Recipe 1.4. Installing PostgreSQL


You want to install a PostgreSQL database server to be accessed by your Rails applications.



If you're a Windows user, download the latest version from, and unpack the ZIP archive. Inside, you'll find a directory containing the PostgreSQL Windows installer (the filename extension is .msi). Launch the installation wizard by double-clicking on this file.

The installation options allow you to include several database tools and interfaces. Make sure that the psql tool (the command-line user interface) is included; if you prefer a GUI administration tool, also include pgAdmin III.


To install PostgreSQL on a Debian GNU/Linux system, point your sources.list file to the Debian archive locations you'd like to use. Then run apt-get update to resynchronize the package index files from the repository sources.

$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list deb etch main deb-src etch main deb etch/updates main deb-src etch/updates main

$ sudo apt-get update                

Install the PostgreSQL Debian GNU/Linux package (postgresql-8.1 as of this writing) and development package. These packages include dependent packages for the PostgreSQL client and common libraries as well as header files necessary for compilation of the Ruby PostgreSQL driver.

$ sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.1 postgresql-dev                

Now, su to the postgres user, and connect to the server with the client program psql:

$ sudo su postgres $ psql Welcome to psql 8.1.0, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Type:  \copyright for distribution terms        \h for help with SQL commands        \? for help with psql commands        \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query        \q to quit postgres=# \l         List of databases    Name    |  Owner   | Encoding   -----------+----------+-----------  postgres  | postgres | SQL_ASCII  template0 | postgres | SQL_ASCII  template1 | postgres | SQL_ASCII (3 rows) postgres=# 

Mac OS X

The simplest way to install PostgreSQL on the Mac is to use MacPorts. If you don't already have MacPorts, you can get it from But first, make sure you've installed Apple's XCode Tools, X11, and X11SDK, which are located on your Mac OS X installation disk. Once you have MacPorts, simply install PostgreSQL with the following command:

$ sudo port install postgresql8                


PostgreSQL is a popular open source object-relational database that's been in active development for more than 15 years. It is an extremely capable alternative to MySQL and commercially available databases such as Oracle. A notable feature of PostgreSQL is its support of user-defined functions and triggers. User-defined functions can be written in a number of scripting languages, including PL/Ruby.

To use PostgreSQL with Rails you'll need to install the Postgres driver:

$ gem install postgres             

Next, you'll need to specify postgresql in your database.yml file:

development:   adapter: postgresql   database: products_dev   host: localhost   username: some_user   password: some_password

See Also

  • Section 1.3"

Rails Cookbook
Rails Cookbook (Cookbooks (OReilly))
ISBN: 0596527314
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 250
Authors: Rob Orsini © 2008-2017.
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