Exporting and Consolidating Your Voiceover Track

After you apply your clip effects to all the clips in the VO track, you have the option to export and consolidate the edited voiceover with effects into a unique processed file. You later can archive the file or pass it off as a deliverable to send to a client who wants to hear the audio only.

To do this, you need to turn off the sound for the Music track by clicking off the speaker in that track's track header area. With the timeline active and the speaker off for the Music track but on for the VO track, choose File > Export > Audio.

In the resulting dialog, verify the Windows WAV format 48kHz, 16 bit mono file format settings. Name the file Saleen_VO_Final_FX.wav. At this point, you can use this one processed audio file as opposed to its smaller pieces.


Render and Replace

After you apply audio clip or speed effects, Premiere Pro must render audio files before playing back your timeline. While rendering, the application processes the audio files with effects by creating preview files. Premiere then uses these preview files to play the effects accurately.

You can choose to permanently process a file with effects or speed adjustments applied. Select the file in the timeline, in this case the sped up disclaimer, and choose Clip > Audio Options > Render and Replace.

Premiere Pro then automatically creates a unique clip that is the same duration and has the same effects as the selected clip and saves that file to your disk. Next, Premiere Pro immediately replaces your original file with the newly created processed file.

This entire process is beneficial for exporting a single effect-enhanced audio file from your sequence. It also is helpful when you apply speed changes to a master clip, cut it up numerous times, and then add audio effects. To reduce the overall processing time, you can render and replace a clip, and then apply the effects on top of the replaced version.

Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 Studio Techniques
Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 Studio Techniques
ISBN: 0321385470
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 200

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