Serialization and the CArchive Class

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Although MFC's CFile class makes reading and writing file data rather easy, most MFC applications don't interact with CFile objects directly. Instead, they do their reading and writing through CArchive objects that in turn use CFile functions to perform file I/O. MFC overloads the << and >> operators used with CArchive to make serializing data to or from a CArchive simple. The most common reason for serializing to or from an archive is to save an application's persistent data to disk or to read it back again.

Serialization is an important concept in MFC programming because it is the basis for MFC's ability to open and save documents in document/view applications. As you'll learn in Chapter 9, when someone using a document/view application selects Open or Save from the application's File menu, MFC opens the file for reading or writing and passes the application a reference to a CArchive object. The application, in turn, serializes its persistent data to or from the archive and, by so doing, saves a complete document to disk or reads it back again. A document whose persistent data consists entirely of primitive data types or serializable objects can often be serialized with just a few lines of code. This is in contrast to the hundreds of lines that might be required if the application were to query the user for a file name, open the file, and do all the file I/O itself.

Serialization Basics

Assume that a CFile object named file represents an open file, that the file was opened with write access, and that you want to write a pair of integers named a and b to that file. One way to accomplish this is to call CFile::Write once for each integer:

 file.Write (&a, sizeof (a)); file.Write (&b, sizeof (b)); 

An alternative method is to create a CArchive object, associate it with the CFile object, and use the << operator to serialize the integers into the archive:

 CArchive ar (&file, CArchive::store); ar << a << b; 

CArchive objects can be used for reading, too. Assuming file once again represents an open file and that the file is open with read access, the following code snippet attaches a CArchive object to the file and reads, or deserializes, the integers from the file:

 CArchive ar (&file, CArchive::load); ar >> a >> b; 

MFC allows a wide variety of primitive data types to be serialized this way, including BYTEs, WORDs, LONGs, DWORDs, floats, doubles, ints, unsigned ints, shorts, and chars.

MFC also overrides the << and >> operators so that CStrings and certain other nonprimitive data types represented by MFC classes can be serialized to or from an archive. If string is a CString object and ar is a CArchive object, writing the string to the archive is as simple as this:

 ar << string; 

Turning the operator around reads the string from the archive:

 ar >> string; 

Classes that can be serialized this way include CString, CTime, CTimeSpan, COleVariant, COleCurrency, COleDateTime, COleDateTimeSpan, CSize, CPoint, and CRect. Structures of type SIZE, POINT, and RECT can be serialized, too.

Perhaps the most powerful aspect of MFC's serialization mechanism is the fact that you can create serializable classes of your own that work with CArchive's insertion and extraction operators. And you don't have to do any operator overloading of your own to make it work. Why? Because MFC overloads the << and >> operators for pointers to instances of classes derived from CObject.

To demonstrate, suppose you've written a drawing program that represents lines drawn by the user with instances of a class named CLine. Also suppose that CLine is a serializable class that derives, either directly or indirectly, from CObject. If pLines is an array of CLine pointers, nCount is an integer that holds the number of pointers in the array, and ar is a CArchive object, you could archive each and every CLine along with a count of the number of CLines like this:

 ar << nCount; for (int i=0; i<nCount; i++)     ar << pLines[i]; 

Conversely, you could re-create the CLines from the information in the archive and initialize pLines with CLine pointers with the statements

 ar >> nCount; for (int i=0; i<nCount; i++)     ar >> pLines[i]; 

How do you write serializable classes like CLine? It's easy; the next section describes how.

If an error occurs as data is serialized to or from an archive, MFC throws an exception. The type of exception that's thrown depends on the nature of the error. If a serialization request fails because of a lack of memory (for example, if there's too little memory to create an instance of an object that's being deserialized from an archive), MFC throws a CMemoryException. If a request fails because of a file I/O error, MFC throws a CFileException. If any other error occurs, MFC throws a CArchiveException. If you'd like, you can supply catch handlers for exceptions of these types to enact your own special processing regimen if and when errors occur.

Writing Serializable Classes

For an object to support serialization, it must be an instance of a serializable class. You can write a serializable class by following these five steps:

  1. Derive the class, either directly or indirectly, from CObject.
  2. Include MFC's DECLARE_SERIAL macro in the class declaration. DECLARE_SERIAL accepts just one parameter: your class's name.
  3. Override the base class's Serialize function, and serialize the derived class's data members.
  4. If the derived class doesn't have a default constructor (one that takes no arguments), add one. This step is necessary because when an object is deserialized, MFC creates it on the fly using the default constructor and initializes the object's data members with values retrieved from the archive.
  5. In the class implementation, include MFC's IMPLEMENT_SERIAL macro. The IMPLEMENT_SERIAL macro takes three parameters: the class name, the name of the base class, and a schema number. The schema number is an integer value that amounts to a version number. You should change the schema number any time you modify the class's serialized data format. Versioning of serializable classes is discussed in the next section.

Suppose you've written a simple class named CLine to represent lines. The class has two CPoint data members that store the line's endpoints, and you'd like to add serialization support. Originally, the class declaration looks like this:

 class CLine { protected:     CPoint m_ptFrom;     CPoint m_ptTo; public:     CLine (CPoint from, CPoint to) { m_ptFrom = from; m_ptTo = to; } }; 

It's easy to make this class serializable. Here's how it looks after serialization support is added:

 class CLine : public CObject { DECLARE_SERIAL (CLine) protected:     CPoint m_ptFrom;     CPoint m_ptTo; public:     CLine () {} // Required!     CLine (CPoint from, CPoint to) { m_ptFrom = from; m_ptTo = to; }     void Serialize (CArchive& ar); }; 

The Serialize function looks like this:

 void CLine::Serialize (CArchive& ar) {     CObject::Serialize (ar);     if (ar.IsStoring ())         ar << m_ptFrom << m_ptTo;     else // Loading, not storing         ar >> m_ptFrom >> m_ptTo; } 

And somewhere in the class implementation the statement

 IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CLine, CObject, 1) 

appears. With these modifications, the class is fully serializable. The schema number is 1, so if you later add a persistent data member to CLine, you should bump the schema number up to 2 so that the framework can distinguish between CLine objects serialized to disk by different versions of your program. Otherwise, a version 1 CLine on disk could be read into a version 2 CLine in memory, with possibly disastrous consequences.

When an instance of this class is asked to serialize or deserialize itself, MFC calls the instance's CLine::Serialize function. Before serializing its own data members, CLine::Serialize calls CObject::Serialize to serialize the base class's data members. In this example, the base class's Serialize function doesn't do anything, but that might not be the case if the class you're writing derives indirectly from CObject. After the call to the base class returns, CLine::Serialize calls CArchive::IsStoring to determine the direction of data flow. A nonzero return means data is being serialized into the archive; 0 means data is being serialized out. CLine::Serialize uses the return value to decide whether to write to the archive with the << operator or to read from it using the >> operator.

Versioning Serializable Classes: Versionable Schemas

When you write a serializable class, MFC uses the schema number that you assign to enact a crude form of version control. MFC tags instances of the class with the schema number when it writes them to the archive, and when it reads them back, it compares the schema number recorded in the archive to the schema number of the objects of that type in use within the application. If the two numbers don't match, MFC throws a CArchiveException with m_cause equal to CArchiveException::badSchema. An unhandled exception of this type prompts MFC to display a message box with the warning "Unexpected file format." By incrementing the schema number each time you revise an object's serialized storage format, you create an effective safeguard against inadvertent attempts to read an old version of an object stored on disk into a new version that resides in memory.

One problem that frequently crops up in applications that use serializable classes is one of backward compatibility—that is, deserializing objects that were created with older versions of the application. If an object's persistent storage format changes from one version of the application to the next, you'll probably want the new version to be able to read both formats. But as soon as MFC sees the mismatched schema numbers, it throws an exception. Because of the way MFC is architected, there's no good way to handle the exception other than to do as MFC does and abort the serialization process.

That's where versionable schemas come in. A versionable schema is simply a schema number that includes a VERSIONABLE_SCHEMA flag. This flag tells MFC that the application can handle multiple serialized data formats for a given class. It suppresses the CArchiveException and allows an application to respond intelligently to different schema numbers. An application that uses versionable schemas can provide the backward compatibility that users expect.

Writing a serializable class that takes advantage of MFC's versionable schema support involves two steps:

  1. OR the value VERSIONABLE_SCHEMA into the schema number in the IMPLEMENT_SERIAL macro.
  2. Modify the class's Serialize function to call CArchive::GetObjectSchema when loading an object from an archive and adapt its deserialization routine accordingly. GetObjectSchema returns the schema number of the object that's about to be deserialized.

You need to be aware of a few rules when you use GetObjectSchema. First, it should be called only when an object is being deserialized. Second, it should be called before any of the object's data members are read from the archive. And third, it should be called only once. If called a second time in the context of the same call to Serialize, GetObjectSchema returns -1.

Let's say that in version 2 of your application, you decide to modify the CLine class by adding a member variable to hold a line color. Here's the revised class declaration:

 class CLine : public CObject { DECLARE_SERIAL (CLine) protected:     CPoint m_ptFrom;     CPoint m_ptTo;     COLORREF m_clrLine; // Line color (new in version 2) public:     CLine () {}     CLine (CPoint from, CPoint to, COLORREF color)         { m_ptFrom = from; m_ptTo = to; m_clrLine = color }     void Serialize (CArchive& ar); }; 

Because the line color is a persistent property (that is, a red line saved to an archive should still be red when it is read back), you want to modify CLine::Serialize to serialize m_clrLine in addition to m_ptFrom and m_ptTo. That means you should bump up CLine's schema number to 2. The original class implementation invoked MFC's IMPLEMENT_SERIAL macro like this:

 IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CLine, CObject, 1) 

In the revised class, however, IMPLEMENT_SERIAL should be called like this:


When the updated program reads a CLine object whose schema number is 1, MFC won't throw a CArchive exception because of the VERSIONABLE_SCHEMA flag in the schema number. But it will know that the two schemas are different because the base schema number was increased from 1 to 2.

You're halfway there. The final step is to modify CLine::Serialize so that it deserializes a CLine differently depending on the value returned by GetObjectSchema. The original Serialize function looked like this:

 void CLine::Serialize (CArchive& ar) {     CObject::Serialize (ar);     if (ar.IsStoring ())         ar << m_ptFrom << m_ptTo;     else // Loading, not storing         ar >> m_ptFrom >> m_ptTo; } 

You should implement the new one like this:

 void CLine::Serialize (CArchive& ar) {     CObject::Serialize (ar);     if (ar.IsStoring ())         ar << m_ptFrom << m_ptTo << m_clrLine;     else {         UINT nSchema = ar.GetObjectSchema ();         switch (nSchema) {         case 1: // Version 1 CLine             ar >> m_ptFrom >> m_ptTo;             m_clrLine = RGB (0, 0, 0); // Default color             break;         case 2: // Version 2 CLine             ar >> m_ptFrom >> m_ptTo >> m_clrLine;             break;         default: // Unknown version             AfxThrowArchiveException (CArchiveException::badSchema);             break;         }     } } 

See how it works? When a CLine object is written to the archive, it's always formatted as a version 2 CLine. But when a CLine is read from the archive, it's treated as a version 1 CLine or a version 2 CLine, depending on the value returned by GetObjectSchema. If the schema number is 1, the object is read the old way and m_clrLine is set to a sensible default. If the schema number is 2, all of the object's data members, including m_clrLine, are read from the archive. Any other schema number results in a CArchiveException indicating that the version number is unrecognized. (If this occurs, you're probably dealing with buggy code or a corrupted archive.) If, in the future, you revise CLine again, you can bump the schema number up to 3 and add a case block for the new schema.

How Serialization Works

Looking under the hood to see what happens when data is serialized to or from an archive provides a revealing glimpse into both the operation and the architecture of MFC. MFC serializes primitive data types such as ints and DWORDs by copying them directly to the archive. To illustrate, here's an excerpt from the MFC source code file Arccore.cpp showing how the CArchive insertion operator for DWORDs is implemented:

 CArchive& CArchive::operator<<(DWORD dw) {     if (m_lpBufCur + sizeof(DWORD) > m_lpBufMax)         Flush();     if (!(m_nMode & bNoByteSwap))         _AfxByteSwap(dw, m_lpBufCur);     else         *(DWORD*)m_lpBufCur = dw;     m_lpBufCur += sizeof(DWORD);     return *this; } 

For performance reasons, CArchive objects store the data that is written to them in an internal buffer. m_lpBufCur points to the current location in that buffer. If the buffer is too full to hold another DWORD, it is flushed before the DWORD is copied to it. For a CArchive object that's attached to a CFile, CArchive::Flush writes the current contents of the buffer to the file.

CStrings, CRects, and other nonprimitive data types formed from MFC classes are serialized differently. MFC serializes a CString, for example, by outputting a character count followed by the characters themselves. The writing is done with CArchive::Write. Here's an excerpt from Arccore.cpp that shows how a CString containing less than 255 characters is serialized:

 CArchive& AFXAPI operator<<(CArchive& ar, const CString& string) {            if (string.GetData()->nDataLength < 255)     {         ar << (BYTE)string.GetData()->nDataLength;     }            ar.Write(string.m_pchData,         string.GetData()->nDataLength*sizeof(TCHAR));     return ar; } 

CArchive::Write copies a specified chunk of data to the archive's internal buffer and flushes the buffer if necessary to prevent overflows. Incidentally, if a CString serialized into an archive with the << operator contains Unicode characters, MFC writes a special 3-byte signature into the archive before the character count. This enables MFC to identify a serialized string's character type so that, if necessary, those characters can be converted to the format that a client expects when the string is deserialized from the archive. In other words, it's perfectly acceptable for a Unicode application to serialize a string and for an ANSI application to deserialize it, and vice versa.

The more interesting case is what happens when a CObject pointer is serialized into an archive. Here's the relevant code from Afx.inl:

 _AFX_INLINE CArchive& AFXAPI operator<<(CArchive& ar,     const CObject* pOb)     { ar.WriteObject(pOb); return ar; } 

As you can see, the << operator calls CArchive::WriteObject and passes it the pointer that appears on the right side of the insertion operator—for example, the pLine in

 ar << pLine; 

WriteObject ultimately calls the object's Serialize function to serialize the object's data members, but before it does, it writes additional information to the archive that identifies the class from which the object was created.

For example, suppose the object being serialized is an instance of CLine. The very first time it serializes a CLine to the archive, WriteObject inserts a new class tag—a 16-bit integer whose value is -1, or 0xFFFF—into the archive, followed by the object's 16-bit schema number, a 16-bit value denoting the number of characters in the class name, and finally the class name itself. WriteObject then calls the CLine's Serialize function to serialize the CLine's data members.

If a second CLine is written to the archive, WriteObject behaves differently. When it writes a new class tag to the archive, WriteObject adds the class name to an in-memory database (actually, an instance of CMapPtrToPtr) and assigns the class a unique identifier that is in reality an index into the database. If no other classes have been written to the archive, the first CLine written to disk is assigned an index of 1. When asked to write a second CLine to the archive, WriteObject checks the database, sees that CLine is already recorded, and instead of writing redundant information to the archive, writes a 16-bit value that consists of the class index ORed with an old class tag (0x8000). It then calls the CLine's Serialize function as before. Thus, the first instance of a class written to an archive is marked with a new class tag, a schema number, and a class name; subsequent instances are tagged with 16-bit values whose lower 15 bits identify a previously recorded schema number and class name.

Figure 6-2 shows a hex dump of an archive that contains two serialized version 1 CLines. The CLines were written to the archive with the following code fragment:

 // Create two CLines and initialize an array of pointers. CLine line1 (CPoint (0, 0), CPoint (50, 50)); CLine line2 (CPoint (50, 50), CPoint (100, 0)); CLine* pLines[2] = { &line1, &line2 }; int nCount = 2; // Serialize the CLines and the CLine count. ar << nCount; for (int i=0; i<nCount; i++)     ar << pLines[i]; 

The hex dump is broken down so that each line in the listing represents one component of the archive. I've numbered the lines for reference. Line 1 contains the object count (2) written to the archive when the statement

 ar << nCount; 

was executed. Line 2 contains information written by WriteObject defining the CLine class. The first 16-bit value is the new class tag; the second is the class's schema number (1); and the third holds the length of the class name (5). The final 5 bytes on line 2 hold the class name ("CLine"). Immediately following the class information, in lines 3 through 6, is the first serialized CLine: four 32-bit values that specify, in order, the x component of the CLine's m_ptFrom data member, the y component of m_ptFrom, the x component of m_ptTo, and the y component of m_ptTo. Similar information for the second CLine appears on lines 8 through 11, but in between—on line 7—is a 16-bit tag that identifies the data that follows as a serialized CLine. CLine's class index is 1 because it was the first class added to the archive. The 16-bit value 0x8001 is the class index ORed with an old class tag.

click to view at full size.

Figure 6-2. Hex dump of an archive containing two CLines.

So far, so good. It's not difficult to understand what goes into the archive. Now let's see what happens when the CLines are read out of the archive. Assume that the CLines are deserialized with the following code:

 int nCount; ar >> nCount; CLine* pLines = new CLine[nCount]; for (int i=0; i<nCount; i++)     ar >> pLines[i]; 

When the

 ar >> nCount; 

statement is executed, CArchive reaches into the archive, retrieves 4 bytes, and copies them to nCount. That sets the stage for the for loop that retrieves CLines from the archive. Each time the

 ar >> pLines[i]; 

statement is executed, the >> operator calls CArchive::ReadObject and passes in a NULL pointer. Here's the relevant code in Afx.inl:

 _AFX_INLINE CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar, CObject*& pOb)     { pOb = ar.ReadObject(NULL); return ar; } _AFX_INLINE CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar,     const CObject*& pOb)     { pOb = ar.ReadObject(NULL); return ar; } 

ReadObject calls another CArchive function named ReadClass to determine what kind of object it's about to deserialize. The first time through the loop, ReadClass reads one word from the archive, sees that it's a new class tag, and proceeds to read the schema number and class name from the archive. ReadClass then compares the schema number obtained from the archive to the schema number stored in the CRuntimeClass structure associated with the class whose name was just retrieved. (The DECLARE_SERIAL and IMPLEMENT_SERIAL macros create a static CRuntimeClass structure containing important information about a class, including its name and schema number. MFC maintains a linked list of CRuntimeClass structures that can be searched to locate run-time information for a particular class.) If the schemas are the same, ReadClass returns the CRuntimeClass pointer to ReadObject. ReadObject, in turn, calls CreateObject through the CRuntimeClass pointer to create a new instance of the class and then calls the object's Serialize function to load the data from the archive into the object's data members. The pointer to the new class instance returned by ReadClass is copied to the location specified by the caller—in this case, the address of pLines[i].

As class information is read from the archive, ReadObject builds a class database in memory just as WriteObject does. When the second CLine is read from the archive, the 0x8001 tag preceding it tells ReadClass that it can get the CRuntimeClass pointer requested by ReadObject from the database.

That's basically what happens during the serialization process if all goes well. I've skipped many of the details, including the numerous error checks MFC performs and the special treatment given to NULL object pointers and multiple references to the same object.

What happens if the schema number read from the archive doesn't match the schema number stored in the corresponding CRuntimeClass? Enter versionable schemas. MFC first checks for a VERSIONABLE_SCHEMA flag in the schema number stored in the CRuntimeClass. If the flag is absent, MFC throws a CArchiveException. At that point, the serialization process is over; done; finis. There's very little you can do about it other than display an error message, which MFC will do for you if you don't catch the exception. If the VERSIONABLE_SCHEMA flag is present, however, MFC skips the call to AfxThrowArchiveException and stores the schema number where the application can retrieve it by calling GetObjectSchema. That's why VERSIONABLE_SCHEMA and GetObjectSchema are the keys that open the door to successful versioning of serializable classes.

Serializing CObjects

I'll close this chapter with a word of advice regarding the serialization of CObjects. MFC overloads CArchive's insertion and extraction operators for CObject pointers, but not for CObjects. That means this will work:

 CLine* pLine = new CLine (CPoint (0, 0), CPoint (100, 50)); ar << pLine; 

But this won't:

 CLine line (CPoint (0, 0), CPoint (100, 50)); ar << line; 

In other words, CObjects can be serialized by pointer but not by value. This normally isn't a problem, but it can be troublesome if you write serializable classes that use other serializable classes as embedded data members and you want to serialize those data members.

One way to serialize CObjects by value instead of by pointer is to do your serialization and deserialization like this:

 // Serialize. CLine line (CPoint (0, 0), CPoint (100, 50)); ar << &line; // Deserialize. CLine* pLine; ar >> pLine; CLine line = *pLine; // Assumes CLine has a copy constructor. delete pLine; 

The more common approach, however, is to call the other class's Serialize function directly, as demonstrated here:

 // Serialize. CLine line (CPoint (0, 0), CPoint (100, 50)); line.Serialize (ar); // Deserialize. CLine line; line.Serialize (ar); 

Although calling Serialize directly is perfectly legal, you should be aware that it means doing without versionable schemas for the object that is being serialized. When you use the << operator to serialize an object pointer, MFC writes the object's schema number to the archive; when you call Serialize directly, it doesn't. If called to retrieve the schema number for an object whose schema is not recorded, GetObjectSchema will return -1 and the outcome of the deserialization process will depend on how gracefully Serialize handles unexpected schema numbers.

Programming Windows with MFC
Programming Windows with MFC, Second Edition
ISBN: 1572316950
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 101
Authors: Jeff Prosise © 2008-2017.
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