Performing the Upgrade

The process of upgrading from an older Palm device to the Treo 650 can be broken down into a few basic steps:


Install the Treo 650 desktop software.


If available, update the software on your new device.


Synchronize your old device data to your new device.


Set up email accounts.


Transfer data from your old device manually.


Reinstall third-party applications.

It's important to point out that you must install the Treo 650 desktop software even if you're upgrading from a Treo 600. This is because the Treo 650 software is different and includes several new features you'll want to be able to use.

Step 2 might have you a little concerned because you have a shiny new device and I'm already recommending a software upgrade for it. Depending on when you bought your device and who your wireless carrier is, you might need to install a software update that helps solve a memory problem associated with the Treo 650's new nonvolatile memory system. The problem is one of efficiency, meaning that some Treo 650 devices have less usable memory than similar Treo 600 devices because of the changed memory system.

A software update for the Treo 650 helps improve the efficiency of the 650 memory system. To learn more about the Treo 650 memory system and its inefficiency issues, see "Understanding the Treo 650 Memory System" in Chapter 1, "Meet Your Treo." If you want to jump straight in and see whether an update is available for your device, visit this link on the palmOne website: You might also want to take a look at Appendix B, "Conserving Memory on Your Treo 650," for more details on how to upgrade your Treo software as well as useful tips for conserving memory on your device.

    TREO essentials
    Treo Essentials
    ISBN: 0789733285
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 189 © 2008-2017.
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