Scenario 1: Call Functions Asynchronously

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Let's say that you have a server process with a main thread that waits for a client's request. When the main thread receives this request, it spawns a separate thread for handling the request. This allows your application's main thread to cycle and wait for another client's request. This scenario is a typical implementation of a client/server application. It's already straightforward enough to implement, but you can also implement it using the new thread pool functions.

When the server process's main thread receives the client's request, it can call this function:

 BOOL QueueUserWorkItem( PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE pfnCallback, PVOID pvContext, ULONG dwFlags); 

This function queues a "work item" to a thread in the thread pool and returns immediately. A work item is simply a function (identified by the pfnCallback parameter) that is called and passed a single parameter, pvContext. Eventually, some thread in the pool will process the work item, causing your function to be called. The callback function you write must have the following prototype:

 DWORD WINAPI WorkItemFunc(PVOID pvContext); 

Even though you must prototype this function as returning a DWORD, the return value is actually ignored.

Notice that you never call CreateThread yourself. A thread pool is automatically created for your process and a thread within the pool calls your function. Also, this thread is not immediately destroyed after it processes the client's request. It goes back into the thread pool so that it is ready to handle any other queued work items. Your application might become much more efficient because you are not creating and destroying threads for every single client request. Also, because the threads are bound to a completion port, the number of concurrently runnable threads is limited to twice the number of CPUs. This reduces thread context switches.

What happens under the covers is that QueueUserWorkItem checks the number of threads in the non-I/O component and, depending on the load (number of queued work items), might add another thread to this component. QueueUserWorkItem then performs the equivalent of calling PostQueuedCompletionStatus, passing your work item information to an I/O completion port. Ultimately, a thread waiting on the completion port extracts your message (by calling GetQueuedCompletionStatus) and calls your function. When your function returns, the thread calls GetQueuedCompletionStatus again, waiting for another work item.

The thread pool expects to frequently handle asynchronous I/O requests—whenever a thread queues an I/O request to a device driver. While the device driver performs the I/O, the thread that queued the request is not blocked and can continue executing other instructions. Asynchronous I/O is the secret to creating high-performance, scalable applications because it allows a single thread to handle requests from various clients as they come in; the thread doesn't have to handle the requests serially or block while waiting for I/O requests to complete.

However, Windows places a restriction on asynchronous I/O requests: if a thread issues an asynchronous I/O request to a device driver and then terminates, the I/O request is lost and no thread is notified when the I/O request actually completes. In a well-designed thread pool, the number of threads expands and shrinks depending on the needs of its clients. So if a thread issues an asynchronous I/O request and then dies because the pool is shrinking, the I/O request dies too. This is usually not what you want, so you need a solution.

If you want to queue a work item that issues an asynchronous I/O request, you cannot post the work item to the thread pool's non-I/O component. You must queue the work item to the I/O component of the thread pool. The I/O component consists of a set of threads that never die if they have a pending I/O request; therefore, you should use them only for executing code that issues asynchronous I/O requests.

To queue a work item for the I/O component, you still call QueueUserWorkItem, but for the dwFlags parameter you pass WT_EXECUTEINIOTHREAD. Normally, you just pass WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT (defined as 0), which causes the work item to be posted to the non-I/O component's threads.

Windows offers functions (such as RegNotifyChangeKeyValue) that perform non-I/O-related tasks asynchronously. These functions also require that the calling thread not terminate. If you want to call one of these functions using a persistent thread pool thread, you can use the WT_EXECUTEINPERSISTENTTHREAD flag, which causes the timer component's thread to execute the queued work item callback function. Since the timer component's thread never terminates, the asynchronous operation is guaranteed to eventually occur. You should make sure that the callback function does not block and that it executes quickly so that the timer component's thread is not adversely affected.

A well-designed thread pool must also try to keep threads available to handle requests. If a pool contains 4 threads and 100 work items are queued, only 4 work items can be handled at a time. This might not be a problem if a work item takes only a few milliseconds to execute, but if your work items require much more time, you won't be able to handle requests in a timely fashion.

Certainly, the system isn't smart enough to anticipate what your work item functions will do, but if you know that a work item might take a long time to execute, you should call QueueUserWorkItem, passing it the WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION flag. This flag helps the thread pool decide whether to add a new thread to the pool; it forces the thread pool to create a new thread if all of the threads in the pool are busy. So if you queue 10,000 work items (with the WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION flag) at the same time, 10,000 threads are added to the thread pool. If you don't want 10,000 threads created, you must space out the calls to QueueUserWorkItem so that some work items get a chance to complete.

The thread pool can't place an upper limit on the number of threads in the pool, or starvation or deadlock might occur. Imagine queuing 10,000 work items that all block on an event that is signaled by the 10,001st item. If you've set a maximum of 10,000 threads, the 10,001st work item won't be executed and all 10,000 threads will be blocked forever.

When you use thread pool functions, you should look for potential deadlock situations. Of course, you must be careful if your work item functions block on critical sections, semaphores, mutexes, and so on—this makes deadlocks more likely. Always be aware of which component's (I/O, non-I/O, wait, or timer) thread is executing your code. Also be careful if your work item functions are in DLLs that might be dynamically unloaded. A thread that calls a function in an unloaded DLL generates an access violation. To ensure that you do not unload a DLL with queued work items, you must reference-count your queued work items: you increment a counter before you call QueueUserWorkItem and decrement the counter as your work item function completes. Only if the reference count is 0 is it safe to unload the DLL.

Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows
Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows (Microsoft Programming Series)
ISBN: 1572319968
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 193 © 2008-2017.
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