

table aliases, 47, 532
TABLE clause, to UPDATE, 398 “399
table joins. See joins
table names , substituting using variables , 154 “155
table statistics, gathering, 547
table structure, viewing, 142 “143
table synonyms, 283
table or view does not exist (error), 283 “284
tables, 294 “309. See also columns ; rows
adding comments to, 308
adding indexes to, 534
adding rows to, 20 “21, 248 “250
altering, 247 “270, 298 “307
copying rows from one to another, 250
creating, 294 “296
defined, 2, 26
dropping, 309
getting information on, 296
joining in a query, 45 “60
modifying rows in, 21 “22
nested, 395 “399
removing rows from, 22
renaming, 307
retrieving all columns from, 15
retrieving data from multiple related , 531 “532
retrieving information from, 27 “60
SELECT statements that use multiple, 48 “49
SELECT statements that use two, 44 “46
selecting all columns from, 29
truncating, 308 “309
viewing all rows in, 17
tables containing LOBs, creating, 430 “431
tables for the example store schema, 13 “19
tablespace, for nested table's storage table, 416 “417
TC (Transaction Control) statements, 4
temporary tables, using varrays in, 416
temporary variables, 153 “155
for column values, 154
definition characters , 154
explained, 152
output lines, 154
for table/column names, 154
using in a script, 158
temporary_lob_example() procedure, 448
textContent.txt example file, 428 “429
THEN keyword, 335
Thin driver (JDBC), 480
Time class (Java), 492
time interval related functions, 137 “138
time interval types, 133
time intervals, 102, 132 “138
time part of datetime, viewing with TO_CHAR(), 111
time query flashbacks, 267 “268
time zone names, obtaining, 122 “123
time zone offsets, obtaining, 122
time zone related functions, 121 “123
time zones, 120 “123
converting a datetime between, 123
datetime formatting parameters for, 108
specifying, 110 “112
strings to format, 109
Timestamp class (Java), 492
Timestamp related functions, 128 “132
TIMESTAMP type, 102, 123 “132, 554
TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE type, 125 “126, 554
TNSNAMES string, Oracle Net, 483
TO_CHAR() conversion function, 76, 78 “82, 104
combining with TO_DATE(), 112 “114
converting datetime to string, 104 “109
converting numbers to strings, 81 “82
format parameters, 79 “80
pound characters (###) returned by, 81
for viewing time part of datetime, 111
TO_CLOB() function, 472
TO_DATE() conversion function, 31 “32, 104, 492
combining with TO_CHAR(), 112 “114
converting String to datetime, 109 “112
using EXTRACT() on results of, 130
TO_NCLOB() function, 472
TO_NUMBER() function, 82 “83
totals, filtering out, 210
TO_TIMESTAMP() function, 130 “131
TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ() function, 130 “132
transaction isolation levels, 264 “265
transaction locking, 264
transaction properties (ACID properties), 262
transactions (database), 258 “266
committing and rolling back, 259 “260
concurrent, 262 “263
defined, 258, 262
handling in Java, 497
starting and ending, 260
TRANSLATE() function, 188 “189
tree (of nodes), 195
displaying the level in, 196 “197
traversing, 198 “199
triggers, 358 “364
:new attribute when using LOBs in, 473
creating, 359 “361
dropping, 364
enabling and disabling, 364
explained, 358
firing, 358, 361 “362
getting information on, 362 “364
when they run, 359
TRIM() function, 68, 412 “414, 468 “469
trim_addresses() procedure, 412
TRUNC() function, 76, 119 “120
TRUNCATE statement, 308 “309
try statement, 498 “499
try/catch statement, 498 “499
TTITLE command, 160
tuning, tools for, 549 “550
type inheritance, 382 “383
Java, 488 “490
Oracle, 488 “490, 551 “556
PL/SQL, 334
TZ_OFFSET() function, 122

Oracle Database 10g SQL
Oracle Database 10g SQL (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)
ISBN: 0072229810
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 217 © 2008-2017.
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