Setting Up Your Development Environment

This section describes the steps you'll need to complete to get set up to work with SQL-NS and this book's sample code. You'll begin by installing SQL-NS and all required software, and then you'll copy and configure the sample code from this book's CD-ROM.

Installing Notification Services and Other SQL Server 2005 Components

SQL Server 2005 comes with one setup program from which you can install all components. This single setup program lets you choose to install the database engine, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, Notification Services, Integration Services, or the client tools and documentation. You can select various combinations of these components to install on any particular computer. Follow these steps on your development machine to install the components required for SQL-NS development:


Insert your SQL Server 2005 DVD and launch setup (or launch setup from a network location, if appropriate).


Setup will check for any missing software prerequisites and install them if necessary.


The setup wizard begins. The first step performs a configuration check to verify that your system is ready to install SQL Server 2005. The details grid in the wizard dialog box reports the status of each item examined. If you see error or warning icons next to any items in the list, you may have to perform additional steps to prepare your system for SQL Server 2005 installation. Click the Report button and select View Report from the drop-down menu to see a detailed explanation of the checks that were performed. The report may suggest remedies to any problems encountered.


If the system configuration check found issues that prevent setup from continuing, you will have to exit the setup wizard, fix the problems as suggested, and then launch setup again. If no blocking problems were found, click the Next button to proceed to the next step in the wizard.


In the registration dialog box, enter your registration information, including your product key.


The next step in the setup wizard presents you with a choice of components to install. To install the SQL Server 2005 database engine on your development machine, select the SQL Server Database Services option. If you have already installed the database engine on your development machine, or if you plan to develop your SQL-NS applications against another existing database engine instance, you do not need to select the SQL Server Database Services option.


Select the Notification Services option to install the SQL-NS components.


Select the Workstation Components, Books Online and Development Tools option to install the SQL Server tools and documentation, including Management Studio, if you do not already have these installed on your development machine.


Complete the rest of the setup wizard to finish the installation.

After you successfully complete the setup wizard, you'll see a new group called Microsoft SQL Server 2005 added to your Start menu under Programs. This program group contains shortcuts to all the tools we'll use to develop SQL-NS applications, as well as the SQL Server Books Online (detailed product documentation for all aspects of SQL Server 2005, including SQL-NS). From now on, I'll refer to this program group as the SQL Server program group.

Installing Visual Studio .NET 2005

If you do not already have Visual Studio .NET 2005 installed on your development computer, it's a good idea to install it now. To work with the managed code examples in this book, the Visual C# language and tools must be in the list of Visual Studio components you choose to install.


Because Visual Studio .NET 2005 comes in many editions, each with its own set of prerequisites, dependencies, and components, it's not practical for me to provide detailed instructions on installing Visual Studio .NET 2005 here. Refer to the Visual Studio .NET 2005 documentation for thorough information on all the installation options.

Installing the Source Code

All the source code used in this book is located on the accompanying CD-ROM.

To work with it, you have to copy it to the hard drive of your development machine; you cannot use it directly from the CD-ROM. The following steps describe how to properly copy the source code:


Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of your development machine.


Open a command prompt. Enter the commands described in the following steps in this command prompt.


Change to the drive on which you want to put the source code. On my system, this is the C: drive, but you can use any drive on your system you choose. (Replace "C:" in the following commands with the appropriate drive letter.):



Create a directory in which to place the source code. On my system, the directory I use is C:\SQL-NS, but you can call it whatever you want and put it anywhere in the filesystem. If you choose a different location, replace C:\SQL-NS in all the following commands with the directory path you've chosen. If your directory name contains spaces, be sure to enclose it in quotes in all the following commands.

 mkdir C:\SQL-NS 


Copy the source code from the CD-ROM. My CD-ROM drive is assigned the drive letter E:. Your CD-ROM drive may have a different drive letter, so replace E: in the following command with the appropriate drive letter:

 xcopy /ev E:\SourceCode\*.* C:\SQL-NS 

This copies all the required files to your development machine. If you explore the folder you copied the source code to, you should see the following subdirectories:

  • Chapters Contains source code and other files specific to each chapter in this book.

  • Common Contains configuration scripts and other files shared among all the examples in this book.

  • Samples Contains several working SQL-NS sample applications on which this book's examples are based.

  • Tools Contains utilities used in developing and testing SQL-NS applications.

As you work through the remaining chapters of this book, you'll become familiar with the meaning and use of the files in these directories.

Make a note of the directory you created in step 4 in the preceding list of instructions. You'll need to refer to this directory several times as you work through the samples in this book. From now on, I'll refer to this directory as the source code base directory.

Creating the Service Account

In most of this book's samples, we'll run the SQL-NS engine as a Windows Service. You must configure the service to run under a particular account. For security reasons, it's recommended that you run the service under a low-privileged (non-Administrator) account. This section describes how to create an account you can use to run the SQL-NS engine.

The account you create can be either

  • A local account

  • A domain account

A local account exists only on the machine on which you create it and generally cannot access resources on other machines. Domain accounts are created on the domain controller and are recognized by all the machines in the domain. Which type of account is appropriate in your environment depends on the answers to the following questions:

  • Is your development machine joined to a domain?

  • Is your SQL Server local (on the development machine) or remote (on another computer)?

  • Do you want to use Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication with your SQL Server?

If your development machine is not joined to a domain, you must create a local account, and you can use Windows Authentication only if your SQL Server is local. If your development machine is not joined to a domain and your SQL Server is remote, you must use SQL Server Authentication.

If your development machine is joined to a domain, you can create either a local or a domain account, but this choice affects the authentication modes available to you if your SQL Server is remote:

  • If you create a local account, you must use SQL Server Authentication.

  • If you create a domain account, you can use either Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication.

If your development machine is joined to a domain and your SQL Server is local, you can use either authentication mode regardless of which type of account you create.

All the preceding choices are summarized in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1. Matrix of choices for account types and authentication modes.

This section provides separate sets of instructions for creating a local account and creating a domain account. Based on the information in Figure 2.1, decide whether you'll be creating a local account or a domain account and follow the appropriate set of instructions. Before doing this, however, you must first decide on a username and password for the account. I have chosen to give the account I use to run the SQL-NS service the name SQL-NS_Service. You can choose any other name if you prefer; if you choose a different name, replace SQL-NS_Service in all the following commands with the name you've chosen.


Make sure you remember the username and password you choose for the SQL-NS service. You will need them throughout your work with the code samples in this book.

To create a local account, follow these steps:


Open a Command Prompt on your development machine and issue the following command (be careful not to omit the * after the username):

 net user "SQL-NS_Service" * /add 


When prompted, enter the password you've chosen for the account. After entering the password, you are asked to confirm it.

To create a domain account, follow these steps:


Depending on how your domain is set up and administered, you may not have permission to create a domain account. If this is the case, your domain administrator must create the account for you.


Open a command prompt on your development machine and issue the following command (make sure that you don't omit the * after the username):

 net user "SQL-NS_Service" * /add /DOMAIN 


When prompted, enter the password you've chosen for the account. After entering the password, you are asked to confirm it.

Setting Up SQL Permissions and Accounts

You need to perform a few steps to get the accounts and permissions on your SQL Server set up appropriately for SQL-NS development. These steps differ based on whether you're using Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication. The following sections describe the specific instructions for each authentication mode.

Windows Authentication

Windows Authentication relies on Windows credentials to authenticate users when they attempt to log in to the database server. If you're using Windows Authentication, configuring your system for SQL-NS development involves granting specific forms of SQL Server access to various Windows user accounts.

As described in the "Accounts and Security" section (p. 24), both the SQL-NS development tools and the SQL-NS runtime engine make connections to the database server. The tools are usually invoked in the context of the Windows user account under which you're logged in to your development machine. In contrast, the SQL-NS engine usually runs as a Windows service, in the context of the service account you set up in the "Creating the Service Account" section (p. 30). You'll need to configure your SQL Server to allow both the Windows user account you use on your development machine, and the service user account, to log in. However, the two accounts will be granted different levels of privilege.

By completing the following instructions, you'll enable your development account and the service account to log in to the SQL server. You'll also add the development account to the sysadmin fixed server role, making it a system administrator on the database server. This is necessary because some of the development tools manipulate system tables. The service account does not require system administrator permissions; other permissions needed to perform various operations in the databases associated with each application will be granted to the service account later.


If you're using SQL Server Authentication, do not perform these steps: You can skip this section entirely and move instead to the "SQL Server Authentication" section that follows (p. 34).


The following instructions must be performed by a user who is already a system administrator on the SQL Server.


Open Management Studio (from your Start menu, choose Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, SQL Server Management Studio).


In the Connect to Server dialog box, choose Database Engine as the server type, specify the name of your SQL Server instance in the Server name text box, and choose Windows Authentication in the Authentication drop-down list. Click the Connect button to connect to the SQL Server.


Click the New Query button in the toolbar to open a new query window.


Enter the following SQL statements:

 USE master IF NOT EXISTS (     SELECT name     FROM sys.syslogins     WHERE name = 'DOMAIN\user' )     CREATE LOGIN [DOMAIN\user] FROM WINDOWS GO EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember 'DOMAIN\user', sysadmin 


Replace DOMAIN\user with the domain name and username of your development account (the Windows account under which you log in to do SQL-NS development). You'll need to make three replacements. Note that if your development account is a local account, DOMAIN should be replaced with the name of your development machine.


Execute the query by pressing F5.


Clear the query text (or open a new, blank query) and enter the following SQL statements:

 USE master IF NOT EXISTS (     SELECT name     FROM sys.syslogins     WHERE name = 'DOMAIN\user' )     CREATE LOGIN [DOMAIN\user] FROM WINDOWS 


This time, replace DOMAIN\user with the domain name and username of your service account (the Windows account you created in the "Creating the Service Account" section, p. 30). You'll need to make only two replacements. If your service account is a local account, DOMAIN should be replaced with the name of your development machine.


Notice that the statements in step 7 do not include the call to sp_addsrvrolemember that was made in step 4 because the service account does not need to be a member of the sysadmin role.


Execute the query by pressing F5.

SQL Server Authentication

This section describes how to create and configure the SQL accounts you'll need if you're using SQL Server Authentication.


If you're using Windows Authentication, do not perform these steps: You can skip this section entirely. You should, however, have performed the instructions in the section "Windows Authentication" (p. 32).

When building SQL-NS applications, you need two SQL Server accounts:

  • One to use when doing development and administration work

  • One to use when testing your applications


As with everything else in this chapter, the account configuration described here applies only to development. When you deploy your SQL-NS applications in production, you may need different SQL Server accounts, and they may be configured with different security settings.

The first account is the one that the SQL-NS tools use to connect to the SQL Server when you compile and configure your applications. I'll refer to this as the development account. When you invoke the SQL-NS tools, you specify the username and password of this account. This account must have system administrator permissions on the SQL Server to perform the operations required to create and manage SQL-NS applications.

The second account is used at runtime by the SQL-NS engine and other application components when they need to read and manipulate your application's data. I'll refer to this as the test account. When you configure the SQL-NS engine, you supply the username and password of this account. The test account requires specific permissions in the SQL-NS databases it accesses, but it does not need to be a system administrator.

You can use the same SQL Server account for both development and testing, but I don't recommend this. It's generally good security practice to always connect to your SQL Server with the minimum required permissions for the operations you're performing. If you used a single account for development and testing, you'd always be connecting as a system administrator. Though this is necessary when creating and managing SQL-NS applications, the runtime components of SQL-NS don't need this level of privilege.

I recommend that you use two accounts and configure each of them as described in the following sections.

The Development Account

Choose a username and password for your development account. On my system, I've chosen the username SQL-NS_Dev, but you may use another username if you prefer. Be sure to remember the username and password you've chosen; you'll need them later.


The following instructions must be performed by a user who is already a system administrator on the SQL Server.


Open Management Studio (from your Start menu, choose Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, SQL Server Management Studio).


In the Connect to Server dialog box, choose Database Engine as the server type, specify the name of your SQL Server instance in the Server name text box, and choose SQL Server Authentication in the Authentication drop-down list. Enter the SQL username and password of a system administrator account in the User name and Password text boxes. Click the Connect button to connect to the SQL Server.


Click the New Query button in the toolbar to open a new query window.


Enter the following SQL statements:

 USE master CREATE LOGIN [SQL-NS_Dev] WITH PASSWORD='devPassword' GO EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember 'SQL-NS_Dev', sysadmin 


If you chose a different username, replace SQL-NS_Dev with the username you've chosen. (You'll need to make two replacements.)


Replace devPassword with the password you've chosen. (You need to make only one replacement.)


Execute the query by pressing F5.


You may be tempted to save the query script you executed previously for reuse later. If you do so, make sure that you edit out the password before saving. It's not a good idea to leave passwords lying around in scripts.

The Test Account

Choose a username and password for your test account. On my system, I've chosen the username, SQL-NS_Test, but you may use another username if you want. Be sure to remember the username and password you've chosen; you'll need them later.


These instructions assume you still have Management Studio open (after completing the steps in the previous section to create the development account) and you're logged in to your SQL Server under a system administrator account.


Open a new query window and enter the following SQL statements:

 USE master CREATE LOGIN [SQL-NS_Test] WITH PASSWORD='testPassword' 


If you chose a different username, replace SQL-NS_Test with the username you've chosen. (You'll need to make only one replacement.)


Replace testPassword with the password you've chosen. (You need to make only one replacement.)


Execute the query by pressing F5.

Notice that the test account is not granted membership in any fixed server roles. When we create SQL-NS applications in subsequent chapters, we'll grant the test account the specific database permissions it needs.

Environment Variables

The command scripts (batch files) used to compile and run the sample SQL-NS applications in this book rely on a set of environment variables to work correctly. These environment variables specify where the source code is installed, the name of the SQL Server, the name of the account under which the engine should run, and the SQL authentication mode to use.

Each of the batch files that execute SQL-NS commands first calls another batch file, setenv.cmd, that gets these environment variables set up correctly. Setenv.cmd is located in a common directory that every other batch file references by relative path. The following steps describe how to edit setenv.cmd to set up the environment variables appropriately for your environment. In the next section, we'll run a test script that verifies the environment settings you make here and we'll troubleshoot any problems that may occur. Finally, in the "Customizing the Source Files for Your Environment" section (p. 39), you'll run a script that uses the settings you make here to insert environment-specific values into some of the source files you copied off the CD-ROM.


Open a command prompt on your development machine and navigate to the source code base directory (the directory in which you copied the source code from the CD-ROM earlier) by typing the following command:

 cd /d C:\SQL-NS 


Navigate to the Common subdirectory:

 cd Common 


Open the setenv.cmd file in Notepad:

 notepad setenv.cmd 

This batch file sets up environment variables used by other batch files. In the following steps, you'll edit individual lines in this batch file that assign values to the variables.


Find the line that says set SQLNS_BASE_DIRECTORY_PATH= and add the name of the source base directory at the end. For example, if your source base directory is C:\SQL-NS, change the line to read



Find the line that says set SQL_SERVER= and add the name of your SQL Server at the end. For example, my SQL Server runs on a computer called PATHERNET01, so I've edited the line to read



If your SQL Server is local, this is the name of the development machine; otherwise, it is the name of the computer running SQL Server.

If you're using a named (nondefault) instance of SQL Server, the SQL Server name should be of the form <Machine Name>\<Instance Name>for example, MyServer1\MyInstance1.


Find the line that says set NS_SERVICE_USER_NAME=, and add the name of the account you created for the service (as described in the "Creating the Service Account" section, p. 30, earlier in this chapter) at the end. The account I created was called SQL-NS_Service; so, on my system, the line reads



Find the line that says set NS_SERVICE_USER_DOMAIN=. If the account you created for the service user is a domain account, add the name of the domain to the end of this line. If the account you created for the service is a local account, add the name of your development machine to the end of this line. On my system, the account is a domain account, and the name of the domain is PATHERNET, so the line reads



Find the line that says set USE_SQL_AUTH=0. If you are using Windows Authentication, leave this line as it is and skip to step 11. If you are using SQL Server Authentication, change this line so that it reads

 set USE_SQL_AUTH=1 


Find the line that says set DEV_SQL_USER= and add the name of the SQL development account at the end. My SQL development account is called SQL-NS_Dev,; so, on my system, the line reads



Find the line that says set TEST_SQL_USER= and add the name of the SQL test account at the end. My SQL test account is called SQL-NS_Test; so, on my system, the line reads



Save the file and close it.

Testing Your Development Environment

In the previous section, you edited the batch file that sets up the required environment variables and supplied values appropriate for your system environment. In this section, you'll run a test script that determines whether everything is set up correctly. This section assumes that you have completed the preceding steps.


The test script described here uses the sqlcmd.exe command-line utility to connect to your SQL Server. The script will check whether sqlcmd.exe is in your path and will provide instructions for adding it to your path if necessary. Several of the scripts used in later chapters of this book require sqlcmd.exe to be in your path, so I recommend you set this up now.

You can find sqlcmd.exe in the 90\Tools\Binn directory under the directory in which you have SQL Server 2005 installed (usually %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server). In most cases, the SQL Server setup wizard adds this directory to your path automatically when you install the SQL Server client tools, but you may have to add it manually on your system.


Open a command prompt on your development machine and navigate to the source code base directory (the directory in which you copied the source code from the CD-ROM earlier) by typing the following command:

 cd /d C:\SQL-NS 


Navigate to the Common subdirectory:

 cd Common 


Run the testenv.cmd batch file.

This batch file attempts to exercise the environment settings you made in the previous section and displays error messages and troubleshooting suggestions if problems occur. If you see any error messages, follow the suggested instructions for resolving the problems. These usually tell you to change one or more environment variable settings in the setenv.cmd file you edited in the previous section. After you've made the appropriate changes, follow the instructions in this section to execute testenv.cmd again.

Repeat this process until testenv.cmd completes without errors. When the testenv.cmd batch file completes successfully, you'll know you're ready to proceed.

Customizing the Source Files for Your Environment

Many SQL-NS source files contain settings and other information that must be customized for each environment. For example, some SQL-NS source files contain directory paths whose values depend on where the source files are installed.

On this book's CD-ROM, source files containing environment-specific information are shipped as templates, with placeholders for the values that are different in each environment. As a final step in getting prepared to work through the examples in this book, you'll need to run a script that customizes the template source files you copied from the CD-ROM. This script uses the environment variable settings you created and tested in the previous two sections to replace the placeholders in the template source files with the correct values for your system. In addition, the script also performs some final configuration steps (such as granting appropriate filesystem permissions to the service account used to run the SQL-NS Windows service).

After you complete the following instructions, the source code on your system will be ready for you to work with (as described in subsequent chapters). It's important that you complete these instructions now; otherwise, the sample applications will not compile.


From the Start menu on your development machine, open a Notification Services Command Prompt by selecting All Programs/Microsoft SQL Server 2005/Configuration Tools/Notification Services Command Prompt.


The instructions that follow must be completed in a Notification Services Command Prompt. Do not use a regular command prompt window to execute these commands.


Navigate to the source code base directory (the directory in which you copied the source code off the CD-ROM earlier) by typing the following command:

 cd /d C:\SQL-NS 


Navigate to the Common subdirectory:

 cd Common 


Run the setup_all.cmd batch file.


If you're using SQL Server Authentication, you will receive several prompts for SQL passwords as setup_all.cmd runs. In each case, pay attention to the account for which the password is requested. Most of the prompts request the password for the development account, but a few require the password for the test account.

When you run setup_all.cmd, you may see some error messages because the script performs cleanup operations that try to remove things that may not be present on your system the first time you run it. You can safely ignore these error messages, as long as the script prints a final message, Setup SUCCEEDED, at the very end.


In this chapter, you installed the required software and set up your development environment to work with the source code in the rest of this book. When you start building your own notification applications, you'll be able to use this same development environment to perform SQL-NS development and administration tasks.

In setting up the environment, you had to pay particular attention to security and user permissions. Although these steps can sometimes seem tedious, I urge you to continue being diligent about doing them when building and deploying your own applications.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Notification Services
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Notification Services
ISBN: 0672327791
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 166
Authors: Shyam Pather © 2008-2017.
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