Introductory Concepts

The use of header compression has a well-established history in the Internet community, since the definition of TCP/IP header compression in 1990 4 and its widespread implementation along with PPP for dial-up links. More recently, the standard for TCP/IP header compression has been revised and updated, 25 and new standards for UDP/IP and RTP/UDP/IP header compression have been developed. 26 , 27 , 37

A typical scenario for header compression comprises a host connected to the network via a low-speed dial-up modem or wireless link. The host and the first-hop router compress packets passing over the low-speed link, improving efficiency on that link without affecting the rest of the network. In almost all cases, there is a particular bottleneck link where it is desirable to use the bandwidth more efficiently , and there is no need for compression in the rest of the network. Header compression works transparently , on a per-link basis, so it is well suited to this scenario: The compressed link looks like any other IP link, and applications cannot detect the presence of header compression.

These features ”per-link operation and application transparency ”mean that header compression is usually implemented as part of the operating system (often as part of a PPP implementation). An application usually does not need to be aware of the presence of header compression, although in some circumstances, consideration for the behavior of header compression can increase performance significantly. These circumstances are discussed in the section titled Considerations for RTP Applications later in this chapter.

Patterns, Robustness, and Local Implementation

Compression relies on patterns in the packet headers: Many fields are constant or change in a predictable manner between consecutive packets belonging to the same packet stream. If we can recognize these patterns, we can compress those fields to an indication that "the header changed in the expected manner," rather than explicitly sending them. Only header fields that change in an unpredictable manner need to be transmitted in every header.

An important principle in the design of header compression standards has been robustness. There are two aspects to this: robustness to packet loss, and robustness to misidentified streams. Network links ” especially wireless links ”can lose or corrupt packets, and the header compression scheme must be able to function in the presence of such damage. The most important requirement is that damage to the compressed bit stream not cause undetectable corruption in the uncompressed stream. If a packet is damaged, the following packets will either be decompressed correctly or discarded. The decompressor should never produce a corrupted packet.

The second robustness issue is that RTP flows are not self-identifying. The UDP header contains no field indicating that the data being transported is RTP, and there is no way for the compressor to determine unambiguously that a particular sequence of UDP packets contains RTP traffic. The compressor needs to be informed explicitly that a stream contains RTP, or it needs to be capable of making an educated guess on the basis of observations of packet sequences. Robust engineering requires that compression must not break anything if mistakenly applied to a non-RTP flow. A misinformed compressor is not expected to compress other types of UDP flows, but it must not damage them.

Together, the principles of pattern recognition and robustness allow the formulation of a general principle for header compression: The compressor will send occasional packets containing full headers, followed by incremental updates indicating which header fields changed in the expected manner and containing the "random" fields that cannot be compressed. The full headers provide robustness: Damage to the incremental packets may confuse the decompressor and prevent operation, but this will be corrected when the next full header arrives.

Finally, it is important that header compression be locally implementable. The aim is to develop a header compression scheme that operates over a single link without end-to-end support: If saving bandwidth is important, two systems can spend processor cycles to compress; otherwise , if processing is too expensive, uncompressed headers are sent. If two systems decide to compress headers on a single link, they should be able to do so in a manner that is invisible to all other systems. As a consequence, header compression should be implemented in the network protocol stack, not in the application. Applications are not expected to implement header compression themselves ; an application designer should understand header compression and its consequences, but the implementation should be done as part of the protocol stack of the machines on either side of the link.


There are two standards for RTP header compression. The original Compressed RTP (CRTP) specification was designed for use with dial-up modems and is a straightforward extension of TCP header compression to work with RTP/UDP/IP. However, with the development of third-generation cellular technology, which uses voice-over-IP as its bearer, it was found that CRTP does not perform well in environments with high link delay and packet loss, so an alternative protocol ”Robust Header Compression (ROHC) ”was developed.

CRTP remains the protocol of choice for dial-up use because of its simplicity and good performance in that environment. ROHC is considerably more complex but performs much better in a wireless environment. The following sections discuss each standard in detail.

RTP: Audio and Video for the Internet
ISBN: 0672322498
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 108
Authors: Colin Perkins © 2008-2017.
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