

ABS() function, 73 “74
ACCEPT command, 155 “158
ACID transaction properties, 262
addition operator (+), 30 “32
ADD_MONTHS() function, 116 “117
aggregate functions, 62, 88 “92
GROUP BY clause with, 95
groups of rows with, 94 “95
incorrect use of, 96 “97
with ROLLUP, 205
column, 33 “34
table, 47, 532
ALL operator, 39, 172 “173
all_views view, 325
ALTER INDEX statement, 320
ALTER ROLE statment, 290
ALTER SEQUENCE statement, 315
ALTER TABLE statement, 298 “307
ALTER TRIGGER statement, 364
ALTER TYPE statement, 391
ALTER USER statement, 273
ALTER VIEW statement, 329
ampersand character (&), for temporary variable, 153
ampersands (&&), for repeated variable, 155
analytic functions, 214 “235
CUBE operator with, 220 “221
GROUPING SETS operator with, 221
PARTITION BY clause with, 218 “219
ROLLUP operator with, 219 “220
ANALYZE command, 546 “547
AND clause
with CONNECT BY PRIOR clause, 200
when accessing a range of cells , 238
AND logical operator, 42
with inner joins, 57
precedence over OR, 43
ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 3, 46,  417
ANSI SQL/86 standard syntax for joins, 46
ANSI SQL/92 standard syntax for joins, 46, 55 “60
ANSI standard date format, 102 “103
ANSI support for nested tables, 417 “425
ANY operator, 38
accessing all cells using, 238
with a multiple row subquery, 172
APPEND command, 144
APPEND() function, 441 “442
append_example() procedure, 441 “442
arithmetic, 30 “33
arithmetic operator precedence, 33
arithmetic operators, 30
combining in an expression, 32
order of execution for, 33
AS keyword, before an alias, 34
ASC keyword
with ORDER BY, 44
in OVER clause, 217
ASCII() function, 64 “65
associative arrays, 390 “391, 414 “415
asterisk character (*), 29, 144, 157
atomicity (transaction property), 262
auto-commit mode, 497
automatic database diagnostic monitoring, 549 “550
AVG() function, 90, 96, 167 “169, 174, 205, 225 “227
GROUP BY clause with, 94
WHERE clause with, 93

Oracle Database 10g SQL
Oracle Database 10g SQL (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)
ISBN: 0072229810
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 217 © 2008-2017.
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