

passwords. See also database passwords
protecting VBA code with, 305, 382 “84
screen saver password security, 441 “42
selection and protection of, 448
PDF printer driver, 341
peer-to-peer networks, 404, 406, 408, 425, 426
Permission Entry dialog, 432
personal identifiers. See PIDs (personal identifiers)
personal information, removing, 56 “57
PID authentication, 345 “55
Anonymous Windows Authentication (AWinA), 346 “49, 350 “55
Anonymous Windows Authentication Pro, 353 “54
dual workgroups, 354
overview, 345 “46
PIDs (personal identifiers), 243, 296, 309, 318, 336
data, 449
software, 448
programming of startup options, 30 “41
demonstration form, 31 “34
manipulating startup properties with VBA code, 34 “37
overview, 30 “31
preventing end users from changing startup properties, 37 “41
programming practices, good, 81 “107
AutoExec macro, 83 “87
creating, 84 “86
use of, 86 “87
error handling, 97 “105
by Access wizards, 97 “99
effects of not having, 99 “100
overview, 97
removing Debug button, 101 “2
returning code to location of error, 104 “5
writing good code, 102 “4
further reading, 105 “7
overview, 81 “82, 82 “83
splitting databases, 87 “97
customized link manager, 93 “94
Database Splitter wizard, 88 “89
delivering new front-end database with linked tables, 91 “93
implementing relinking software, 95
installing front-end databases on client PC, 96 “97
linking by using UNCs rather than mapped drives , 95 “96
overview, 87
reasons for, 90
when not to, 96
proof-of-concept operating system security, 409 “27
adding users to group , 417 “19
assigning network account to Editors group, 425 “27
overview, 410 “11
preparing databases in protected folder, 410 “11
setting permissions on folder, 420 “24
setting up network share, 411 “13
setting up new Access Editors group, 416 “17
setting up user account, 413 “15
testing new Windows account, 419 “20
testing permissions, 424 “25
protected folder strategy. See Access protected folder strategy
Protection menu, 219
protection- related database options, 52 “67
Advanced tab, 65 “67
Edit/Find tab, 61 “64
General tab, 53 “61
changing with VBA Code, 60 “61
Compact on Close option, 57 “59
overview, 53 “54
Recently Used File List option, 54 “56
removing personal information, 56 “57
overview, 52 “53

Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security
Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security
ISBN: 1590591267
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 176 © 2008-2017.
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