

Safe Recipients list, Outlook
defined, 328
standardizing, 330
tweaking, 330
Safe Senders list, Outlook
defined, 328
standardizing, 330
tweaking, 330
safeguards, risk assessment, 70
SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer), 38, 384 “85
SAs (security associations), IPSec
defined, 226
Main Mode, 226, 228
Quick Mode, 227
scanners , antivirus
file server, 200
perimeter, 203 “5
types of, 202
scanning engines, 207
scans , Baseline Security Analyzer, 97 “98
Schema Admins group , 49, 127
schema master, 131
SCL (spam confidence level), 176, 177
Script Maps page, IIS Lockdown package, 116
SD (security descriptor), 45
secret-key encryption, 16 “20
AES algorithm, 18
Blowfish algorithm, 19
CAST-128 algorithm, 19
DES algorithm, 18
how it works, 17 “18
IDEA algorithm, 19
key length, 20
overview of, 16 “17
RC n algorithms, 19
Triple-DES algorithm, 18
Twofish algorithm, 19
work factor, 20
Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), 29, 300 Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. See S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
Secure Server (Require Security) policy, 229
Secure Sockets Layer. See SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
SecurID system, RSA, 395
security associations. See SAs (security associations), IPSec
security descriptor (SD), 45
security groups, 46
security identifiers. See SIDs (security identifiers)
security labeling, 319
security laws, for administrators, 470 “76
architecture, 474
checklists, 472
documentation, 473 “74
fixes, 471
keeping security easy, 470 “71
mandating network security, 470
overview of, 466 “67
password strength, 472 “73
policy, 475
risk management, 474 “75
security laws, for end users, 463 “69
anonymity, 468 “69
combining technology with policy, 469
encrypted data, 467
operating system files, 470 “76
password complexity, 466
physical security, 464 “65
running/downloading programs, 470 “76
trusted administrators, 466 “67
virus scanners, 468
Web site visitors , 465 “66
security principals, 45
Security Reference Monitor (SRM), 45, 50 “51
Security Rule Wizard
creating IPSec policies, 234 “35, 238
IPSec policies applied to FE, 371 “73
Security Update. See Microsoft Outlook Security Update
security vocabulary, 1 “14
access controls, 5 “7
auditing, 7
authentication, 4 “5
authorized users, 3
confidentiality and privacy, 8 “11
data integrity, 7
malicious code, 11 “13
Microsoft Windows, 45 “46
resource controls, 5 “7
rights management, 13
timely access, 4
segmentation, OWA, 351 “54
segregation , Certificate Services, 286 “87
SELF principle, 49
adding restrictions to, 171 “73
blocking individual, 166
Server (Request Security) policy, 229
Server Message Block (SMB), 35
Server Operators group, 48
Server Publishing Rules, 240 “41
authentication, 255
installing Exchange, 127 “28
OWA access controls, 346 “48
OWA and single, 337 “38
permissions, 484 “85
POP3/IMAP4 on, 386 “87
publishing to Internet with ISA Server, 239 “42
scanning file, 200
segmentation applied to, 354
upgrading, 134
service packs , 107 “8, 134
services, minimizing OWA, 379 “81
Services.txt, 98
session ticket, 37 “38
setup. See permissions setup guide
SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm), 29, 300
SIDs (security identifiers)
overview of, 45
OWA logon process, 338 “39
Windows access control, 50 “51
Windows logon process, 50
signatures, OWA, 352 “53
Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL), 38, 384 “85
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. See SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
Slipstick Systems, 165
smart card logon
building PKI with Certificate Services, 257
PKI infrastructure design and, 254 “55
stand-alone vs. enterprise CAs, 260
smart cards
enrollment station, 268
integrating, 271 “72
private key protection, 267 “68
SmartScreen technology, 176
SMB (Server Message Block), 35
S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), 312
additional reading, 333, 382
certificate revocation lists and, 22
overview of, 34 “35
OWA client security and, 363 “64
Windows RM compared to, 252 “53
S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), encryption infrastructure
building PKI with Certificate Services, 257 “58
enrollment into PKI, 268 “70
goals, 253 “56
hierarchy design, 258 “59
issuing digital certificates, 264 “68
outsourcing PKI, 256 “57
overview of, 253
revocation, 270 “72
server performance, 273
S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), Outlook security, 312 “24
certificate management, 313 “16
options, 316 “18
overview of, 300 “301
OWA support for, 352 “53
policy controls, 320 “24
signing or encrypting messages, 318 “20
SMS (Systems Management Server), 107
SMTP AUTH extension, 154, 180
SMTP connectors, 160 “62, 167
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
account lockout settings, 113
adding disclaimers, 182 “84
additional reading, 180
antivirus scanners, 203 “5
connection security ( see TLS (Transport Layer Security))
firewall ports, 367
OWA logon, 351
relaying ( see relaying)
security auditing, 440 “41
spam control ( see spam control)
spoofing user identity, 70
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) relaying, 147 “63
additional reading, 180
configuring SMTP connectors, 160 “62
controlling access, 151 “58
defining, 148 “49
necessity for, 149
open , 149 “50
overview of, 147 “48
restrictions, 159 “60
verifying configuration, 162 “63
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), with TLS/SSL, 215 “25
enabling STARTTLS, 223 “25
overview of, 215 “16
requesting SSL certificate, 216 “23
SMTP virtual servers, 151 “58
access control by authentication, 155 “57
access control by IP address, 157 “58
access control restrictions, 159 “60
activating filter evaluation, 177 “78
additional reading, 180
overview of, 151 “53
stealth SMTP AUTH attacks and, 154
DCAR products, 413 “16
legal issues on loading, 460
Software Update Services (SUS), 104 “7
spam confidence level (SCL), 176, 177
spam control, 163 “79
additional reading, 180
blocking by IP address, 166 “67
blocking by sender or domain, 166
block listing, 167
deleting and filtering manually, 165 “66
overview of, 163 “64
perimeter filtering, 168
real mail and, 164 “65
security auditing, 440 “41
third-party products for, 178 “79
spam control, Exchange and, 168 “78
filter activation, 177 “78
filtering by recipient address, 171
filtering by sender address or domain, 171 “73
filtering connections, 173 “76
filters by third parties, 177
Intelligent Mail Filter, 176
overview, 168 “70
spell-checking, OWA, 352 “53
spoofing attacks, 66, 70 “72
SQL Server, 94
SRM (Security Reference Monitor), 45, 50 “51
SSL certificates, 216 “23
with online CA, 217 “19
pending requests , 223
PKCS#10 requests, 219 “22
setting up RPC over HTPPS, 244
for SMTP connections, 216
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
firewall ports, 367
IMAP4 and, 387 “90
OMA/EAS security and, 396 “97
overview of, 30 “31
OWA and, 344 “46, 354 “58
POP3 and, 387 “90
SASL vs., 38
secret-key encryption and, 17
stalking laws, 455
stand-alone CAs, 260 “61
additional reading, 248
enabling TLS for specific domains, 224
failed negotiations, 225
forcing TLS for all mail traffic, 223 “24
inbound TLS, 224 “25
overview of, 216
problems with mail through SMTP server, 157
STAVE model, 67 “70
storage management, DCAR, 410, 412
store-and-forward protocol, SMTP, 147 “48
STRIDE model, 70 “72
surveillance, legal issues, 446, 451 “52
surveillance policy, 408
SUS (Software Update Services), 104 “7
SWI (Secure Windows Initiative), 90
HFNetChk command line, 101 “2
MBSA command-line, 99 “100
symmetric-key encryption. See secret-key encryption
Syskey utility, 80
Systems Management Server (SMS), 107

Secure Messaging with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
Secure Messaging with MicrosoftВ® Exchange Server 2003 (Pro-Other)
ISBN: 0735619905
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 189 © 2008-2017.
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