

id attribute (object), 373, 377
IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineering), 22
IEEE standards, for floating-point arithmetic, 22
IF statement, 335, 349
if-then-else logic in SQL, 190 “191
IN operator, 41, 418 “419
vs. EXISTS, 175 “176, 537
with a multiple row subquery, 171 “172
outer joins and, 53
IN OUT parameter mode, 348
IN parameter mode, 347
INCREMENT keyword, 240
index-by tables, 390
indexes, 315 “320
adding to tables, 534
candidates for, 316
creating, 316 “317
creating function-based, 317 “318
dropping, 320
getting information on, 318 “319
modifying, 320
unique, 317
in_example() procedure, 418
defined, 2
retrieving from tables, 27 “60
held in the store schema, 13
inheritance, 382 “383
INITCAP() function, 65
initialize_addresses() function, 406 “407
initialize_blob() procedure, 437
initialize_clob() procedure, 437
inline views, 169 “170
with ON clause, 55, 59
and USING clauses, 57
inner joins, 49
on multiple columns using SQL/92, 57
on multiple tables using SQL/92, 57
on two tables using SQL/92, 55
inner SELECT statement. See subqueries
INSERT statements, 20, 24, 248 “250, 377 “379, 433 “434
with SELECT, 250
using JDBC, 491, 510
using a view, 322 “324
with VALUES clause, 248 “249
insert_customer() procedure, 405
insert_product() procedure, 380 “381
INSTR() function, 66, 456 “459
instr_example() procedure, 458
insufficient privileges (error), 277
INT data type, 553
INTEGER data type, 12, 553
INTEGER variables , 348
creating, 337
declaring, 333
integers, generating a sequence of, 309
integrity constraint violated (error), 254
INTERSECT operator, 186 “187
INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND type, 135 “137, 553
INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH type, 133 “135, 553
invalid username/password (error), 508
INVALIDATE option, 416
INVALID_NUMBER exception, 346
inverse percentile functions, 214, 223
IO exception error, 508
IS A SET operator, 423
IS ANY predicate, 238
IS EMPTY operator, 423
IS NULL clause, 35
IS PRESENT predicate, 241 “242
is_a_set_example() procedure, 423
is_empty_example() procedure, 423
isolation (transaction property), 262
ISOPEN() function, 459
ISTEMPORARY() function, 460

Oracle Database 10g SQL
Oracle Database 10g SQL (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)
ISBN: 0072229810
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 217 © 2008-2017.
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