

FadeEffect enumeration, 403
Field property, 363
field types, text field interfaces, 312-316
FieldAutoUpdate property, 263
file manipulation functions, 130-132
file routines
attributes, bitmasks , and binary numbers , 132-133
directory listing, 133-135
directory manipulation, 129-130
file and directory attributes, 130
file manipulation functions, 130-132
functions, 127-128
"Lock" modes, 137
opening files, 137-139
reading and writing data, 139-144
URL notation, 128-129
FileAttr(), 127
FileButtonSelected, DlgCode module, 439
FileControl control, 401
FileCopy(), 127, 132
FileDateTime(), 127
FileExists(), 127, 131
FileLen(), 127, 131
FileName field, 314
FileName property, 257
files, opening, 137-139
fillAuto(), 346, 347
FillColor property, 440
FillProperties service, 385
fillSeries(), 346, 347
filter names , 216
FilterConnection enumeration, 363
FilterData property, 242
FilterName property, 242
FilterOptions property, 242
Find Parentheses icon, IDE, 12
findNext(), 297
FindObject(), 169, 180-181
FindPropertyObject(), 180-181
first(), 431
FirstPage property, 401, 405
Fix(), 73, 84
fixed line control, 427
fixed text control, 438
fixed-width- columns format string, 218
FixedText control, 401
Flags property, 394
floating-point variables , 24, 25, 84
flow control
Choose statement, 57-58
constructs, 19
defining labels as jump targets, 54-55
definition, 54
Do ... Loop construct, 62-64
On Error Go To statement, 67
On Error statement, 65-69
Exit Sub statement, 65
functions, 148-150
GoSub statement, 55
On GoTo and On GoSub statements, 56
GoTo statement, 55-56
If Then Else construct, 56-57
For ... Next statement, 64-65
Select Case statement, 58-59
While ... Wend statements, 62
FollowStyle property, 246
font style, 231
FontDescriptor property, 421, 424, 425, 426, 428, 429, 432, 435, 438, 441
FontEmphasisMark property, 421, 424, 425, 426, 428, 429, 432, 435, 438, 439, 441
FontRelief property, 421, 424, 425, 426, 428, 429, 432, 435, 438, 439, 441
For ... Next statement, 64-65
ForbiddenCharacters property, 263
Format(), 73, 113, 123-124
FormatKey property, 434
FormatsSupplier property, 434
formatted control, 434-437
formatting strings, 122-125
Forms service, 399-401
FormulaLocal property, 332
FormulaResultType property, 333
frame names, 213
Frame service, 204-206
FrameSearchFlag constants, 204-206
FreeFile(), 135-136
FreeLibrary(), 148-150
functions. See also arguments; numerical routines; string routines
date routines, 101
definition, 19
display- and color - related , 145-147
error-related, 66
example, 38-39
file routines, 127-128
flow control, 148-150
IIF ("immediate If"), 57
names, 21
related to arrays, 35, 91-92
related to dates and times, 29
scope, 42-45
string routines, 113-119
UNO, 169-171 Macros Explained Macros Explained
ISBN: 1930919514
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 203 © 2008-2017.
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