Configuring the Open Directory Password Server

As we have seen, Kerberos handles authentication in Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server. But what if a service cannot utilize Kerberos? What if another authentication method must be used? Should Mac OS X Server revert to older clear-text passwords? That would be very insecure.

This section explains the fundamentals behind the use of and management surrounding Password Server. Mac OS X Server includes Password Server, which provides authentication for services that cannot use Kerberos.

Password Server Fundamentals

In a perfect world, every service would be kerberized. However, adopting Kerberos is a fairly complex and time-consuming process, and unfortunately, some widely adopted services such as Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) are not easily kerberized. To support these legacy services, Apple includes a standards-based password server. The PasswordService process offers the following, all of which will be explained later in this section:

  • Support for a broad range of authentication methods

  • Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) foundation

  • Storage of credentials in an encrypted database separate from the LDAP directory

  • A role as a centralized authorization server

  • Global and per-user password policies

  • KDC synchronization

  • Secure multimaster replication

Password Server stores passwords in "slots" in an encrypted database separate from the user record. Because Password Server is available across the network, it can serve as a centralized authentication server when part of an Open Directory master. Password Server is always enabled when an Open Directory master is created, giving you the added benefit of protecting user credentials from a local attack and of supporting protocols like MS-CHAPv2 and CRAM-MD5, which are required by some Mac OS X Server services.

Password policies, in addition to being per-user policies, are represented in the graphical user interface and can be enforced on a global scale. (Policies will be discussed later in this lesson.) Furthermore, Password Server synchronizes with the Apple KDC to simplify user management and secure multimaster replication has been added to support improved redundancy in distributed organizations. In a nutshell, these two authentication services, Password Server and Kerberos, can use known command-line tools to stay synchronized with respect to users' passwords. The user policies however, do not synchronize.

Password Server Architecture

Password Server's daemon, PasswordService, is located in /usr/sbin and is started by launchd as specified by /System/Library/LaunchDaemons, which also monitors the process in case it needs to be restarted. Its primary database is located in /var/db/authserver/authservermain. This is a sensitive file, because it contains user secrets in their respective slots in that file. The authserverfree file, which resides in the same folder, contains a list of free slots in the database, and the authserverreplicas file, in the same folder, keeps track of all replicas. (Replicas are covered in Lesson 10, "Replication.")

The following figure shows how the PasswordService process reads from its main files, including It shows the log files to which PasswordService writes, as well as two command-line tools, mkpassdb and pwpolicy, that can be used to work with PasswordService.

The PasswordService daemon logs fairly verbosely, mostly to the ApplePasswordServer. Error.log, ApplePasswordServer.Server.log, and ApplePasswordServer.Replication.log, all located in /Library/Logs/PasswordService. In some cases, it also logs to syslog.

By default, Password Server listens on ports 106 (3com-tsmux) and 3659 (apple-sasl). Pure Mac OS X v10.3 and later deployments should consider disabling port 106 for Password Server, because this port is generally used by other services. However, doing so will lock out Mac OS X v10.2 clients. You may disable Password Server from listening on port 106 by removing the 106 value from the ListenerPorts array in /Library/Preferences/

Like many other text-based services, it is feasible to use the telnet command to issue commands on the Password Server's ports and gather a large amount of data. It's not necessarily a security risk, but a system administrator should be aware of what data is available.

Password Server uses a 128-bit hex ID to keep track of users in its database. The first administrator always has a value of 0x00000000000000000000000000000001, but if an administrator's short name is known, his or her ID can be obtained by issuing the GETIDBYNAME command to the Password Server port:

mainserver:~ diradmin$ telnet apple-sasl Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. +OK ApplePasswordServer password server at ready GETIDBYNAME diradmin +OK 0x403087be17ede7a50000000c0000000c

The Password Server ID is also part of the user's record in the authAuthority attribute. In a default configuration, a list of Password Server IDs can also be obtained by anonymously querying the Open Directory master with the following command:

ldapsearch -x -h serverhostname -b "dc=searchbase,dc=tld" objectclass=apple-user authAuthority

Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)

SASL is a method for adding authentication support to connection-based protocols, such as LDAP. SASL provides a "pluggable authentication" architecture to Password Server.

Pluggable authentication means that the client and server may be configured to negotiate and use a variety of mechanisms for authentication (CRAM-MD5, Digest-MD5, NTLMv1, and so on). Clients can use different methods of authentication if Password Server is configured to support the desired protocols.

In addition to CRAM-MD5 and NTLMv1, which ship with the standard Carnegie-Mellon SASL distribution, Apple has added a number of other plug-ins to support applications:

  • DHX: Used by the AppleFileServer process and also supports write operations initiated by the DirectoryService daemon

  • WebDAV digest: Allows for secure WebDAV authentication

  • APOP: Used for POP mail authentication

  • LAN Manager: Enables older Windows clients to connect via Windows file service

  • MS-CHAPv2: Allows Open Directory users to authenticate to the PPTP virtual private network (VPN) service

SASL methods are classified as strong or weak. Weak methods may be used only for authentication, while strong methods can be used to write data to the Password Server database. The mechanisms SMB-NT, SMB-LAN-MANAGER, and APOP are always considered weak.

Data regarding available authentication methods can be gathered by using the telnet command on the Password Server port and issuing the LIST command:

mainserver:~ diradmin$ telnet apple-sasl Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. +OK ApplePasswordServer password server at ready LIST +OK (SASL "SMB-NTLMv2" "SMB-NT" "SMB-LAN-MANAGER" "MS-CHAPv2" "OTP" "NTLM" "GSSAPI" "DIGEST-MD5" "CRAM-MD5" "WEBDAV-DIGEST" "DHX" "APOP")

Password Server Policies

Because Password Server acts as a central authentication authority, it is a convenient place to enforce password policies on a per-user basis. One way to do this is in the Advanced pane of the user's record in Workgroup Manager. The Policy pane of Open Directory Settings in Server Admin lets you enforce global policies ranging from character restrictions to password aging. Although many policies can be configured on both a per-user and a global basis, some are limited to one or the other.

The following figure shows the global possibilities that exist when managing password policies with user accounts located on Mac OS X Server.

Global policy options are as follows:

  • The password must differ from account name.

  • The password must contain at least one numerical character.

  • The password must contain at least one alphabetic character.

  • The password must differ from the last n passwords used, where n is a number you can specify.

  • The password must be changed periodically.

  • The password must be mixed case (available only via pwpolicy as of Mac OS X Server v10.4.2).

Per-user policy options are:

  • Allow the user to log in.

  • Allow the user to change his or her password.

  • Require a password change at the next login.

  • Password must be changed every n days, where n is a number you can specify.

Global and per-user policy options are:

  • Disable on date.

  • Disable after a given number of days.

  • Disable after a given number of inactive days.

  • Disable after a given number of failed logins.

  • The password must be a minimum of n characters, where n is a number you can specify.

When a global and a per-user policy have been set for the same parameter, the per-user policy takes precedence. To ensure that it has been recorded correctly, you can view the policy by using the telnet command to connect to Password Server and issuing the GETPOLICY and GETGLOBALPOLICY commands. GETPOLICY requires a user's Password Server ID as an argument:

mainserver:~ diradmin$ telnet apple-sasl Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. +OK ApplePasswordServer password server at ready getpolicy 0x4284e8af3700c23a0000000200000002 +OK isDisabled=0 isAdminUser=1 newPasswordRequired=0 usingHistory=0 canModifyPassword forSelf=1 usingExpirationDate=0 usingHardExpirationDate=0 requiresAlpha=0 requiresNumeric=0 expirationDateGMT=4294967295 hardExpireDateGMT=4294967295 maxMinutesUntilChangeP assword=0 maxMinutesUntilDisabled=0 maxMinutesOfNonUse=0 maxFailedLoginAttempts=0 minChars=0 maxChars=0 passwordCannotBeName=0 requiresMixedCase=0 notGuessablePattern=0 isSessionKeyAgent=0 GETGLOBALPOLICY +OK usingHistory=0 canModifyPasswordforSelf=1 usingExpirationDate=0 usingHardE xpirationDate=0 requiresAlpha=0 requiresNumeric=0 expirationDateGMT=4294967295 hardExpireDateGMT=4294967295 maxMinutesUntilChangePassword=0 maxMinutesUntilD isabled=0 maxMinutesOfNonUse=0 maxFailedLoginAttempts=3 minChars=0 maxChars=0 passwordCannotBeName=0 requiresMixedCase=0 newPasswordRequired=0 minutesUntilFailedLogin Reset=0 notGuessablePattern=0

More Info

For an explanation of the output from GETPOLICY and GETGLOBALPOLICY, see the man page for pwpolicy.

Password Server Utilities

Apple provides several command-line utilities for managing Password Server data and configuration. Chief among them are pwpolicy, mkpassdb, and NeST. The pwpolicy command, among other things, can set either global or per-user policies in Password Server. The following table lists various flags for pwpolicy.





Sets global policies.

This is the same data that is available by using the telnet command on PasswordService and issuing GETGLOBALPOLICY.


Gets policies for a user.

This is the same data that is available by using the telnet command on PasswordService and issuing GETPOLICY.


Sets policies for a user.



Sets a user account to use global policies.



Sets a new password for a user.

Nonadministrators can use this command to change their own passwords.


pwpolicy can also be used on Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server, although not all policies will be effective.

  • wpolicy: When specifying policies, pwpolicy uses the format "policy=value", where multiple policies are enclosed in quotation marks and separated by a space. For instance, to set a password expiration date for an account in the LDAPv3 database, you'd execute:

    [View full width]

    pwpolicy -a diradmin -n /LDAPv3/ -u deborah -setpolicy "usingExpirationDate=1 expiration DateGMT=12/01/2005"

    The -a flag is used to specify an administrator's short name. The pwpolicy utility has a very thorough -v (verbose) flag that provides a lot of information about the internal operation of Open Directory.

  • mkpassdb: The mkpassdb utility can be used for everything from setting policies, for which its flags are identical to pwpolicy, to creating and managing replication intervals.

    The following table lists various flags for mkpassdb.




Outputs the RSA public key stored in the database.


Outputs all the Password Server IDs and their corresponding user names.


Gets the number of seconds between replication attempts.


Sets the number of seconds between replication attempts.

-b (The -b flag requires -a and -p)

Adds nonadministrators to the Password Server database.


Outputs the Password Server administrator's short name.


Prompts for a password.

  • NeST: The NeST utility has been around in some form or another since Mac OS X v10.1. With every revision of Mac OS X, it gains additional functionality. It is a convenient way to stop and start the Password Server, verify the Password Server administrator, and confirm the address associated with the Password Server. However, its options are fairly broad, and some are no longer applicable. For example, NeST will allow you to easily create a NetInfo master, which has been deprecated in favor of an LDAP-based Open Directory master. To view the syntax and flags associated with NeST, simply type man NeST from the command line.

Password Server and KDC Synchronization

As you have seen, Mac OS X Server manages two authentication authorities: Kerberos and Password Server. These authentication authorities store their user secrets in different databases and different formats, making it necessary for the two authentication authorities to be transparent to the user. But when a user changes his or her password with the Kerberos utility, how does the Password Server know? If the user changes the password in the Password Server database, how does the KDC know? To provide a seamless experience for the user, Apple has instituted a two-way password synchronization process, so that passwords may be safely changed either in Password Server or in Kerberos.

Passwords and some policies changed in Password Server are written to the KDC automatically with the kadmin.local command. PasswordService executes kadmin.local, sending the modifications to the KDC using native Kerberos protocols securely so that user passwords cannot be seen in the process listing.


While some password policies initiated in Password Server are synchronized with the KDC, password policies initiated in the KDC are not synchronized with Password Server.

When passwords are changed in Kerberos via the kpasswd command, kadmin, kadmin.local, or the Kerberos application, they are always sent to the kadmind process. In Mac OS X, kadmind is started, like krb5kdc and PasswordService, by launchd, with an Apple-specific passwordserver flag. When run with the -passwordserver flag, kadmind knows to call the mkpassdb utility to update Password Server, similar to Password Server's use of kadmin. local except that the password policy and expiration data set with Kerberos tools are not propagated to Password Server.

Configuring the KDC and Password Server

At the center of Open Directory's authentication capabilities is Apple's automated configuration architecture, which is responsible for setting up the LDAP, Password Server, and Kerberos functions for the server. In the previous lesson, you saw how changing the directory role of your Mac OS X Server to an Open Directory Master utilized a process called slapconfig to create the LDAP database, tweak a few configuration files, and create an LDAP administrator with the -createldapmasterdomain flag. slapconfig was not finished completing the process of changing the role of the server. After it finishes setting up the LDAP server, it sets up the KDC and configures it to work with Password Server.

The following is a detailed description of the Password Server and KDC configuration process:

  1. The LDAP server setup is completed. (See Lesson 7, "Hosting OpenLDAP," for details.)

  1. slapconfig calls kerberosautoconfig, which creates the file.

  1. slapconfig calls kdcsetup.

  1. kdcsetup creates the required configuration and data files for KDC.

  1. kdcsetup starts the krb5kdc and kadmind servers through launchd and adds kcmond and kadmin to the launchd configuration.

  1. kdcsetup writes the KerberosKDC and KerberosClient configuration records to the Open Directory master in /config.

  1. slapconfig copies the passwordserver configuration record from the local domain to the shared domain and starts Password Server.

Open Directory Configuration Records

The KDC and Password portion of the Open Directory master creation process results in a number of configuration records stored in the /config directory:

  • The KerberosKDC record is used when setting up Open Directory replicas.

  • The kerberosautoconfig command uses the KerberosClient record to automatically produce an file for Open Directory clients in certain situations.

  • The passwordserver value specifies which Password Server should be used with the domain, whether it allows replication, and which Password Server IDs the master is responsible for.

These records are useful in understanding the way Open Directory coordinates Kerberos and Password Server configuration and replication.

In the following figure showing the Workgroup Manager, click the bullseye on the All Records tab to display the Inspector tab and view all config records, including the KerberosClient, KerberosKDC, and passwordserver records.

apple-user authAuthority Attribute Contents

The authAuthority attribute defined by the apple-user object class tells Mac OS X how to authenticate Open Directory users. Users in an Open Directory master should have at least two authAuthority values: one for the KDC and one for Password Server. The loginwindow process has been modified to key off a Kerberos authentication authority in the user record. If Mac OS X sees a Kerberos authentication authority, it will attempt to autoconfigure (with the kerberosautoconfig utility) based on data in the /config/ KerberosClient record in that user's domain.

Password Server authAuthority values include the key ;ApplePasswordServer;, the user's Password Server ID, the RSA public key used to encrypt data sent to Password Server, and Password Server's IP address. A Kerberos authAuthority value also contains password server data. Additionally, it uses a ;Kerberosv5; key and includes the Kerberos principal and realm.

An example of a user's two authAuthority attribute values are as follows:

  • Password Server:

    ;ApplePasswordServer;0x433becdf6c8f35760000000400000004,1024 35 14775744084537721169740699223189119803244676761380785928657720618699366555 5005634755080693023704392267029612215813689366929452131026016238136043569 63206275471768322530149869482275397248378338937558525435162956496948591320 7875438371321854093022080245906172565060077613272338368017569009432934246 100579129439333

  • Kerberos:

    ;Kerberosv5;0x433becdf6c8f35760000000400000004;deborah@MAINSERVER. PRETENDCO.COM;MAINSERVER.PRETENDCO.COM;1024 35

    147757440845377211697406992231891198032446767613807859286577206186993665555 00563475508069302370439226702961221581368936692945213102601623813604356963 20627547176832253014986948227539724837833893755852543516295649694859132078 75438371321854093022080245906172565060077613272338368017569009432934246100 579129439333


The bold part of the Kerberos authAuthority attribute value is the Kerberos portion, and the italicized part is the Password Server portion, even though both of these exist in the Kerberos attribute value.

Apple Training Series. Mac OS X System Administration Reference, Volume 1
Apple Training Series: Mac OS X System Administration Reference, Volume 1
ISBN: 032136984X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 258
Authors: Schoun Regan © 2008-2017.
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