6.1 The SELECT Statement

 < Day Day Up > 

It is always faster to SELECT exact column names. Thus using the Employees schema

SELECT division_id, name, city, state, country FROM division;

is faster than

SELECT * FROM division;

Also since there is a primary key index on the Division table

SELECT division_id FROM division;

will only read the index file and should completely ignore the table itself. Since the index contains only a single column and the table contains five columns, reading the index is faster because there is less physical space to traverse.

In order to prove these points we need to use the EXPLAIN PLAN command. Oracle Database's EXPLAIN PLAN command allows a quick peek into how the Oracle Database Optimizer will execute an SQL statement, displaying a query plan devised by the Optimizer.

The EXPLAIN PLAN command creates entries in the PLAN_TABLE for a SELECT statement. The resulting query plan for the SELECT statement following is shown after it. Various versions of the query used to retrieve rows from the PLAN_TABLE, a hierarchical query, can be found in Appendix B. In order to use the EXPLAIN PLAN command statistics must be generated. Both the EXPLAIN PLAN command and statistics will be covered in detail in Chapter 9.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR SELECT * FROM    division; Query                                Cost     Rows     Bytes -----------------------------------  ----     ----     ----- SELECT STATEMENT on                     1       10       460   TABLE ACCESS FULL on DIVISION         1       10       460

One thing important to remember about the EXPLAIN PLAN command is it produces a listed sequence of events, a query plan. Examine the following query and its query plan. The "Pos" or positional column gives a rough guide to the sequence of events that the Optimizer will follow. In general, events will occur listed in the query plan from bottom to top, where additional indenting denotes containment.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT di.name, de.name, prj.name,          SUM(prj.budget-prj.cost)       FROM division di JOIN department de USING(division_id)             JOIN project prj USING(department_id)       GROUP BY di.name, de.name, prj.name       HAVING SUM(prj.budget-prj.cost) > 0; Query                               Pos   Cost    Rows    Bytes ----------------------------------  ---   ----    ----    ----- SELECT STATEMENT on                  97     97     250    17500  FILTER on                            1   SORT GROUP BY on                    1     97     250    17500    HASH JOIN on                       1     24   10000   700000     TABLE ACCESS FULL on DIVISION     1      1      10      170     HASH JOIN on                      2      3     100     3600      TABLE ACCESS FULL on DEPARTMENT  1      1     100     1900      TABLE ACCESS FULL on PROJECT     2     13   10000   340000

Now let's use the Accounts schema. The Accounts schema has some very large tables. Large tables show differences between the costs of data retrievals more easily. The GeneralLedger table contains over 700,000 rows at this point in time.

In the next example, we explicitly retrieve all columns from the table using column names, similar to using SELECT * FROM GeneralLedger. Using the asterisk probably involves a small overhead in re-interpretation into a list of all column names, but this is internal to Oracle Database and unless there are a huge number of these types of queries this is probably negligible.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT generalledger_id,coa#,dr,cr,dte FROM          generalledger;

The cost of retrieving 752,740 rows is 493 and the GeneralLedger table is read in its entirety indicated by "TABLE ACCESS FULL".

Query                                 Cost     Rows      Bytes -----------------------------------   ----   ------   -------- SELECT STATEMENT on                    493   752740   19571240   TABLE ACCESS FULL on GENERALLEDGER   493   752740   19571240

Now we will retrieve only the primary key column from the GeneralLedger table.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT generalledger_id FROM generalledger; 

For the same number of rows the cost is reduced to 217 since the byte value is reduced by reading the index only, using a form of a full index scan. This means that only the primary key index is being read, not the table.

Query                                       Cost     Rows      Bytes ------------------------------------------------   ------   -------- SELECT STATEMENT on                          217   752740    4516440   INDEX FAST FULL SCAN on XPKGENERALLEDGER   217   752740    4516440

Here is another example using an explicit column name but this one has a greater difference in cost from that of the full table scan. This is because the column retrieved uses an index, which is physically smaller than the index for the primary key. The index on the COA# column is consistently 5 bytes in length for all rows. For the primary key index only the first 9,999 rows have an index value of less than 5 bytes in length.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR        SELECT coa# FROM generalledger; Query                                Cost     Rows     Bytes ----------------------------------   ----   ------   ------- SELECT STATEMENT on                     5   752740   4516440   INDEX FAST FULL SCAN on XFK_GL_COA#   5   752740   4516440

Following are two interesting examples utilizing a composite index. The structure of the index is built as the SEQ# column contained within the CHEQUE_ID column (CHEQUE_ID + SEQ#) and not the other way around. In older versions of Oracle Database this probably would have been a problem. The Oracle9i Database Optimizer is now much improved when matching poorly ordered SQL statement columns to existing indexes. Both examples use the same index. The order of columns is not necessarily a problem in Oracle9i Database.


 Oracle Database 10 Grid   Oracle Database 10g has Optimizer improvements such as less of a need for SQL code statements to be case sensitive.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT cheque_id, seq# FROM cashbookline; Query                                     Cost     Rows     Bytes ---------------------------------------   ----   ------   ------- SELECT STATEMENT on                         65   188185   1505480   INDEX FAST FULL SCAN on XPKCASHBOOKLINE   65   188185   1505480 

It can be seen that even with the columns selected in the reverse order of the index, the index is still used.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT seq#,cheque_id FROM cashbookline; Query                                Cost     Rows     Bytes ----------------------------------   ----   ------   ------- SELECT STATEMENT on                    65   188185   1505480   INDEX FAST FULL SCAN on      XPKCASHBOOKLINE                    65   188185   1505480

The GeneralLedger table has a large number of rows. Now let's examine the idiosyncrasies of very small tables. There are some differences between the behavior of SQL when dealing with large and small tables.

In the next example, the Stock table is small and thus the costs of reading the table or the index are the same. The first query, doing the full table scan, reads around 20 times more physical space but the cost is the same. When tables are small the processing speed may not be better when using indexes. Additionally when joining tables the Optimizer may very well choose to full scan a small static table rather than read both index and table. The Optimizer may select the full table scan as being quicker. This is often the case with generic static tables containing multiple types since they are typically read more often.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR SELECT * FROM    stock;     Query                                Cost     Rows    Bytes ----------------------------------   ----     ----    ----- SELECT STATEMENT on                     1      118     9322   TABLE ACCESS FULL on STOCK            1      118     9322     EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR SELECT stock_id    FROM stock;     Query                                Cost     Rows    Bytes ----------------------------------   ----     ----    ----- SELECT STATEMENT on                     1      118      472 INDEX FULL SCAN on XPKSTOCK             1      118      472

So that is a brief look into how to tune simple SELECT statements. Try to use explicit columns and try to read columns in index orders if possible, even to the point of reading indexes and not tables.

6.1.1 A Count of Rows in the Accounts Schema

I want to show a row count of all tables in the Accounts schema I have in my database. If you remember we have already stated that larger tables are more likely to require use of indexes and smaller tables are not. Since the Accounts schema has both large and small tables, SELECT statements and various clauses executed against different tables will very much affect how those different tables should be accessed in the interest of good performance. Current row counts for all tables in the Accounts schema are shown in Figure 6.1.

Figure 6.1: Row Counts of Accounts Schema Tables


Accounts schema row counts vary throughout this book since the database is continually actively adding rows and occasionally recovered to the initial state shown in Figure 6.1. Relative row counts between tables remain constant.

6.1.2 Filtering with the WHERE Clause

Filtering the results of a SELECT statement with a WHERE clause implies retrieving only a subset of rows from a larger set of rows. The WHERE clause can be used to either include wanted rows, exclude unwanted rows or both.

Once again using the Employees schema, in the following SQL statement we filter rows to include only those rows we want, retrieving only those rows with PROJECTTYPE values starting with the letter "R".

SELECT * FROM projecttype WHERE name LIKE 'R%'; 

Now we do the opposite and filter out rows we do not want. We get everything with values not starting with the letter "R".

SELECT * FROM projecttype WHERE name NOT LIKE 'R%'; 

How does the WHERE clause affect the performance of a SELECT statement? If the sequence of expression comparisons in a WHERE clause can match an index it should. The WHERE clause in the SELECT statement above does not match an index and thus the whole table will be read. Since the Employees schema ProjectType table is small, having only 11 rows, this is unimportant. However, in the case of the Accounts schema, where many of the tables have large numbers of rows, avoiding full table scans, and forcing index reading is important. Following is a single WHERE clause comparison condition example SELECT statement. We will once again show the cost of the query using the EXPLAIN PLAN command. This query does an exact match on a very large table by applying an exact value to find a single row. Note the unique index scan and the low cost of the query.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT * FROM stockmovement WHERE stockmovement_id =          5000;     Query                                Cost     Rows    Bytes ----------------------------------   ----   ------    ----- SELECT STATEMENT on                     3        1       24   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID on      STOCKMOVEMENT                       3        1       24   INDEX UNIQUE SCAN on      XPKSTOCKMOVEMENT                    2        1

Now let's compare the query above with an example which uses another single column index but searches for many more rows than a single row. This example consists of two queries. The first query gives us the WHERE clause literal value for the second query. The result of the first query is displayed here.

SQL> SELECT coa#, COUNT(coa#) "Rows" FROM generalledger    GROUP BY coa#;     COA#                 Rows -----      -------------- 30001              310086 40003               66284 41000              173511 50001              169717 60001               33142

Now let's look at a query plan for the second query with the WHERE clause filter applied. The second query shown next finds all the rows in one of the groups listed in the result shown above.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT * FROM generalledger WHERE coa# = 40003;     Query                                Cost     Rows      Bytes ----------------------------------   ----   ------    ------- SELECT STATEMENT on                   493   150548    3914248   TABLE ACCESS FULL on GENERALLEDGER  493   150548    3914248

The query above has an interesting result because the table is fully scanned. This is because the Optimizer considers it more efficient to read the entire table rather than use the index on the COA# column to find specific columns in the table. This is because the WHERE clause will retrieve over 60,000 rows, just shy of 10% of the entire GeneralLedger table. Over 10% is enough to trigger the Optimizer to execute a full table scan.

In comparison to the above query the following two queries read a very small table, the first with a unique index hit, and the second with a full table scan as a result of the range comparison condition (<). In the second query, if the table were much larger possibly the Optimizer would have executed an index range scan and read the index file. However, since the table is small the Optimizer considers reading the entire table as being faster than reading the index to find what could be more than a single row.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT * FROM category WHERE category_id = 1;     Query                                    Cost   Rows    Bytes ----------------------------------       ----   ----    ----- SELECT STATEMENT on                         1      1       12   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID on CATEGORY   1      1       12     INDEX UNIQUE SCAN on XPKCATEGORY               1     EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT * FROM category WHERE category_id < 2; 

The costs of both index use and the full table scan are the same because the table is small.

Query                                Cost     Rows    Bytes ----------------------------------   ----     ----    ----- SELECT STATEMENT on                     1        1       12 TABLE ACCESS FULL on CATEGORY           1        1       12

So far we have looked at WHERE clauses containing single comparison conditions. In tables where multiple column indexes exist there are other factors to consider. The following two queries produce exactly the same result. Note the unique index scan on the primary key for both queries. As with the ordering of index columns in the SELECT statement, in previous versions of Oracle it is possible that the same result would not have occurred for the second query. This is because in the past the order of table column comparison conditions absolutely had to match the order of columns in an index. In the past the second query shown would probably have resulted in a full table scan. The Optimizer is now more intelligent in Oracle9i Database.


 Oracle Database 10 Grid   Oracle Database 10g has Optimizer improvements such as less of a need for SQL code statements to be case sensitive.

We had a similar result previously in this chapter using the CHEQUE_ID and SEQ# columns on the CashbookLine table. The same applies to the WHERE clause.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT * FROM ordersline WHERE order_id = 3137 AND          seq# = 1;     Query                                Cost   Rows    Bytes ----------------------------------   ----   ----    ----- SELECT STATEMENT on                     3      1       17   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID on        ORDERSLINE                        3      1       17     INDEX UNIQUE SCAN on XPKORDERSLINE  2      1     EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT * FROM ordersline WHERE seq# = 1 AND           order_id= 3137;     Query                                Cost   Rows    Bytes ----------------------------------   ----   ----    ----- SELECT STATEMENT on                     3      1       17   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID on        ORDERSLINE                        3      1       17     INDEX UNIQUE SCAN on XPKORDERSLINE  2      1

Let's now try a different variation. The next example query should only use the second column in the composite index on the STOCK_ID and SUPPLIER_ID columns on the StockSource table. What must be done first is to find a StockSource row uniquely identified by both the STOCK_ID and SUPPLIER_ID columns. Let's simply create a unique row. I have not used sequences in the INSERT statements shown because I want to preserve the values of the sequence objects.


The names of the columns in the Stock table Stock.MIN and Stock.MAX refer to minimum and maximum Stock item values in the Stock table, not the MIN and MAX Oracle SQL functions.

INSERT INTO stock(stock_id, category_id, text, min, max)       VALUES((SELECT MAX(stock_id)+1 FROM          stock),1,'text',1,100);     INSERT INTO supplier(supplier_id, name, ticker)       VALUES((SELECT MAX(supplier_id)+1 FROM supplier)       ,'name','TICKER');     INSERT INTO stocksource       VALUES((SELECT MAX(supplier_id) FROM supplier)       ,(SELECT MAX(stock_id) FROM stock),100.00);

The INSERT statements created a single row in the StockSource table with the primary key composite index uniquely identifying the first column, the second column, and the combination of both. We can find those unique values by finding the maximum values for them.

SELECT COUNT(stock_id), MAX(stock_id) FROM stocksource WHERE stock_id = (SELECT MAX(stock_id) FROM stocksource) GROUP BY stock_id;     COUNT(STOCK_ID)      MAX(STOCK_ID) ---------------    ---------------               1                119     SELECT COUNT(supplier_id), MAX(supplier_id) FROM stocksource WHERE supplier_id = (SELECT MAX(supplier_id) FROM supplier) GROUP BY supplier_id;     COUNT(SUPPLIER_ID)    MAX(SUPPLIER_ID) ------------------    ----------------                 1                 3875 

Now let's attempt that unique index hit on the second column of the composite index in the StockSource table, amongst other combinations.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT * FROM stocksource WHERE supplier_id = 3875; 

Something very interesting happens. The foreign key index on the SUPPLIER_ID column is range scanned because the WHERE clause is matched. The composite index is ignored.

Query                                     Cost   Rows    Bytes ---------------------------------------   ----   ----    ----- 1.  SELECT STATEMENT on                      2      3       30 2.    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID on          STOCKSOURCE                          2      3       30 3.     INDEX RANGE SCAN on XFK_SS_SUPPLIER   1      3

The following query uses the STOCK_ID column, the first column in the composite index. Once again, even though the STOCK_ID column is the first column in the composite index the Optimizer matches the WHERE clause against the nonunique foreign key index on the STOCK_ID column. Again the result is a range scan.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT * FROM stocksource WHERE stock_id = 119;     Query                                   Cost   Rows    Bytes -------------------------------------   ----   ----    ----- 1.  SELECT STATEMENT on                     8   102     1020 2.    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID on          STOCKSOURCE                         8   102     1020 3.     INDEX RANGE SCAN on XFK_SS_STOCK     1   102

The next query executes a unique index hit on the composite index because the WHERE clause exactly matches the index.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT * FROM stocksource       WHERE stock_id = 119 AND supplier_id = 3875;     Query                                       Cost    Rows    Bytes -----------------------------------------   ----   -----    ----- 1.  SELECT STATEMENT on                        2       1       10 2.    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID on          STOCKSOURCE                            2       1       10 3.     INDEX UNIQUE SCAN on XPK_STOCKSOURCE    1   12084

Let's clean up and delete the unique rows we created with the INSERT statements above. My script executing queries (see Appendix B) on the PLAN_TABLE contains a COMMIT command and thus ROLLBACK will not work.

DELETE FROM StockSource WHERE supplier_id = 3875 and    stock_id = 119; DELETE FROM supplier WHERE supplier_id = 3875; DELETE FROM stock WHERE stock_id = 119; COMMIT;

Now let's do something slightly different. The purpose of creating unique stock and supplier items in the StockSource table was to get the best possibility of producing a unique index hit. If we were to select from the StockSource table where more than a single row existed we would once again not get unique index hits. Depending on the number of rows found we could get index range scans or even full table scans.

Firstly, find maximum and minimum counts for stocks duplicated on the StockSource table.

SELECT * FROM(       SELECT supplier_id, COUNT(supplier_id) AS suppliers       FROM stocksource GROUP BY supplier_id ORDER BY          suppliers DESC) WHERE ROWNUM = 1 UNION SELECT * FROM(       SELECT supplier_id, COUNT(supplier_id) AS suppliers       FROM stocksource GROUP BY supplier_id ORDER BY          suppliers) WHERE ROWNUM = 1;

There are nine suppliers with a SUPPLIER_ID column value of 2711 and one with SUPPLIER_ID column value 2.

SUPPLIER_ID          SUPPLIERS -------------    -------------             2                1          2711                9 

Both the next two queries perform index range scans. If one of the queries retrieved enough rows, as in the COA# = '40003' previously shown in this chapter, the Optimizer would force a read of the entire table.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT * FROM stocksource WHERE supplier_id = 2;     Query                                     Cost   Rows    Bytes ---------------------------------------   ----   ----    ----- 1.  SELECT STATEMENT on                      2      3       30 2.    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID on          STOCKSOURCE                          2      3       30 3.     INDEX RANGE SCAN on XFK_SS_SUPPLIER   1      3     EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT * FROM stocksource WHERE supplier_id = 2711;     Query                                     Cost   Rows    Bytes ---------------------------------------   ----   ----    ----- 1.  SELECT STATEMENT on                      2      3       30 2.    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID on         STOCKSOURCE                          2      3       30 3.     INDEX RANGE SCAN on XFK_SS_SUPPLIER   1      3

So try to always do two things with WHERE clauses. Firstly, try to match comparison condition column sequences with existing index column sequences, although it is not strictly necessary. Secondly, always try to use unique, single-column indexes wherever possible. A single-column unique index is much more likely to produce exact hits. An exact hit is the fastest access method.

6.1.3 Sorting with the ORDER BY Clause

The ORDER BY clause sorts the results of a query. The ORDER BY clause is always applied after all other clauses are applied, such as the WHERE and GROUP BY clauses. Without an ORDER BY clause in an SQL statement, rows will often be retrieved in the physical order in which they were added to the table. Rows are not always appended to the end of a table as space can be reused. Therefore, physical row order is often useless. Additionally the sequence and content of columns in the SELECT statement, WHERE and GROUP BY clauses can also somewhat determine returned sort order to a certain extent.

In the following example we are sorting on the basis of the content of the primary key index. Since the entire table is being read there is no use of the index. Note the sorting applied to rows retrieved from the table as a result of re-sorting applied by the ORDER BY clause.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT customer_id, name FROM customer ORDER BY          customer_id;     Query                           Cost   Rows    Bytes     Sort -----------------------------   ----   ----    -----   ------ SELECT STATEMENT on               25   2694    67350  SORT ORDER BY on                 25   2694    67350   205000   TABLE ACCESS FULL on CUSTOMER    9   2694    67350

In the next example the name column is removed from the SELECT statement and thus the primary key index is used. Specifying the CUSTOMER_ID column only in the SELECT statement forces use of the index, not the ORDER BY clause. Additionally there is no sorting because the index is already sorted in the required order. In this case the ORDER BY clause is unnecessary since an identical result would be obtained without it.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT customer_id FROM customer ORDER BY          customer_id;     Query                           Cost   Rows    Bytes     Sort -----------------------------   ----   ----    -----   ------ SELECT STATEMENT on                6   2694    10776  INDEX FULL SCAN on XPKCUSTOMER    6   2694    10776

The next example re-sorts the result by name. Again the whole table is read so no index is used. The results are the same as for the query before the previous one. Again there is physical sorting of the rows retrieved from the table.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT customer_id, name FROM customer ORDER BY name;     Query                           Cost   Rows    Bytes     Sort -----------------------------   ----   ----    -----   ------ SELECT STATEMENT on               25   2694    67350  SORT ORDER BY on                 25   2694    67350   205000   TABLE ACCESS FULL on CUSTOMER    9   2694    67350 

The ORDER BY clause will re-sort results.


 Oracle Database 10 Grid   Queries and sorts are now less case sensitive than in previous versions of Oracle Database.

Overriding WHERE with ORDER BY

The following example is interesting because the primary key composite index is used. Note that there is no sorting in the query plan. It is unnecessary to sort since the index scanned is being read in the order required by the ORDER BY clause. In this case the Optimizer ignores the ORDER BY clause. The WHERE clause specifies ORDER_ID only, for which there is a nonunique foreign key index. A nonunique index is appropriate to a range scan using the < range operator as shown in the example. However, the primary key composite index is used to search with, as specified in the ORDER BY clause. Thus the ORDER BY clause effectively overrides the specification of the WHERE clause. The ORDER BY clause is often used to override any existing sorting parameters.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT * FROM ordersline WHERE order_id < 10        ORDER BY order_id, seq#;     Query                               Cost   Rows    Bytes ---------------------------------   ----   ----    ----- SELECT STATEMENT on                    4      3       51  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID on     ORDERSLINE                          4      3       51   INDEX RANGE SCAN on XPKORDERSLINE    3      3

The second example excludes the overriding ORDER BY clause. Note how the index specified in the WHERE clause is utilized for an index range scan. Thus in the absence of the ORDER BY clause in the previous example the Optimizer resorts to the index specified in the WHERE clause.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT * FROM ordersline WHERE order_id < 10;     Query                                    Cost   Rows    Bytes --------------------------------------   ----   ----    ----- SELECT STATEMENT on                         3      3       51  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID on    ORDERSLINE                               3      3       51   INDEX RANGE SCAN on XFK_ORDERLINE_ORDER   2      3

The next example retains the WHERE clause, containing the first column in the primary key index. It also uses an ORDER BY clause containing only the second column in the composite primary key. This query has a higher cost than both the first and second queries shown before. Why? The Optimizer is retrieving based on the WHERE clause and then being overridden by the ORDER BY clause. What is happening is that the ORDER BY is re-sorting the results of the WHERE clause.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT * FROM ordersline WHERE order_id < 10       ORDER BY seq#;     Query                                      Cost   Rows    Bytes ----------------------------------------   ----   ----    ----- SELECT STATEMENT on                           5      3       51  SORT ORDER BY on                             5      3       51   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID on ORDERSLINE   3      3       51    INDEX RANGE SCAN on XFK_ORDERLINE_ORDER    2      3

In general, it is difficult to demonstrate the performance tuning aspects of the ORDER BY clause. This is because re-sorting is executed after everything else has completed. The ORDER BY clause should not be allowed to conflict with the best Optimizer performance choices of previous clauses. An ORDER BY clause can be used as a refinement of previous clauses rather than replacing those previous clauses. The WHERE clause will filter rows and the ORDER BY re-sorts those filtered rows. The ORDER BY clause can sometimes persuade the Optimizer to use a less efficient key.

In some older relational databases it was always inadvisable to apply any sorting in the ORDER BY which was already sorted by the WHERE clause. In Oracle Database this is not the case. The Oracle Database Optimizer is now intelligent enough to often be able to utilize the best index for searching. Leaving columns out of the ORDER BY clause because they are already covered in the WHERE clause is not necessarily a sound approach. Additionally various other SELECT statement clauses execute sorting automatically. The GROUP BY and DISTINCT clauses are two examples that do inherent sorting. Use inherent sorting if possible rather than doubling up with an ORDER BY clause.

So the ORDER BY clause is always executed after the WHERE clause. This does not mean that the Optimizer will choose either the WHERE clause or the ORDER BY clause as the best performing factor. Try not to override the WHERE clause with the ORDER BY clause because the Optimizer may choose a less efficient method of execution based on the ORDER BY clause.

6.1.4 Grouping Result Sets

The GROUP BY clause can perform some inherent sorting. As with the SELECT statement, WHERE clause and ORDER BY clause, matching of GROUP BY clause column sequences with index column sequences is relevant to SQL code performance.

The first example aggregates based on the non-unique foreign key on the ORDER_ID column. The aggregate is executed on the ORDER_ID column into unique values for that ORDER_ID. The foreign key index is the best performing option.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT order_id, COUNT(order_id) FROM ordersline       GROUP BY order_id; 

The foreign key index is already sorted in the required order. The NOSORT content in the SORT GROUP BY NOSORT on clause implies no sorting is required using the GROUP BY clause.

Query                              Cost     Rows    Bytes --------------------------------   ----   ------  ------- SELECT STATEMENT on                  26   172304   861520  SORT GROUP BY NOSORT on             26   172304   861520   INDEX FULL SCAN on      XFK_ORDERLINE_ORDER              26   540827  2704135

The next example uses both columns in the primary key index and thus the composite index is a better option. However, since the composite index is much larger in both size and rows the cost is much higher.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT order_id, seq#, COUNT(order_id) FROM ordersline       GROUP BY order_id, seq#;     Query                                 Cost     Rows     Bytes -----------------------------------   ----   ------   ------- SELECT STATEMENT on                   1217   540827   4326616  SORT GROUP BY NOSORT on              1217   540827   4326616   INDEX FULL SCAN on XPKORDERSLINE    1217   540827   4326616

In the next case we reverse the order of the columns in the GROUP BY sequence. As you can see there is no effect on cost since the Optimizer manages to match against the primary key composite index.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT order_id, seq#, COUNT(order_id) FROM ordersline       GROUP BY seq#, order_id;     Query                                 Cost     Rows     Bytes -----------------------------------   ----   ------   ------- SELECT STATEMENT on                   1217   540827   4326616  SORT GROUP BY NOSORT on              1217   540827   4326616   INDEX FULL SCAN on XPKORDERSLINE    1217   540827   4326616

Sorting with the GROUP BY Clause

This example uses a non-indexed column to aggregate. Thus the whole table is accessed. Note that NOSORT is no longer included in the SORT GROUP BY clause in the query plan. The GROUP BY clause is now performing sorting on the AMOUNT column.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT amount, COUNT(amount) FROM ordersline       GROUP BY amount;     Query                            Cost     Rows     Bytes      Sort ------------------------------   ----   ------   -------   ------- SELECT STATEMENT on              4832    62371    374226  SORT GROUP BY on                4832    62371    374226   7283000   TABLE ACCESS FULL on      ORDERSLINE                    261   540827   3244962

Let's examine GROUP BY clause sorting a little further. Sometimes it is possible to avoid sorting forced by the ORDER BY clause by ordering column names in the GROUP BY clause. Rows will be sorted based on the contents of the GROUP BY clause.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT amount, COUNT(amount) FROM ordersline       GROUP BY amount        ORDER BY amount; 

In this case the ORDER BY clause is ignored.

Query                                 Cost     Rows     Bytes -----------------------------------   ----   ------   ------- 1. SELECT STATEMENT on                6722    62371    374226 2.  SORT GROUP BY on                  6722    62371    374226 3.   TABLE ACCESS FULL on ORDERSLINE  1023   540827   3244962

Inherent sorting in the GROUP BY clause can sometimes be used to avoid extra sorting using an ORDER BY clause.


DISTINCT retrieves the first value from a repeating group. When there are multiple repeating groups DISTINCT will retrieve the first row from each group. Therefore, DISTINCT will always require a sort. DISTINCT can operate on a single or multiple columns. The first example executes the sort in order to find the first value in each group. The second example has the DISTINCT clause removed and does not execute a sort. As a result the second example has a much lower cost. DISTINCT will sort regardless.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT DISTINCT(stock_id) FROM stockmovement;     Query                                    Cost     Rows     Bytes --------------------------------------   ----   ------   ------- SELECT STATEMENT on                       704      118       472  SORT UNIQUE on                           704      118       472   INDEX FAST FULL SCAN on XFK_SM_STOCK      4   570175   2280700     EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT stock_id FROM stockmovement;     Query                                 Cost     Rows     Bytes -----------------------------------   ----   ------   ------- SELECT STATEMENT on                      4   570175   2280700  INDEX FAST FULL SCAN on    XFK_SM_STOCK                           4   570175   2280700

As far as performance tuning is concerned DISTINCT will always require a sort. Sorting slows performance.

The HAVING Clause

Using the COUNT function as shown in the first two examples there is little difference in performance. The slight difference is due to the application of the filter on the HAVING clause, allowing return of fewer rows. The mere act of using the HAVING clause to return fewer rows helps performance.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT customer_id, COUNT(order_id) FROM orders       GROUP BY customer_id;     Query                                 Cost     Rows     Bytes -----------------------------------   ----   ------   ------- SELECT STATEMENT on 298 2693 5386  SORT GROUP BY on 298 2693 5386   TABLE ACCESS FULL on ORDERS 112 172304 344608     EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT customer_id, COUNT(order_id) FROM orders       GROUP BY customer_id       HAVING customer_id < 10;     Query                            Cost     Rows     Bytes ------------------------------   ----   ------   ------- SELECT STATEMENT on               296       10        20  FILTER on   SORT GROUP BY on                296       10        20    TABLE ACCESS FULL on ORDERS    112   172304    344608

However, the next two examples using the SUM function as opposed to COUNT have a much bigger difference in cost. This is because the COUNT function is faster, especially when counting on indexes or using the COUNT(*) function with the asterisk option. The COUNT function will be demonstrated in detail later in this chapter. There is a lot of processing that the SUM function does which the COUNT function does not.

EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT customer_id, SUM(order_id) FROM orders       GROUP BY customer_id;     Query                            Cost     Rows     Bytes      Sort ------------------------------   ----   ------   -------   ------- SELECT STATEMENT on              1383     2693     18851  SORT GROUP BY on                1383     2693     18851   2827000   TABLE ACCESS FULL on      ORDERS                        112   172304   1206128     EXPLAIN PLAN SET statement_id='TEST' FOR       SELECT customer_id, SUM(order_id) FROM orders       GROUP BY customer_id       HAVING customer_id < 10;     Query                            Cost     Rows     Bytes      Sort ------------------------------   ----   ------   -------   ------- SELECT STATEMENT on               366       10        70  FILTER on   SORT GROUP BY on                366       10        70    TABLE ACCESS FULL on ORDERS    112   172304   1206128

The Spreadsheet Clause

 Oracle Database 10 Grid   The spreadsheet clause extends the HAVING clause and allows display of data into multiple dimensions allowing calculations between rows much like a spreadsheet program can provide. The spreadsheet clause provides additional OLAP type functionality and is more applicable to data warehousing as opposed to Internet OLTP databases. However, using the spreadsheet clause can in some cases possibly reduce the number of tables in mutable joins and remove the need for set operators such as UNION, INTERSECT, and MINUS to merge multiple queries together.

The HAVING clause filter can help performance because it filters, allowing the return and processing of fewer rows. The HAVING clause filtering shown in the query plans above shows that HAVING clause filtering is always executed after the GROUP BY sorting process.


The ROLLUP, CUBE, and GROUPING SETS clauses can be used to create breaks and subtotals for groups. The GROUPING SETS clause can be used to restrict the results of ROLLUP and CUBE clauses. Before the advent of ROLLUP and CUBE, producing the same types of results would involve extremely complex SQL statements, probably with the use of temporary tables or perhaps use of PL/SQL as well. ROLLUP, CUBE, and GROUPING SETS are more applicable to reporting and data warehouse functionality.


 Oracle Database 10 Grid   The spreadsheet clause extension to the HAVING clause is similar in function.

The following examples simply show the use of the ROLLUP, CUBE, and GROUPING SETS clauses.

SELECT type, subtype, SUM(balance+ytd)FROM coa       GROUP BY type, subtype;     SELECT type, subtype, SUM(balance+ytd)FROM coa       GROUP BY ROLLUP (type, subtype);     SELECT type, subtype, SUM(balance+ytd)FROM coa       GROUP BY CUBE (type, subtype);     SELECT type, subtype, SUM(balance+ytd)FROM coa       GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((type, subtype), (type),          (subtype));

In general, the GROUP BY clause can perform some sorting if it matches indexing. Filtering aggregate results with the HAVING clause can help to increase performance by filtering aggregated results of the GROUP BY clause.

6.1.5 The FOR UPDATE Clause

The FOR UPDATE clause is a nice feature of SQL since it allows locking of selected rows during a transaction. There are rare circumstances where rows selected should be locked since there are dependent following changes in a single transaction, requiring selected data to remain the same during the course of that transaction.

SELECT …    FOR UPDATE OF [ [schema.]table.]column [, ¼ ] ]       [ NOWAIT | WAIT n ]

Note the two WAIT and NOWAIT options in the preceding syntax. When a lock is encountered NOWAIT forces an abort. The WAIT option will force a wait for a number of seconds. The default simply waits until a row is available.

It should be obvious that with respect to tuning and concurrent multiuser capability of applications the FOR UPDATE clause should be avoided if possible. Perhaps the data model could be too granular thus necessitating the need to lock rows in various tables during the course of a transaction across multiple tables. Using the FOR UPDATE clause is not good for the efficiency of SQL code in general due to potential locks and possible resulting waits for and by other concurrently executing transactions.

 < Day Day Up > 

Oracle High Performance Tuning for 9i and 10g
Oracle High Performance Tuning for 9i and 10g
ISBN: 1555583059
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 164

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