

Data Definition Language statements, 3, 10 “19, 498
data dictionary (Oracle database), 276
data source object, creating, 484
data source object attributes, setting, 484 “486
data sources
to connect to a database, 484
looking up, 484
registering (binding), 484
data type of columns , changing, 299
data type conversion functions, 76 “83
data type inheritance, 382 “383
data types
Java, 488 “490
Oracle, 488 “490, 551 “556
PL/SQL, 334
database integrity, 253 “255
database management system, defined, 2
database objects. See objects (database)
database security, 271 “292
database structures (schemas), 2, 8 “19, 26
database time zone, 121
database transactions. See transactions
database types, common Oracle, 11 “13
database URL, 482 “483
database user , creating, 11
DataSource attributes, table of, 485
DataSource interface (javax.sql), 484
date arithmetic, 31 “32
Date class (Java), 492
DATE class (oracle.sql), 518
date columns, converting using NVL(), 36
date format, setting the default, 112 “113
DATE keyword, 102
DATE type (Oracle SQL), 12, 492, 553
DATE variable, defining, 157
dates and times, 101 “139
default formats for, 102 “103
Oracle default format for, 21, 29
storing and retrieving, 102 “104
strings to format, 108 “109
vs. timestamps, 123
using MAX() and MIN() with, 91
datetime formatting
parameters, 105 “108
separators, 107
specifying, 110
suffixes, 107 “108
datetime functions, 115 “120
datetimes, 102
converting, 104 “112
converting between time zones, 123
converting Strings to, 109 “112
converting to Strings, 104 “109
day, datetime formatting parameters for, 106 “107
day to second interval literals, 136
DBMS_FLASHBACK package (PL/SQL), 266
DISABLE() procedure, 268 “269
ENABLE_AT_TIME() procedure, 267
EXECUTE privilege on, 266
DBMS_LOB methods , 434 “435
DBMS_LOB package, 434 “435
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE() method, 333
DBTIMEZONE() function, 121
DCL (Data Control Language) statements, 4
DDL (Data Definition Language) statements, 3, 10 “19,  498
DEC data type, 553
DECIMAL data type, 553
declaration block (PL/SQL), 333
DECLARE section (PL/SQL), 334
DECODE() function, 190 “191
to convert multiple column values, 208 “209
on value returned from GROUPING(), 208
DEFAULT keyword, in a UPDATE statement, 256
DEFERRABLE constraint, 304
DEFINE command, 146, 155 “157
defined variables , 155 “157
defining and listing, 155 “157
explained, 152
using ACCEPT command for, 156 “157
using in a script, 158 “159
DELETE clause of CREATE TABLE, 294
DELETE statement, 22, 374, 376, 493
containing a subquery, 179
removing rows using, 252 “253
using, 408 “409
delete_address() procedure, 408
DENSE_RANK() function, 216 “221
DEREF() function, 379
DESC keyword
with ORDER BY, 44
in OVER clause, 217
DESCRIBE (DESC) command, 20, 31, 142, 248, 296, 298, 325, 392
getting information on object types, 370 “371
output columns, 142 “143
description column (products table), 16
detail (child) table, 16, 254
DIMENSION BY clause, 236
getting the current value of, 239
in positional notation, 237
directory alias and file name , getting, 452
directory object, creating, 433
dirty reads (transactions), 264
DISABLE CONSTRAINT clause, 303 “304
DISABLE() procedure (DBMS_FLASHBACK), 268 “269
DISCONNECT command (SQL*Plus), 10
disconnecting from the database (SQL*Plus), 10
display_addresses() procedure, 407
DISTINCT clause, 36 “37, 90, 327, 537 “538, 548
distribution functions, 234 “235
division operator (/), 30
divisions table, 202
DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements, 3
on the object_customers table, 376 “378
on the object_products table, 375 “376
on the products table, 372 “374
on the purchases table, 378 “380
dob column (customers table), 15
DOUBLE PRECISION data type, 553
double quotation marks ("), 34, 250
DriverManager class (JDBC), 481
DROP FUNCTION statement, 354
DROP INDEX statement, 320
DROP PACKAGE statement, 358
DROP PROCEDURE statement, 351
DROP ROLE statement, 291
DROP SEQUENCE statement, 315
DROP TABLE statement, 162 “163, 309
DROP TRIGGER statement, 364
DROP USER statement, 274
DROP VIEW statement, 329
dual tables, structure of, 31
duplicate rows
removing from output, 213
removing using HAVING, 214
retrieving, 184
suppressing display of, 537
UNION removal of, 535
duplicate value for a primary key column, 253
DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX exception, 345
durability (transaction property), 262
duration column ( coupons table), 134 “135
duration column (promotions table), 136 “137

Oracle Database 10g SQL
Oracle Database 10g SQL (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)
ISBN: 0072229810
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 217 © 2008-2017.
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