Preparing to Work

This chapter's project requires four movie clips and a still, all of which are provided on the book's DVD. The car sketch you'll design requires the Cartooner effect from Boris FX. To animate the sketch, you'll need the Vector Paint effect, which is only available with the Professional version of After Effects. You'll start by importing the project files and creating a new composition.

To prepare for this project, do the following:


This project requires the Vector Paint effect, which is only available with the Professional version of After Effects. If you don't have the Professional version of After Effects installed, you can install a demo version of the software from this book's DVD.


If you don't have the Continuum Complete collection of effects from Boris FX installed into After Effects, you can install a trial version of the effects from this book's DVD. Once you've done so, a slew of submenus named BCC will appear in the Effect menu in After Effects.


Start with a new project, and save it as Ch18CarSketch.


Import the Footage and Stills folders from this chapter's folder on the book's DVD. The Footage folder contains four AVI files: Saleen_Car_01, Saleen_Car_02, Saleen_Car_4, and Saleen_Car_07; the Stills folder contains a PSD file named Saleen_logo_Layers.


Create a new composition named Car, using the NTSC DV, 720x480 composition preset, with Duration 10;00 seconds.

    Adobe After Effects 6.5 Magic
    Adobe After Effects 6.5 Magic
    ISBN: 0321267230
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 236 © 2008-2017.
    If you may any questions please contact us: