Using the Tasklist

Q. Can an application detect, which programs are running?

Yes. The basis for the method of doing so is formed by the EnumWindows function, which has the following parameters:

  • First parameterAddress of the procedure that will be called automatically if a window is found

  • Second parameterArbitrary value that will be passed to the procedure

The called procedure itself receives two parameters: the descriptor of the found window and the arbitrary parameter mentioned previously. By the known descriptor, it is possible to determine the unique identifier of the process and the thread that owns the detected window. This is done using the GetWindowThreadProcessId function. Knowing this identifier, it is possible, for example, to delete that process from the memory using the TerminateProcess function (be very careful).

Listing 18.4 provides an example program that displays the list of running processes; the results are displayed in Fig. 18.1. When considering this example, note how the GetWindowText function determining the window header is used. Do not be surprised if the displayed list contains processes whose windows are invisible. Windows can be hidden. Also notice that console applications are listed. This program also determines unique identifiers of the processes.

Listing 18.4: Creating a list of running processes
image from book
 // The PROC.RC file // Constant definitions #define WS_SYSMENU      0x00080000L #define WS_MINIMIZEBOX  0x00020000L #define WS_VISIBLE      0x10000000L #define WS_TABSTOP      0x000l0000L #define WS_VSCROLL      0x00200000L #define WS_HSCROLL      0x00l00000L #define DS_3DLOOK       0x0004L #define LBS_NOTIFY      0x0001L #define LBS_SORT        0x0002L // Identifiers #define LIST1                 101 // Dialog box definition DIAL1 DIALOG 0, 0, 220, 110 STYLE WS_SYSMENU  WS_MINIMIZEBOX  DS_3DLOOK CAPTION "Process list" FONT 8, "Arial" { CONTROL "ListBox1", LIST1, "listbox", WS_VISIBLE  WS_TABSTOP  WS_VSCROLL  WS_HSCROLL  LBS_NOTIFY, 16, 16, 190, 75 } ; The PROC.INC file ; Constants ; Values returned by the GetDiveType function ; The 0 and 1 values can be considered indications ; that the device is missing DRIVE_REMOVABLE  equ 2 ; Floppy drive DRIVE_FIXED      equ 3 ; Hard disk DRIVE_REMOTE     equ 4 ; Network disk DRIVE_CDROM      equ 5 ; CD-ROM DRIVE_RAMDISK    equ 6 ; RAM drive ; This message arrives when the window is closed WM_CLOSE         equ 10h WM_INITDIALOG    equ 110h WM_COMMAND       equ 111h LB_ADDSTRING     equ 180h LB_RESETCONTENT  equ 184h WM_LBUTTONDOWN   equ 201h ; Prototypes of external procedures IFDEF MASM        EXTERN wsprintfA:NEAR        EXTERN GetWindowThreadProcessId@8:NEAR        EXTERN GetWindowTextA@12:NEAR        EXTERN EnumWindows@8:NEAR        EXTERN lstrcatA@8:NEAR        EXTERN ExitProcess@4:NEAR        EXTERN GetModuleHandleA@4:NEAR        EXTERN DialogBoxParamA@20:NEAR        EXTERN EndDialog@8:NEAR        EXTERN SendDlgItemMessageA@20:NEAR ELSE        EXTERN _wsprintfA:NEAR        EXTERN GetWindowThreadProcessId:NEAR        EXTERN GetWindowTextA@12:NEAR        EXTERN EnumWindows:NEAR        EXTERN lstrcatA:NEAR        EXTERN ExitProcess:NEAR        EXTERN GetModuleHandleA:NEAR        EXTERN DialogBoxParamA:NEAR        EXTERN EndDialog:NEAR        EXTERN SendDlgItemMessageA:NEAR        wsprintfA = _wsprintfA        GetWindowThreadProcessId@8 = GetWindowThreadProcessld        GetWindowTextA@12 = GetWindowTextA        EnumWindows@8 = EnumWindows        lstrcatA@8 = lstrcatA        ExitProcess@4 = ExitProcess        GetModuleHandleA@4 = GetModuleHandleA        DialogBoxParamA@20 = DialogBoxParamA        EndDialog@8 = EndDialog        SendDlgItemMessageA@20 = SendDlgItemMessageA ENDIF ; Structures ; Message structure MSGSTRUCT STRUC        MSHWND     DD ?        MSMESSAGE  DD ?        MSWPARAM   DD ?        MSLPARAM   DD ?        MSTIME     DD ?        MSPT       DD ? MSGSTRUCT ENDS ; The PROC.ASM file .586P ; Flat memory model .MODEL FLAT, stdcall include ; INCLUDELIB directives for the linker IFDEF MASM        includelib c:\masm32\lib\user32.lib        includelib c:\masm32\lib\kernel32.lib ELSE        includelib c:\tasm32\lib\import32.lib ENDIF ;----------------------------------------------- ; Data segment _DATA SEGMENT        MSG   MSGSTRUCT  <?>        HINST DD 0 ; Application descriptor        PA    DB "DIAL1", 0        BUFER DB 200 DUP(0)        BUF   DB 20 DUP(0)        FORM  DB ";%lu", 0        IDP   DD ?        HWN   DD ? _DATA ENDS ; Code segment _TEXT SEGMENT START: ; Get the application descriptor        PUSH  0        CALL  GetModuleHandleA@4        MOV   [HINST], EAX ;-------------------------------        PUSH  0        PUSH  OFFSET WNDPROC        PUSH  0        PUSH  OFFSET PA        PUSH  [HINST]        CALL  DialogBoxParamA@20        CMP   EAX, -1        JNE   KOL ; Error message KOL: ;-------------------------------        PUSH  0        CALL  ExitProcess@4 ;------------------------------- ; Window procedure ; Position of parameters in the stack ; [EBP+014H] ; LPARAM ; [EBP+10H]  ; WAPARAM ; [EBP+0CH]  ; MES ; [EBP+8]    ; HWND WNDPROC PROC        PUSH  EBP        MOV   EBP, ESP        PUSH  EBX        PUSH  ESI        PUSH  EDI ;---------------        CMP   DWORD PTR [EBP+0CH], WM_CLOSE        JNE   L1        PUSH  0        PUSH  DWORD PTR [EBP+08H]        CALL  EndDialog@8        JMP   FINISH L1:        CMP   DWORD PTR [EBP+0CH], WM_INITDIALOG        JNE   FINISH ; Save the window descriptor        MOV   EAX, DWORD PTR [EBP+08H]        MOV   HWN, EAX ; Call the EnumWindows function        PUSH  1 ; Unused parameter        PUSH  OFFSET PENUM        CALL  EnumWindows@8 FINISH:        MOV   EAX, 0        POP   EDI        POP   ESI        POP   EBX        POP   EBP        RET   16 WNDPROC ENDP ; Callback prodedure when searching for windows ; [EBP+0CH]  ; Parameter ; [EBP+8]    ; Window descriptor PENUM PROC        PUSH  EBP        MOV   EBP, ESP ; Get the window header        PUSH  200        PUSH  OFFSET BUFER        PUSH  DWORD PTR [EBP+8]        CALL  GetWindowTextA@12 ; Get the identifier of the process or thread ; that owns that window        PUSH  OFFSET IDP        PUSH  DWORD PTR [EBP+8]        CALL  GetWindowThreadProcessId@8 ; Form a string to be included in the list        PUSH  OFFSET IDP        PUSH  OFFSET FORM        PUSH  OFFSET BUF        CALL  wsprintfA        ADD   ESP, 12        PUSH  OFFSET BUF        PUSH  OFFSET BUFER        CALL  lstrcatA@8 ; Add the string to the list        PUSH  OFFSET BUFER        PUSH  0        PUSH  LB_ADDSTRING        PUSH  101        PUSH  [HWN]        CALL  SendDlgItemMessageA@20        POP   EBP        MOV   EAX, 1        RET   8 PENUM ENDP _TEXT ENDS END START 
image from book
image from book
Figure 18.1: Results of running the application presented in Listing 18.4

To translate the program presented in Listing 18.4, issue the following command for MASM32:

 ml /c,/coff /DMASM PROC.asm     rc proc.rc     link /subsystem:windows PROC.obj proc.res 

Issue the following commands for TASM32:

 tasm32 /ml proc.asm     brcc32 proc.rc     tlink32 -aa proc.obj,,,,,proc.res 

The Assembly Programming Master Book
The Assembly Programming Master Book
ISBN: 8170088178
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 140
Authors: Vlad Pirogov © 2008-2017.
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