

UI testing, 35, 84, 151–153, 627–665

implementing automatic, 638–665

keystroke and mouse recording, 653–665

notification and playback, 638–653

manual, 627–628

scheduling, 634

scripts for, 630–635

debugging, 634

future of, 665

recording, 635–638

requirements for, 629

UMDH.EXE utility, 355

unbox instruction (ILDASM), 265

uncommitted transactions with pooled COM objects, 624

underrun checking (/RTCs switch), 708

Unicode strings in WinDBG, 385

uninitialized memory writes, 700–701

unit tests, 35, 84, 151–153, 627–665

implementing, 638–665

keystroke and mouse recording, 653–665

notification and playback, 638–653

manual, 627–628

scheduling, 634

scripts for, 630–635

debugging, 634

future of, 665

recording, 635–638

requirements for, 629

.UNLOAD command (WinDBG), 387

Unload Extension DLL command (WinDBG), 387


unmanaged code. See native code

Unsupported Tools add-ins, 425

unwinding exceptions, 515

Use Full Page Heap option (AppVerifier), 704

Use IntelliSense To Verify Breakpoints option, 217

user expectations, 6

user interface testing, 35, 84, 151–153, 627–665

implementing automatic, 638–665

keystroke and mouse recording, 653–665

notification and playback, 638–653

manual, 627–628

scheduling, 634

scripts for, 630–635

debugging scripts for, 634

future of, 665

recording scripts for, 635–638

requirements for, 629

user interfaces, inconsistent, 5

UserDebuggerHotKey value (AeDebug key), 164–165

user-mode debuggers, 159–160

using statement, 477

Debugging Applications for Microsoft. NET and Microsoft Windows
Debugging Applications for MicrosoftВ® .NET and Microsoft WindowsВ® (Pro-Developer)
ISBN: 0735615365
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 177
Authors: John Robbins © 2008-2017.
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