Chapter 18: COM Services

Chapter 18 - COM+ Services
bySimon Robinsonet al.
Wrox Press 2002


In this chapter, we will look at COM+ Services; what they are, how they have developed, and how they work; and how COM+ Services can be used from .NET.

We'll tackle the first subject in the first part of this chapter. Even if you're an old hand with COM+ Service's forerunner, MTS, you'll benefit from the coverage of new services like message queuing and events. As you'll see, COM+ Services provide much more than transaction support; they are a wealth of prefabricated functionality from which every professional C# programmer can benefit.

The last part of the chapter will address the second subject: how COM+ Services can be used in .NET. There, we'll take a look at the classes, interfaces, and attributes that are in the System.EnterpriseServices namespace. We'll also take a look at the RegSvcs.exe tool. It's at this point that we'll drill down into code samples.

Let's begin by taking a look at how COM+ Services came about.


Professional C#. 2nd Edition
Performance Consulting: A Practical Guide for HR and Learning Professionals
ISBN: 1576754359
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 244 © 2008-2017.
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