

Save method, 139
SaveAsText method, 144
SaveToText method, 142
saving tables to text files, 128 “39
overview, 128 “29
recovering data from Access 2002 XML files, 137 “38
recovering data from comma-delimited text files, 132 “34
saving tables to comma-delimited text files, 129 “32
using Access 2002 XML methods to export tables, 134 “37
using ADO to generate XML files in Access 2000, 139
screen saver password security, 441 “42
Second Copy product, 121, 122
Security command, 348
security commands, renaming, 254 “55
Security dialog, 422
Security library, 135
security newsgroup, Access, 241
security wizards, 333 “45
Access 2000 (or Later) User -Level Security Wizard, 334 “43
overview, 334
results of, 340 “43
steps to protecting data with, 334 “40
Access 97 User-Level Security Wizard, 343 “45
overview, 333
SendKeys method, 124
server-based databases, 10, 359 “60
SetDefaultWorkgroupFile method, 257
SetHiddenAttribute method, 73 “74
SetOptions method, 60, 62, 66
SetWarnings method, 64
SHIFT key. See Bypass Key
shortcut files
and Access protected folder strategy, 436 “37
opening databases with, 323 “31
creating secure shortcut file, 326 “29
creating shortcut file, 323 “26
overview, 323
with read-only command line option, 438
shortcut menu, building, 208 “10
Shortcut Menu property, 213
Show Database Window, 290
Show Hidden Objects option, 53, 290
Show System Objects option, 53
SHUTDOWNHOUR constant, 118
SIDs (special identifiers), 243, 245, 283
Skipped LDB column (on Access Workbench), 175
Smart Access magazine, 20
software piracy, 448
software updates, 446
special identifiers (SIDs), 243, 245, 283
Special Keys option, 30
splitting databases, 87 “97
customized link manager, 93 “94
Database Splitter wizard, 88 “89
delivering new front-end database with linked tables, 91 “93
implementing relinking software, 95
installing front-end databases on client PC, 96 “97
linking by using UNCs, 95 “96
overview, 87
reasons for, 90
when not to, 96
spyware, 446
SQL commands, 259
SQL queries, 18, 291
SQL Server, 360, 406
Startup dialog, 275
Startup Display form, 26 “27
Startup menu bar, 220 “21
startup options
AllowBypassKey property, 42 “45
DDL protection for
software used for, 40 “41
for workgroup-secured databases, 39
further reading, 47
manually changing, 25 “30
for menus and toolbars , 218 “24
overview, 23 “25
programming, 30 “41
demonstration form, 31 “34
manipulating startup properties with VBA code, 34 “37
overview, 30 “31
preventing end users from changing startup properties, 37 “41
using homemade accelerator keys in restricted environments, 45 “47
Startup options dialog, 223
startup properties. See startup options
startup sequence, checking for users who skip, 191 “93
Startup Shortcut menu bar, 222
StartUpProps function, 31, 33, 34, 37, 40
StartupShowDBWindow property, 33, 34
Static statement, 379 “80
Step Through Code key (F8), 104
surveillance. See user and object surveillance
Suspect Exit column (on Access Workbench), 175
suspect state, 165, 171
Switchboard Manager wizard, 204
SysCmd function, 318, 327, 398
system.mdw file, 242

Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security
Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security
ISBN: 1590591267
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 176 © 2008-2017.
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