bySimon Robinsonet al.
Wrox Press 2002
R \t, Chapter 1: C# and .NET Architecture
r switch, C# compiler \rr1, More on Compiling C# Files
race conditions, threads \i \rrace1, Race Conditions
RadioButton server controls, Web Server Controls
RadioButtonList server controls, Web Server Controls
AutoPostBack property, A Simple User Control
RadioCheck property, MenuItem class, Dynamic Menus
RainbowLabel control example
Label server controls, The RainbowLabel Derived Control
Render method, The RainbowLabel Derived Control
state\b\rstate1, Maintaining State in Custom Controls
RainbowLabel control example \i \rRainbowLabel, The RainbowLabel Derived Control
RangeValidator server controls, Validation Controls
RawValue property, PerformanceCounter class, Add PerformanceCounter Components
RCWs, see ee runtime callable wrapper
Read method, BinaryReader class, Streams
Read method, Console class \rRead1, Console I/O
Read method, FileStream class \rRead1, The FileStream Class
Read method, StreamReader class \rRead2, The StreamReader Class
Read method, XmlTextReader class, Read Methods
Read method, XmlTextReader class \rRead1, Using the XmlTextReader Class
read-only properties, Data Encapsulation
ReadByte method, FileStream class \rReadByte1, The FileStream Class
ReadChars method, XmlTextReader class \rReadChars1, Read Methods
ReadElementString method, XmlTextReader class \rReadElementString1, Read Methods
ReadLine method, Console class, A Closer Look
ReadLine method, StreamReader class, Basic Web Client Example
ReadLine method, StreamReader class \rReadLine1, The StreamReader Class
readonly fields \i \rreadonly1, readonly Fields
readonly keyword, readonly Fields
ReadOnly property, PerformanceCounter class, Add PerformanceCounter Components
ReadOnly property, Windows Forms DataGridColumnStyle class, DataGridTableStyle and DataGridColumnStyle
ReadOnlyChecked property, OpenFileDialog class, OpenFileDialog
ReadStartElement method, XmlTextReader class, Read Methods
ReadString method, XmlTextReader class \rReadString1, Read Methods
ReadWriteText example \i \rReadWriteText1, Example: ReadWriteText
ReadXML method, ADO.NET DataSet class, Reading and Writing a DiffGram
ReadXML method, ADO.NET DataSet class \rReadXML1, Converting XML to ADO.NET Data
ReadXmlSchema method, ADO.NET DataSet class, Reading and Writing a DiffGram
ReadXmlSchema method, ADO.NET DataSet class \rReadXmlSchema1, Converting XML to ADO.NET Data
real proxies, Pluggability of a Proxy
RealProxy class, Pluggability of a Proxy
Receive method, UdpClient class, UDP Class
Recordset objects, ADO, Data Relationships
filling DataSet with Recordset\rrecset, Filling a DataSet with a Recordset
Rectangle struct, Using the Clipping Region
Rectangle struct \i \rRectangle1, Rectangle and RectangleF
RectangleF struct \i\rRectangle1, Rectangle and RectangleF
rectangular arrays \i \rrectangular1, Multidimensional Arrays in C#
ref attribute, channel element, Configuration Files
ref keyword \rref1, Passing Parameters to Methods
ReferalChasing property, Active Directory DirectorySearcher class, Search Limits
reference switch, C# compiler, More on Compiling C# Files
reference types
comparing for equality \b \rcomparing1, Comparing Reference Objects for Equality
memory management \b \rreference1, Memory Management Under the Hood
null keyword \rnull1, Value Types and Reference Types
reference types \i \rreference1, A Note About Reference Types
reference types \i \rreference2, Predefined Reference Types
ReferenceEquals method, Object class, System.Object
value types, Comparing Value Types for Equality
ReferenceEquals method, Object class \i \rReferenceEquals1, ReferenceEquals()
references, objects \rreferences1, Initialization of Variables
referents , A Note About Reference Types
Assembly class \b \rAssembly2, The Assembly Class
Assembly class \rAssembly1, Type Properties
late binding, Late Binding to COM Components
Type class \b \rType1, The System.Type Class
Type class \rType2, The TypeView Example
reflection \i \rreflection1, Reflection
ReflectionPermission, Code Access Permissions and Permissions Sets
RefreshCache method, Active Directory DirectoryEntry class \rRefreshCache1, Cache
Refused Permissions, Requesting Permissions
RegAsm.exe utility
.NET components, registering, RegAsm.exe
.NET components, using with early binding, Early Binding to .NET Components
regedit utility \rregedit1, The Registry
regedit utility \rregedit3, The Registry
regedit32 utility \rregedit2, The Registry
RegEx class, regular expressions, Introduction to Regular Expressions
Matches method \rMatches1, The RegularExpressionsPlayaround Example
RegexOptions enumeration, regular expressions, The RegularExpressionsPlayaround Example
Region class \i \rRegion1, Region
region preprocessor directives \i \rregion1, #region and #endregion
regions , internationalization \i \rregions1, Internationalization and Resources
regions, internationalization \i \rregions2, Region
Register Assembly, see RegAsm.exe utility \t, RegAsm.exe
Register directive
representing custom control in HTML, Custom Controls
representing user control in HTML, A Simple User Control
Register method, ILease interface, Lease Renewals
RegisterActivatedClientType method, RemotingConfiguration class, Activating Client-Activated Objects
RegisterActivatedServiceType method, RemotingConfiguration class, Server for Client Activated Objects
RegisterChannel method, ChannelServices class, ChannelServices and RemotingConfiguration
RegisteredChannels property, ChannelServices class, ChannelServices and RemotingConfiguration
registers, processors, What is Synchronization?
RegisterServiceCtrlHandler method, NativeMethods class, ServiceBase Class
RegisterWellKnownClientType method, RemotingConfiguration class, Activating Well-Known Objects
RegisterWellKnownServiceType method, RemotingConfiguration class, Activating Well-Known Objects
RegisterWellKnownServiceType method, RemotingConfiguration class \rRegisterWellKnownServiceType, ChannelServices and RemotingConfiguration
Registry class, The .NET Registry Classes
registry hives \i \rhives1, The Registry
Registry, Windows
keys \rkeys1, The Registry
Registry, Windows \i \rRegistry1, Reading and Writing to the Registry
RegistryKey class
Close method, The .NET Registry Classes
CreateSubKey method, The .NET Registry Classes
CreateSubKey method \rCreateSubKey1, The .NET Registry Classes
CreateSubKey method \rCreateSubKey2, Example: SelfPlacingWindow
DeleteSubKey method, The .NET Registry Classes
DeleteSubKeyTree method, The .NET Registry Classes
DeleteValue method, The .NET Registry Classes
GetSubKeyNames method, The .NET Registry Classes
GetValue method, Example: SelfPlacingWindow
GetValue method \rGetValue1, The .NET Registry Classes
GetValueNames method, The .NET Registry Classes
Name property, The .NET Registry Classes
OpenSubKey method, Example: SelfPlacingWindow
OpenSubKey method \rOpenSubKey1, The .NET Registry Classes
OpenSubKey method \rOpenSubKey2, Example: SelfPlacingWindow
SetValue method, Example: SelfPlacingWindow
SetValue method \rSetValue1, The .NET Registry Classes
SetValue method \rSetValue2, Example: SelfPlacingWindow
SubKeyCount property, The .NET Registry Classes
ValueCount property, The .NET Registry Classes
RegistryKey class \rRegistryKey1, The .NET Registry Classes
RegistryPermission, Code Access Permissions and Permissions Sets
RegSvcs utility, Using COM+ Services with .NET Assemblies
regular expressions
captures, Matches, Groups, and Captures
groups, Matches, Groups, and Captures
regular expressions \i \rregular1, Regular Expressions
RegularExpressionsPlayaround sample
WriteMatches method, Displaying Results
RegularExpressionsPlayaround sample \i \rRegularExpressionsPlayaround1, The RegularExpressionsPlayaround Example
RegularExpressionValidator server controls, Validation Controls
relational data \i \rrelational1, Converting Relational Data
relationships, databases (see data relationships) \t, Data Relationships
relative distinguished names , Active Directory \i \rrelative1, Relative Distinguished Name
Release configuration, Visual Studio projects \i, Extra Source code Debugging Commands
Release method, IUnknown interface, Releasing COM Objects
ReleaseComObject method, Marshal class, Releasing COM Objects
remarks elements, C# documentation, XML Documentation
remgroup command, Caspol.exe, Deleting a Code Group
remote methods \i \rremotemethods, Passing Objects in Remote Methods
remote objects, .NET Remoting Overview
ASP.NET, Important
distributed identities, Remote Objects
remote objects \i \rremoteobjects1, Remote Objects
remote objects \i \rremoteobjects2, Remote Object
remote servers \i \rremoteservers, Hosting Remote Servers in ASP.NET
RemoteObject class, example, Remote Object
RemoteObject.cs file, example, Remote Object
Remoting\t, Chapter 21: Distributed Applications with .NET Remoting
RemotingConfiguration class, A Simple Server
RegisterActivatedClientType method, Activating Client-Activated Objects
RegisterWellKnownClientType method, Activating Well-Known Objects
RegisterWellKnownServiceType method, A Simple Server
RemotingConfiguration class \i \rRemotingConfiguration, ChannelServices and RemotingConfiguration
RemotingException, Lifetime Management
RemotingServices class, ChannelServices and RemotingConfiguration
Remove method, Active Directory PropertyValueCollection class, Updating Directory Entries
Remove method, ArrayList class, Array Lists
Remove method, StringBuilder class, StringBuilder Members
RemoveAt method, Active Directory PropertyValueCollection class, Updating Directory Entries
Render method, composite custom controls, Creating a Composite Custom Control
Render method, custom controls, Basic Custom Controls
Render method, RainbowLabel control example, The RainbowLabel Derived Control
Render method, Straw Poll control example, The Straw Poll Control
Renew method, ILease interface, Lease Renewals
renewOnCallTime attribute, lifetime element, Lifetime Services in Configuration Files
Repeater server controls, Web Server Controls
Repeater server controls \rRepeater, Data Display with Templates
Replace method, String class, System.String
Replace method, String class \rReplace1, Building Strings
Replace method, StringBuilder class, StringBuilder Members
Replace method, StringBuilder class \rReplace2, Building Strings
replication, Active Directory \i \rreplication1, Replication
requesting permissions\rrequestperm, Requesting Permissions
requests , ASP.NET, Application Configuration
RequiredFieldValidator server controls, Validation Controls
requiredRuntime element, application configuration files, Runtime Version
reset command, Caspol.exe, Resetting Security Policy
Reset method, IEnumerator interface \rReset1, What is a Collection?
resgen utility \i \rresgen1, ResGen
Resolve method, Dns class, DnsLookup Example
resolvegroup command, Caspol.exe, Distributing Code Using Certificates
resolveperm command, Caspol.exe, Viewing an Assembly's Permissions
resource files
e files \b \rbinary1, Using Binary Resource Files
iles \b \rXML1, Using XML Resource Files
internationalization, Outsourcing Translations
internationalization \b \rinternationalization1, Internationalization and Resources
resource files \i \rresource1, Creating Resource Files
ResourceManager class, Localization Example Using Visual Studio .NET
GetObject method \rGetObject1, Localization Example Using Visual Studio .NET
ResourceManager class \rResourceManager1, Using Resource Files
ResourceManager class \rResourceManager2, System.Resources Namespace
ResourceManager class \rResourceManager3, Using XML Resource Files
ResourceSet class \rResourceSet1, System.Resources Namespace
ResourceWriter class \i \rResourceWriter1, ResourceWriter
ResourceWriter class \rResourceWriter2, System.Resources Namespace
response files, C# compiler \i, Response Files
RestoreDirectory property, OpenFileDialog class, OpenFileDialog
restricted zone
managing\rzone, Managing Zones
ResultPropertyCollection class, Active Directory \rResultPropertyCollection1, Search Limits
ResXFileRef class, System.Resources Namespace
ResXResourceReader class, System.Resources Namespace
ResXResourceSet class, System.Resources Namespace
ResXResourceWriter class, System.Resources Namespace
return statements, A Closer Look
return statements \i \rreturn1, The return Statement
return statements \rreturn2, Declaring Methods
returns elements, C# documentation, XML Documentation
returns elements, C# documentation \rreturns1, XML Documentation
Reverse method, Array class \rReverse1, Working with Arrays
RevertAssert method, Permission object, Asserting Permissions
RevertDeny method, Permission object, Denying Permissions
rich clients
compared to thin clients, Windows Applications in .NET
role based security
COM+ services, Security
IsCallerInRole() method, ContextUtil class, Other Useful ContextUtil Methods and Properties
role based security \rrole1, Security
role-based security
declarative\rdeclrole, Declarative Role-Based Security
identity, The Principal
Principal\rprincipal, The Principal
roles, Roles
System.Security.Principal namespace, Declarative Role-Based Security
Windows Principal\rwinprin, Windows Principal
role-based security \i \r rolesecurity, Role-Based Security
compared to permissions, The Principal
Rollback method, Installer class, Installer Class
Rooms database table
Event Booking Application example, Rooms
Root property, DirectoryInfo class, .NET Classes that Represent Files and Folders
Root property, FileInfo class, .NET Classes that Represent Files and Folders
RowFilter property, ADO.NET DataView class, Filtering Rows by Data
Rows property, ADO.NET DataTable class, Data Tables
rows, databases (see data rows, DataRow class) \t, Data Rows
RowState property, ADO.NET DataRow class, Inserting a New Row
RowState property, ADO.NET DataRow class \rRowState1, Data Rows
Rule enumeration, System.Data namespace, Setting Update and Delete Constaints
Run method, Application class, Windows Forms Using Visual Studio .NET
Run method, ServiceBase class, ServiceBase Class
Run method, ServiceBase class \i \rRun1, Main Function
runat attribute, script tag \rrunat, ASP.NET Web Forms
runat attribute, web server controls, ASP.NET Server Controls
RunInstaller attribute, Installer Class
Runtime Callable Wrappers
creating using TlbImp.exe\rtlb, Creating a Wrapper with TlbImp.exe
creating using Visual Studio .NET\rvsn, Creating a Wrapper from Visual Studio .NET
Runtime Callable Wrappers\rrcw, Runtime Callable Wrappers
runtime element, application configuration files \rruntime1, Application Configuration Files

Professional C#. 2nd Edition
Performance Consulting: A Practical Guide for HR and Learning Professionals
ISBN: 1576754359
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 244

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