

parametric modeling, using in top-down estimating, 122
Pareto diagrams, using for quality, 371 “372
Parkinson s Law, applying to projects, 20
PDM (Precedence Diagramming Method), utilizing , 251 “253
peer review, role in QC, 369
Penalty power of IT project managers, applying to creating project teams , 197
per connection software licenses, explanation of, 133
per station software licenses, explanation of, 133
per usage software licenses, explanation of, 133
performance measurement baselines, including in project plan, 244
performing stage of team development, explanation of, 208
personal management skills, importance to IT project managers, 360 “361
personal satisfaction factor in WIIFM, explanation of, 77
personalities, dealing with, 210 “211
PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique), using, 138
phased gate estimating, explanation of, 113
phases of projects, explanation of, 159
physiological layer of Maslow s hierarchy, explanation of, 82
planning phase of project management, significance of, 363
planning projects. See also contingency plans
challenges with short- term projects, 269
creating approach toward, 51 “56
creating feasibility plans, 38 “44
difficulties with long-term projects, 269
guidelines for, 36 “38
overview of, 54 “55
using PNDs for, 250
planning skills, importance to IT project managers, 360
PMO (Project Management Office), role of, 44
PNDs (Project Network Diagrams)
analyzing, 258 “263
building, 256 “257
creating with PDMs, 252
using external resources for, 249 “253
postmortem, conducting, 426 “430
post-project audits , conducting, 432 “433
presentations to management
beginning, 75 “76
selling ideas in, 79 “80
tailoring, 77 “79
problem solving
implementing, 206
importance to IT project managers, 360
Procurement Management Plan, adding to project plan, 245 “246
product section, including in feasibility plans, 40 “41
production costs, estimating, 117
productivity factor in WIIFM, explanation of, 77
productivity, role in estimating work hours, 137
products, making versus buying, 129 “131
profitability factor in WIIFM, explanation of, 77
progress of projects, tracking, 286 “291
progress reports , implementing quality with, 375 “376
Project Adventure, Inc. web address, 202
project authority, establishing, 391 “392
Project Change Requests, process of, 319 “323
project changes. See changes
project charters
creating, 15 “16
elements of, 16 “19
example of, 17 “19
importance of, 22
in project plans, 243 “244
project completion
activities associated with, 437 “438
benefits of, 437
creating reports of, 438
determining success of, 438
pitfalls to, 440
project completion, relationship to team members growth, 402 “403
project constraints, working with, 253 “256
project expenses
cost of goods, 129 “132
estimating work hours, 135 “137
outsourcing, 134 “135
PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique), 138
software licensing, 132 “134
tracking, 300 “301
project goals, importance of, 22
project implementation phase
difficulties associated with, 300
guidelines for starting of, 299
outsourcing, 302
troubleshooting, 302
Project Information Center, creating, 361
project kickoffs
defining purpose of projects in, 88 “89
inventing, 86 “89
management s role in, 87 “88
setting stage for, 86 “87
project launch, attempting success of, 24
project management. See IT project management
Project Management Institute web address, 400
project management power, using, 74
project managers. See IT project managers
project milestones, achieving, 25
project planning. See planning projects
project plans
adding subsidiary plans to, 245 “246
building, 242 “246
changing during implementation phase, 336
dangerous changes to, 337
defining need for revision of, 316 “317, 335
determining flexibility of, 269
elements of, 243 “244
impact of change on, 318 “319
internal problems related to, 324 “326
revising, 337
troubleshooting, 270
project priority, establishing, 44 “51
project requirements, establishing, 3 “6
project results, including in project charters, 18
project schedules
adjusting, 261 “263
creating, 266 “267
defining, 246
determining project dependencies in, 267
determining viability of, 267
leaving room for variance in, 267
project slack , calculating, 258 “261
Project software. See Microsoft Project software
project sponsors
determining authority of, 6
participation in project kickoffs, 87
presenting WBS to, 169
role in PMOs, 44 “46
role in project management, 80 “81
project status meetings, hosting, 284 “286
project subteams, coordinating with project teams, 199 “201
project team development, phases of, 207 “208
project team managers, getting commitment from, 401
project teams
assessing internal skills of, 192 “196
becoming leader to, 493 “494
benefits of, 225
building relationships in, 201 “202
creating, 197 “202, 221
creating Roles and Responsibilities Matrix for, 194 “195
dealing with difficult members of, 406 “407
dealing with disagreements in, 206 “207
determining input on project schedules by, 268
detrimental effect of personal ambition on, 198
developing selection criteria for, 203 “204
development costs associated with, 115
difficulties associated with formation of, 224
disciplining members of, 212 “213
enhancing technical expertise of, 223
ensuring commitment of, 405
evaluating performance of, 434, 438 “439
holding meetings with, 396 “398
impact of morale on project s success, 285 “286
importance of cooperation between, 46 “47
inspiring , 406
interviewing prospective members of, 202 “205
leading, 390
maintaining leadership of, 398 “400
managing, 406
managing relationships with management, 22
managing successfully, 405
motivating, 199, 403 “404, 408 “409
motivating under tight deadlines, 268
motivating under tight implementations , 301
obtaining final sign-off for, 430 “432
organizing, 221 “222
orienting new members during integration phase, 408
recruiting and motivating, 222
regaining trust after project plan revisions, 338
relationship to managers, 392
removing members from, 213
reviewing assignments with, 282 “283
role in quality control, 378
selecting, 223
selling projects to, 199
and subteams, 199 “201
using external resources for, 213 “220
working with members of, 394 “395
projectized organizations, working in, 73 “74
addressing integration phase of, 116
assessing worth of, 428 “429
avoiding duplication of, 6
avoiding internal competition related to, 46 “48
celebrating victory over, 436
completing, 22 “23
completing final tasks of, 422 “426
conducting postmortem for, 426 “430
conducting post-project audit of, 432 “433
conducting third-party review of, 429 “430
considering worst-case scenarios for, 9
creating final report of, 433 “434
creating outlines for, 52 “53
creating reasonable expectations for, 14 “15
declaring failure of, 435 “436, 439 “440
declaring victory over, 434 “435, 439 “440
decomposing into accessible work units, 248 “249
delaying, 330 “334
determining exact result of, 4 “5
determining financial commitment for, 6
determining reasonable deadlines for, 5 “6
ensuring quality through, 364 “373
ensuring success of, 10
estimating phases of, 116
finding completion dates for, 19 “20
focusing and refocusing, 333
focusing on, 283 “284
focusing on results of, 85 “86
impact of arguments on, 205 “206
industry and government sanction considerations, 5
managing deadline-oriented projects, 246 “248
planning, 36 “38
predicting finish dates for, 168 “169
presenting to management, 75 “80, 96
renewing commitment to, 333 “334
researching , 58
reviewing final quality of, 426 “427
runaway projects, 139 “141
selling to team members, 225
starting, 21 “22
stating purpose of, 17
tracking progress of, 286 “291
working toward finish of, 400 “403
promotion factor in WIIFM, explanation of, 77
proposal document, purpose of, 218
Prune personality type, dealing with, 211
PV (planned value), role in EVM, 294

IT Project Management
IT Project Management: On Track from Start to Finish, Third Edition
ISBN: 0071700439
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 195 © 2008-2017.
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