

case sensitivity in HTML 4 and earlier, 25 “26
combining operators and, 35
CSS reliance on XHTML for document structure, 615
Document object methods , 765 “769
Document object properties, 761 “765
Document object support, 398 “400
DOM collections related to, 391 “397
DOM elements associated with, 272 “276, 402 “404
DOM tree structure and, 253
element access by name , 231, 262
element access by position, 230
escaping before writing into Web pages, 694
event attributes, 300 “301
event binding attributes, 330
event binding, non-standard, 310
event handler attributes, 300 “301
event handlers, 232 “233
events that can be invoked directly, 315
events, HTML 4, 811 “812
frames , 371 “375
HTAs, 657 “660
HTC, 664 “665
loading multiple frames with link, 377
mapping to XML, 249
reference book, 6
referencing elements in JavaScript object model, 233 “236
strings and, 56 “57
strings marked up as traditional HTML, 186 “187
<title> tag, 391
XML combined with XHTML, 615 “618
XML (eXtensible Markup Language), 603 “637
combining with XHTML, 615 “618
displaying, 608 “609
displaying with CSS, 614 “615
DOM IE example, 620 “624
DOM Mozilla example, 624 “630
IE XML data islands, 618 “619
mapping to (X)HTML, 249
overview of, 603
remote XML, 632 “637
scripting IE XML data islands, 630 “632
transforming into HTML, 609 “614
valid, 607 “608
well- formed , 603 “607
XML data islands, 618 “619, 630 “632
xml object, proprietary document objects, 911 “913
XML parsers, 608
<xml>, 618, 911
XMLDocument object, 625
XMLHTTP, 597 “600
creating/sending requests , 599 “600
overview of, 597 “598
POST method, 600
security, 600
XMLHTTP object, 597, 599
XMLHTTPRequest object, 597
xmlns attribute, 616
xmp object, proprietary document objects, 914
XOR (^), bitwise operators, 82
XSL (eXtensible Style Sheets)
Internet Explorer support for, 611
overview of, 609
transformations performed with, 612 “614
XSLT (eXtensible Style Sheet Transformations), 609 “614
XSS. See cross-site scripting

JavaScript 2.0
JavaScript: The Complete Reference, Second Edition
ISBN: 0072253576
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 209 © 2008-2017.
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