

datapagingwith Web grids, 168 “169
data types
in C# and Visual Basic .NET, 339
in Visual Basic .NET, 365 “366
using with Access databases, 129
using with databases, 130
viewing data coming back from, 141
database information, exposing with Web
services, 181 “183
See also developer secrets for databases
accessing, 126
essentials of, 126 “130
adding dropdown boxes to, 162
clicking anywhere and selecting with, 156 “157
color -coding with, 151 “152
versus DataSets, 146
displaying selected columns in, 142
example of, 140
exporting to Excel, 171 “173
formatting data in, 150
personalizing, 163 “165
sorting with, 169 “171
in Windows forms, 362
DataLists versus DataGrids, 168
coding for use with Web services, 181 “183
versus DataGrids, 146
returning from Excel spreadsheets, 173 “175
using XML with, 288 “289
DataSets versus Recordsets, 136
calculating years between, 260 “261
checking for, 252
formatting in Web grids, 149 “151
days, adding and subtracting, 257
days in months, finding number of, 256 “257
debugging in ASP.NET, 109 “110
developer secrets for ASP.NET, 89 “90.
See also applications;
Web applications;
Windows applications ASP.NET Forums, 105
authentication in five steps, 100 “102
c:\inetpub\ wwwroot \ directory alternatives, 107 “108
caching applications to increase speed, 108 “109
changing page titles in code, 85
checking uptime in .NET, 117 “118
creating default Enter buttons , 77
creating images dynamically, 96 “97
creating scrollable micro windows, 83
creating user -friendly URLs, 88 “89
debugging in nine steps, 109 “110
displaying Web warning messages, 73 “77
filling out email fields automatically, 85
Forms authentication without Web.config, 102
hiding error code from clients , 111
integrating with PayPal s instant payment notification, 106
.IsClientConnected used for long processes, 114 “115
learning CSS (cascading style sheets), 84
moving list items up and down, 81 “82
moving Web servers, 121 “122
Panel control usage, 79 “80
preventing client caching with meta tags, 115
resizing in Web applications, 82
sending mail, 87
Server.Transfer versus Response.Direct in, 113 “114
Session End event troubleshooting, 116
SmartNavigation property, 78
stopping users from right-clicking, 82
storing files with ASP.NET hosts , 122 “123
storing settings, 104
storing uploaded files in databases, 92 “94
stress testing Web applications, 119 “121
subfolders in Web applications, 106
thumbnail generation on the fly, 98 “99
uploading files, 90 “92
uploading files larger than 4MB, 115
user controls, 78 “79
user interface, 71 “84
validation-controls five-step checklist, 71 “73
working with uploaded images, 95 “96
developer secrets for databases.
See also databases
cheating with SQL, 134 “135
checking SQL Server availability, 137 “138
clicking anywhere and selecting with Web grids, 156 “157
color-coding Web grids, 151 “152
confirming Web deletes, 153 “154
creating editable Web grids, 141 “147
creating editable Windows grids, 138 “140
data paging with Web grids, 168 “169
exporting Web grids to Excel, 171 “173
finding last identity number added, 133 “134
formatting Web-grid data, 149 “151
generating GUIDs quickly, 131 “132
getting Microsoft to write your code, 175 “176
making connection string creators , 132 “133
personalizing Web data binding, 163 “165
returning DataSets from Excel spreadsheets, 173 “175
returning multiple tables into DataSets, 136 “137
selecting Web-form grid items with Hotmail, 154 “156
sorting with Web grids, 169 “171
using dropdown boxes in Web grids, 158 “166
using HTML in Web grids, 147 “148
using hyperlinks in Web grids, 148 “149
developer secrets for .NET
adding and subtracting days, months, and years, 257
adding gradient backdrops, 277 “278
adding Web shortcuts to Favorites menu, 234 “235
binding combo boxes to enumeration values, 269 “270
calculating next working day, 258
calculating years between dates, 260 “261
checking for dates, 252 “253
checking for identical files, 239 “240
checking for leap years, 258 “259
checking for whole numbers , 252
COM+ transactions, 292 “296
converting between graphic formats, 272
converting HTML to text, 231 “232
converting strings into color types, 268
converting strings to proper case, 261 “262
creating Web browsers, 225 “226
dates, numbers, and strings, 251 “270
designing icons, 270 “271
determining availability of Internet connections, 236 “237
distributed computing, 283 “301
drawing with Windows forms, 274 “276
encryption in twelve lines of code, 265 “266
figuring out quarter dates, 259 “260
finding number of days in months, 256 “257
functions for reading and writing files, 237 “238
generating passwords, 263 “264
graphics and fonts, 270 “279
implementing MD5 encryption, 266 “268
manipulating files, 238 “239
manipulating files and folders, 237 “251
MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queue) guide, 297 “300
.NET replacement for App. Path property, 248
parsing Web pages for links and images, 229 “231
posting data to Web, 232 “234
putting messages in event logs, 281 “282
retrieving drive serial numbers, 247 “248
retrieving IP addresses, 235 “236
retrieving paths to default programs, 246 “247
retrieving special folder paths, 245
rotating and flipping images, 273
snatching HTML from Web pages, 227
snatching HTML with timeouts, 227 “229
starting screensavers, 278 “279
storing text snippets on Clipboard, 262
temporary-file management, 241
translating bytes to strings, 244 “245
using INI files, 248 “251
using ordinal numbers in applications, 253 “255
using random numbers, 255 “256
using registry and event logs, 279 “282
Visual Studio tips, 302 “307
watching directories for changes, 243 “244
Web services versus remoting, 300 “301
working with directories, 242
working with fonts, 271
working with the Internet, 225 “237
XML cheat s guide, 283 “291
developer secrets for Web services.
See also Web services
adding Google to search programs, 187 “189
caching to improve performance, 185
changing URLs without recompiling, 199
exposing database information
quickly and easily, 181 “183
finding best Web services, 199 “200
performing asynchronous access, 197 “198
performing online language translations, 185 “186
preparing to publicize Web services, 184 “185
querying, 190 “193
troubleshooting "connection closed" errors, 198
using TerraServer Web service, 193 “196
developer secrets for Windows forms applications.
See also forms;
Windows forms
adding autocomplete to combo boxes, 34 “36
browsing performance counters, 57 “58
capturing screens, 40 “41
changing tab order, 33
checking for previous instances, 44 “45
converting RTF to HTML, 45 “48
creating navigation bars, 41 “42
creating number-only text box, 32
creating ultra -thin clients, 60 “62
customizing MonthCalendar control, 31
determining user clicks in dialog boxes, 50 “51
displaying animated GIFs without
browser control, 32 “33
drag and drop from Windows Explorer, 48 “50
examining current environment, 57
highlighting errors with ErrorProvider control, 29 “30
learning LinkLabel control, 30
making forms transparent, 27
printing from applications, 51 “54
protecting code with obfuscation, 59 “60
replacing ToolTips, 27
resetting forms, 37 “38
resizing Windows forms, 28
snapping cursors to buttons, 39
splitting panels, 28 “29
using command-line parameters, 37
using .PrintForm method, 54 “56
visual inheritance facts, 56
Windows XP themes, 42 “44
working with system tray, 33
developer TODO lists, writing in Visual Studio, 302
Device properties for MIT, list of, 212 “213
DeviceSpecific component of Mobile Web applications, purpose of, 211
dialog-box display, passing response to code responsible for, 50 “51
watching for changes, 243 “244
working with, 242
distributed computing, explanation of, 1
Distributed Transaction Coordinator, accessing, 296
div tags, using with scrollable micro windows, 83
Dock property, use of, 28
domains, checking validity with Regex, 322
DOS-style console applications, creating, 206 “208
Dotfuscator, Web address for, 60
drag and drop from Windows Explorer, 48 “50
drive serial numbers, retrieving, 247 “248
dropdown boxes, using in Web grids, 158 “166

The Ultimate VB .NET and ASP.NET Code Book
The Ultimate VB .NET and ASP.NET Code Book
ISBN: 1590591062
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 76
Authors: Karl Moore © 2008-2017.
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