If we consider a number of traditional public relations functions within organizations, we can begin to develop a framework for understanding how ethical PR practice can also play a role in the overall socially responsible functioning of organizations. Here are some examples of what PR can do. These are suggested places to start rather than any exhaustive list of tactics:

  • Internal relations : A sound PR strategy in internal relations can have a number of significant impacts on the ethical organization. First, PR can play a role in the initial development of the employee ethics programme. By using a collaborative approach and a belief in this public's right to participate in decisions that affect them, PR can coordinate employee participation in the development of an ethics code for the organization. This achieves employee relations objectives related to two-way communication between employees and management, enhancing employee morale , nurturing trust and educating employees about ethics itself. After the development of a programme, PR has a major role in developing a strategy to achieve employee buy-in.

  • Client/consumer relations : Ensuring that communication strategies and vehicles adhere to the organizational code and that clients /consumers recognize that the organization's behaviour is guided by such a code is PR's major role. In addition, client/consumer relations programmes that emphasize mutual respect and a foundation of trust are part of PR's contribution to the organization's ethics programme.

  • Community relations : This is a natural fit for public relations, contributing to the organization's social responsibility requirements. Strategic choice of donation and sponsorship opportunities, for example, can consider the real benefit to society rather than only the high profile mileage that might be of benefit more to the organization than the community. Supporting employee volunteer efforts in the community is a way to enhance both community and employee relations.

  • Media relations : Making commitments to media contacts about the level of ethical behaviour that they can expect from your organization might initially be met with scepticism, but eventually, when the promises are fulfilled over time, the relationship will be enhanced and the organization's responsibility to be truthful and transparent will be fulfilled.

Other areas of public relations such as investor relations and government relations (public affairs) are also opportunities for PR professionals to behave in an ethical manner and to contribute to their organization's social responsibility programme.

Organizational ethics and public relations ethics are two distinct areas of study and practice in business. However, if both are to be part of the organizational culture, both need to be viewed as inextricably intertwined. Then we can avoid the kind of empty promises that so many corporate ethics programmes seem still to be making.

Ethics in Public Relations. A Guide to Best Practice
Ethics in Public Relations: A Guide to Best Practice (PR in Practice)
ISBN: 074945332X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 165 © 2008-2017.
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