warnings, Tidy, displaying with output, 51

watermarking eBay images, 232

weather forecasts. See NWS API

weather information, obtaining through NWS, 264

Web feeds. See also Atom; RSS

broken HTML, handling with Tidy

configuration options, 50–51

configuration options table, 51–52

installing, 47–48

sample output, 48–50


browsing site, 28

copying feed structure, 28–29

elements, 26–27

first, 23–26

described, 8–9

legal issues, 10

providers, list of, 59

recording and retrieving, 52–54

security issues, 9–10


Atom support, adding, 32–33

basic script, 30–32

enclosures, 33–34

update frequency, 10–11


email mailing list, 54–56

on page widget, 56–57

portal page, customizable, 57–58

utility functions

combining URLs, 36–38

examining and retrieving images, 44–45

formatting tags, 46–47

IFrames, 46

image links, retrieving all within string, 40–42

image tags, 38–40

inline images, replacing with links, 42

link tags, 45–46

retrieving and serving image, 43–44

stripping URLs of filenames, 35–36

XML namespaces, 34–35

ZDNet sample, 15–16

Web Server, 8

Web services

how they're used, 4

management, convincing, 5

who uses them, 5

why they're used, 4

weblog. See blog

webmaster, RSS feed, 323

weight, FedEx shipping, 183

while loop, Google keywords, monitoring, 140

white space

HTML, 15

regex search, 41

width, images, retrieving, 43–44

wrapping lines, 51


format, checking against, 297

NWS, 264–265

wsdl link, clicking, 311–313

Professional Web APIs with PHP. eBay, Google, PayPal, Amazon, FedEx, Plus Web Feeds
Professional Web APIs with PHP. eBay, Google, PayPal, Amazon, FedEx, Plus Web Feeds
ISBN: 764589547
Year: 2006
Pages: 130

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