Publication and provision of statistical data

Chinese official statistical agencies provide information not only for governments and governmental organization at various levels for decision-making purposes, but also for the public and international exchanges. They publish and provide statistical information in various forms to cater for the needs of customers with different interests on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis.

Printed statistical publications

Many kinds of statistical yearbooks are available to the public, such as China Statistics Yearbook, all localities Statistics Yearbooks at and above county level, and some special-subject year books (such as China Industrial Statistics Yearbook, China Rural Statistics Yearbook, etc.).

China Development Report

This is an illustrated version of the previous yearbook. It describes both the trajectory of China's reform and opening-up and the forecasts made by experts from various fields. It is rich in content including review of the past year and prospects for the coming year. It also incorporates major documents and annuals of China's economic development.

Statistical newspapers and journals

Major newspapers and journals under the National Bureau of Statistics include: China Information News (published from Monday to Friday), China Statistics (monthly), Statistical Research (monthly), China Economic Performance Monthly , China Conditions (monthly).

These newspaper and journals have comprehensive statistical information content.

China statistical information network servers

Websites are established to disseminate statistical information. On the website there are detailed data on the nation's economy and development, such as census data on the state and the strength of the country, survey reports and statistical data for 160 counties and regions . Using the links on the website, users can visit statistical agencies at all provincial levels.

Statistical bulletins and statistical service

The National Bureau of Statistics and district government statistical agencies at various levels release statistical bulletins on the national economy and the social development situation each year, and they hold press conferences regularly. During festivals or historical anniversaries, the government statistical organs make use of their statistical data and compile series reports on various topics.

Statistical information international exchange

Regular exchanges of statistical information are arranged with international organizations and many national statistical offices; partnerships have been set up between Chinese statistical offices and international, regional and foreign institutions.

Doing Business with China
Doing Business with China
ISBN: 1905050089
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 648
Authors: Lord Brittan © 2008-2017.
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