parameters student_id and p_ri give user an        -- option of cascade delete or restrict delete for        -- the given students records       (p_studid IN student.student_id%TYPE,        p_ri     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'R')     IS        -- declare exceptions for use in procedure        enrollment_present EXCEPTION;        bad_pri EXCEPTION;     BEGIN     -- R value is for restrict delete option     IF p_ri = 'R' THEN        DECLARE           -- a variable is needed to test if the student           -- is in the enrollment table           v_dummy CHAR(1);        BEGIN           -- This is a standard existence check           -- If v_dummy is assigned a value via the           -- SELECT INTO, the exception           -- enrollment_present will be raised           -- If the v_dummy is not assigned a value, the           -- exception no_data_found will be raised           SELECT NULL             INTO v_dummy             FROM enrollment e            WHERE e.student_id = p_studid              AND ROWNUM = 1;           -- The rownum set to 1 prevents the SELECT           -- INTO statement raise to_many_rows           -- exception           -- If there is at least one row in enrollment           -- table with corresponding student_id, the           -- restrict delete parameter will disallow the           -- deletion of the student by raising           -- the enrollment_present exception           RAISE enrollment_present;        EXCEPTION           WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN              -- The no_data_found exception is raised              -- when there are no students found in the              -- enrollment table Since the p_ri indicates              -- a restrict delete user choice the delete              -- operation is permitted              DELETE FROM student               WHERE student_id = p_studid;        END;     -- when the user enter "C" for the p_ri     -- he/she indicates a cascade delete choice     ELSIF p_ri = 'C' THEN        -- delete the student form the enrollment and        -- grade tables        DELETE          FROM enrollment         WHERE student_id = p_studid;           DELETE             FROM grade            WHERE student_id = p_studid;           -- delete from student table only after           corresponding           -- records have been removed from the other           tables because           -- the student table is the parent table           DELETE             FROM student            WHERE student_id = p_studid;        ELSE           RAISE bad_pri;        END IF;     EXCEPTION        WHEN bad_pri THEN           RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR              (-20231, 'An incorrect p_ri value was '||               'entered. The remove_student procedure can '||               'only accept a C or R for the p_ri               parameter.');        WHEN enrollment_present THEN           RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR              (-20239, 'The student with ID'||p_studid||              ' exists in the enrollment table thus records'||              ' will not be removed.');     END remove_student;  BEGIN     SELECT trunc(sysdate, 'DD')       INTO v_current_date       FROM dual;  END student_api; 


    Oracle PL. SQL Interactive Workbook
    Oracle PL/SQL Interactive Workbook (2nd Edition)
    ISBN: 0130473200
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2002
    Pages: 146 © 2008-2017.
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