<  Day Day Up  >  

  1. Type the following at the prompt:

     touch ab abc a1 a2 a3 all a12 ba ba.1 ba.2 filex filey AbC ABC ABc2 abc 

    Write and test the command that will do the following:

    1. List all files starting with a .

    2. List all files ending in at least one digit.

    3. List all files starting with an a or A .

    4. List all files ending in a period, followed by a digit.

    5. List all files containing just two of the letter a .

    6. List three-character files where all letters are uppercase.

    7. List files ending in 11 or 12 .

    8. List files ending in x or y .

    9. List all files ending in a digit, an uppercase letter, or a lowercase letter.

    10. List all files containing the letter b .

    11. Remove two-character files starting with an a .

 <  Day Day Up  >  

UNIX Shells by Example
UNIX Shells by Example (4th Edition)
ISBN: 013147572X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 454
Authors: Ellie Quigley © 2008-2017.
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