Rename Procedure

Rename Procedure




 Rename(   oldpath   ,   newpath   ) 
oldpath (required; String)

The current filename and optional path

newpath (required; String)

The new filename and optional path


Renames a disk file or folder

Rules at a Glance

  • newpath must not already exist, or an error will be generated.

  • oldpath must exist; the Rename procedure isn't able to create a new file or directory.

  • When renaming a file or folder, both newpath and oldpath should include a path to the same folder, or the function will move the file or directory. For instance, the statement:

     Rename("c:\Temp\Graphics", "Images") 

    renames the Graphics folder to Images and moves it so that it becomes a subdirectory of the current directory.

  • Path information included in newpath and oldpath can take the form of the local system's path or the UNC path. The local system path can be either a fully qualified path or a relative path from the current directory.

  • newpath and oldpath can be on different drives , but if they are, Rename cannot both move the files and rename them.

  • newpath and oldpath cannot include the wildcard characters ? and * .

  • You cannot use the Rename procedure with a file that is already open .

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The Rename procedure can be used to move a file from one folder to another and, optionally , to change the file's name at the same time. If the folder specified in newname exists and is different from that stated in oldname , the file will be moved to the folder specified in newname . If the filename in newname is also different, the file will be renamed at the same time.

VB.NET/VB 6 Differences

The Rename procedure is new to VB.NET.


VB.Net Language in a Nutshell
VB.NET Language in a Nutshell
ISBN: B00006L54Q
Year: 2002
Pages: 503 © 2008-2017.
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