

Data Binding model, 660 “662
data islands, XML, 618 “619, 630 “632
data types
conversion, 64 “67
dynamic typing, 29 “31
overview of, 29
syntax reference, 732
typeof operator for examining, 63
data types, composite. See also reference types
arrays, 31 “32, 62
functions, 63
objects, 32 “33, 60 “62
overview of, 31
passing by reference, 115 “116
syntax reference, 735
data types, primitive
Booleans, 57 “58
conversion rules for, 65 “66
list of, 732
null, 59 “60
numbers , 49 “53
object types corresponding to, 188
passing by value, 114 “115
promoting to objects, 66 “67
strings, 53 “57
syntax, 732 “733
undefined , 58 “60
dataTransfer object, proprietary browser objects, 788 “789
Date object, 174 “178
constructors, 789 “790
converting dates to strings, 177
converting strings to dates, 177 “178
creating dates, 174 “175
limitations of date representation, 178
manipulating dates, 175 “1599
methods , 790 “793
overview of, 174, 789
properties, 790
Date( ) constructor, 174 “175
dd object, HTMLElement, 793 “794
<dd>, 793
debugging, 702 “709
debuggers , use of, 706 “709
error notification, 699
list of common errors and symptoms, 701 “702
manually outputting debugging information, 702 “703
stack traces, 703 “706
turning on error messages, 698 “699
deceptive programming tactics, browser security, 692
declaring variables , 47, 69 “70
decode( ) methods, Global methods, 180
decrement operator (--), 85 “86
deep clones , 267
defaultStatus property, Window object, 367
defensive programming
browser capabilities detection, 718 “720
code hiding, 720 “723
error handlers, 710 “712
Error object, 714 “715
error reporting, automatic, 712 “714
exceptions, 714, 718
overview of, 709 “710
try, catch, and throw statements, 715 “717
del object, HTMLModElement, 794
<del>, 794
delete operator
deleting objects, 33, 93 “94
removing array elements, 162
removing instance properties, 137
deleteCookie( ) method, 527
deleteLastElement( ), 630
deleteRule( ) method, 285
detachEvent( ) method, 322
dfn object, HTMLElement, 794 “795
<dfn>, 794
DHTML (Dynamic HTML), 476 “504
animation, 500 “504
browser-specific, 476
computed styles, 494 “496
cross browser library, 480 “489
CSS positioning, 477 “478
DHTML Behaviors compared with, 670
Document object collections related to, 397 “398
DOM compared with, 291 “294
DOM positioned regions , 479 “480
DOM standards, 134, 236
IE positioned regions, 479 “480
menus . see menus, DHTML
Netscape 4 and, 237 “240
Netscape positioned regions, 478 “479
rollovers, 498 “499
sparing use of DHTML effects, 504
standards-basis of, 489
style classes, 493 “494
style objects, 489 “493
transitions, 496 “499
DHTML Behaviors, 664 “670
attaching to elements, 665
compared with tradition DHTML, 670
defaults, 668 “669
defining, 666 “668
element behaviors, 669 “670
overview of, 664 “665
removing, 666
storing client-side state, 532
dialogs, 347 “351
alerts, 348
confirmations , 348 “350
overview of, 347 “351
prompts, 350 “351
digital certificates, 683 “684
dir object, HTMLDirectoryElement, 795
<dir>, 795
disabled attribute, form fields, 457
dispatchEvent( ) method, DOM2, 340 “341
display( ) method, Array object, 172
div object, HTMLDivElement, 795 “796
class attribute, 493
correspondence to HTMLDivElement, 796
menu styles and, 510 “511
Netscape 4, 478
Style objects and, 489
division (/) operator, 79
dl object, HTMLDListElement, 796
<dl>, 796
do... while loops , 747
Document object, 796 “801
accessing using associative arrays, 232
anchors[ ] collection, 391 “392
as built-in object, 61
color properties, 385 “388
correspondence to (X)HTML, 400 “404
DHTML-related collections, 397 “398
DOM Level 1 properties and collections, 398 “399
element access by name , 231
element access by position, 230
elements[ ] collection, 393 “394
forms[ ] collection, 392 “393
historic properties, 385
HTML-related collections, 391 “397
images[ ] collection, 394 “396
last modification date, 388
links[ ] collection, 392
location properties, 388 “389
lowest common denominator document properties and methods, 225 “229
methods, 389 “391, 799 “801
object-related collections, 396 “397
output with, 41
overview of, 796
properties, 796 “799
support for (X)HTML, 398 “400
Web page content and, 32
Document Object Model. See DOM (Document Object Model)
document objects, 761 “769
abbr, 771
acronym, 771
address, 772 “773
anchors and links, 769 “771
applet, 773 “774
area, 774
b, 777
base, 777
baseFont, 777 “778
bdo, 778
bgSound, 778 “779
big, 779
blockQuote, 779 “780
body, 780 “781
br, 782
button, 782 “783
Button, 783 “784
caption, 784
center, 784 “785
Checkbox, 785 “786
cite, 786
code, 787
col, 787 “788
colGroup, 788
as component of object model, 221
dd, 793 “794
del, 794
dfn, 794 “795
dir, 795
div, 795 “796
dl, 796
dt, 801
em, 802
fieldset , 818
file, file upload, 818 “819
font, 819 “820
form, 820
frame, 821
frameSet, 822
h1, h6, 827
head, 825
Hidden, 826
hr, 827
html, 827 “828
i, 828
iframe, 828 “829
Image, 829 “831
implementation, 831
input, 832
ins, 832
isIndex, 832
kbd, 833
label, 834
legend, 836 “837
li, 837
link, 837 “838
map, 839
menu, 842
meta, 842
noFrames, 846
noScript, 846 “847
object, 849 “850
ol, 850 “851
optGroup, 851
option, 851 “852
overview of, 134
p, 852
param, 853
Password, 854
plainText object, deprecated, 854
pre, 856
q, 856
Radio, 856 “857
Reset, 859 “860
rule, CSSrule, 861 “862
samp, 862
script, 863 “864
select, 864 “865
Style, 870 “885
style, 885
styleSheet, 886 “887
sub, 887
submit, 888
sup, 889
table, 889 “891
tBody , tHead, tFoot, 891
td, 891
Text, 893 “894
textarea, 894 “895
TextNode object, 895 “896
th, 891
title, 899
tr, 899 “900
tt, 900
u, 901
ul, 901
var, 902 “903
document objects, proprietary
currentStyle, 788
embed, 802 “803
Layer, 834 “836
marquee, 839 “840
noBR, 845 “846
page, 853
rt, 860
ruby, 861
runtimeStyle, 862
wbr, 903
xml, 911 “913
xmp, 914
document property, Window object, 134
document trees, DOM
accessing elements, 255 “256
browser differences in navigating, 261 “262
nodes. see nodes, DOM
overview of, 252 “255
starting points, 262 “263
document type definition (DTD), 607 “608
documentElement property, Document object, 263
dollar sign($), positional indicator, 194
DOM (Document Object Model), 249 “295
(X)HTML elements associated with, 402 “404
attribute manipulation, 271 “272
browser and capability detection, 720
categories, 250
compared with BOM, 221
compared with DHTML, 291 “294
document tree navigation, browser differences, 261 “262
document tree starting points, 262 “263
document trees, 252 “255
DOM Traversal API, 287 “289
event methods, 810 “811
event model. see DOM2 Event model
events, 812 “813
getElementbyId( ) method, 255 “256
getElementsByName( ) method, 262
getElementsByTagName( ) method, 263 “264
hasChildNodes( )method, 258 “261
HTML elements and, 272 “276, 400 “402
Internet Explorer XML example, 620 “624
Level 0 collections, 263
Level 1 collections, 398 “399
levels, 249 “250
mapping to CSS, 277 “279
Mozilla XML example, 624 “630
node copies, 267 “268
node creation, 264 “265
node deletion and replacement, 268 “269
node insertion, 265 “267
node modification, 269 “271
node properties, 256
overview of, 21, 134, 249
positioned regions, 479 “480
range selections, 289 “290
standards, 236
table manipulation, 405 “414
upcoming features, 290
Window object methods, 360 “361
DOM Level 0, 250, 263
DOM Level 1
accessing elements, 263
attributes, 271 “272
overview of, 250
DOM Level 2
DOM Traversal API, 287 “289
event model. see DOM2 Event model
hasAttributes( ) method, 271
overview of, 250
range selections, 289 “290
styleSheets[ ] collection, 285
DOM Range API, 289 “290
DOM Traversal API, 287 “289
DOM2 Event model. See event model, DOM2
DOM-based HTML editor, 276
dot (.) operator, 136
double ampersand (&&), logical operator, 89
double foreslash (//), 43
double pipe(), logical operator, 89
doubling string, browser security, 691
do-while loops, 37 “38, 103 “104
Dreamweaver, Macromedia, 708
drop-in form validation, 449 “451
dt object, HTMLElement, 801
<dt>, 801
DTD (document type definition), 607 “608
dynamic content, remote JavaScript, 589 “592
dynamic forms, 458 “461
Dynamic HTML. See DHTML (Dynamic HTML)
dynamic properties, IE, 662 “664
dynamic scope note, 498
dynamic styles, CSS, 283 “284
dynamic typing, 29 “31, 155

JavaScript 2.0
JavaScript: The Complete Reference, Second Edition
ISBN: 0072253576
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 209 © 2008-2017.
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