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Object Purpose Prefix Object Name Displays
TUN INDEX_STATS Lower-level information about how the index currently is constructed (used after the VALIDATE INDEX command has been run). Instead, use the ANALYZE INDEX command and query the user_indexes table.
TUN PLAN_TABLE The default table that stores the results of the EXPLAIN PLAN statement, which shows the execution plan for the statement. Created by the utlxplan.sql Oracle-supplied script.
TUN V$DB_OBJECT_CACHE Which object definitions currently are being cached in the shared pool area of the SGA, including which users currently are using the object and whether the object has been kept in the SGA.
TUN V$FILESTAT Information useful in tuning the database files, including the number of physical reads from each database file.
TUN V$LATCH Usage and wait information on latches.
TUN V$LIBRARYCACHE Information about how efficiently the library cache area of the shared pool is being used in the SGA.
TUN V$MLS_PARAMETERS Parameters specified in the INIT.ORA file used to set up Trusted Oracle7.
TUN V$MYSTAT Tuning information for the session. A subset of the information available in v$ sysstat . Use v$statname to get the name of the statistic for which the ID is reported in this table.
TUN V$OPEN_CURSOR Information about the cursors currently open for each user session, including the first part of the SQL statement.

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Table 19.2. continued

Object Purpose Prefix Object Name Displays
TUN V$PARAMETER The INIT.ORA parameters currently in effect. Indicates whether the parameter is the default or whether the default has been overridden in the INIT.ORA file.
TUN V$QUEUE Queues for the multithreaded server setup, including information about items in the queue.
TUN V$REQDIST Information about the time taken to process requests .
TUN V$ROLLSTAT Information about rollback segments, including how often the rollback segments have shrunk and wrapped back to the first extent, as well as the maximum size they have reached.
TUN V$ROWCACHE Information that can be used to monitor each row within the data dictionary cache in the shared pool area. The data dictionary caches can be tuned only by increasing the total size of the shared pool area that is shared between the data dictionary caches and the cursor area.
TUN V$SESS_IO Amount of logical and physical I/O performed by the currently connected session.
TUN V$SESSION_CURSOR_CACHE Tuning information that shows how many cursors have been opened during the session and how often they have been used.
TUN V$SESSION_WAIT Resources or events for which currently connected sessions to the database are waiting.
TUN V$SESSTAT A subset of the information shown in the v$sysstat table.
TUN V$SGA Amount of memory used by the SGA.

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Object Purpose Prefix Object Name Displays
TUN V$SGASTAT More detailed information about the SGA in memory.
TUN V$SHARED_SERVER Statistical information about the shared server processes that form part of the multithreaded server architecture. Includes information about how much work each shared server performs .
TUN V$SQL Information similar to the V$SQLAREA view, except that identical statements are listed as often as they occur.
TUN V$SQLAREA Information about the SQL statements currently in cursors in the shared pool area, including the amount of memory needed for them, the number of users executing the statements, the amount of I/O performed, and the number of times the statements were asked to be parsed.
TUN V$SYSSTAT Instance-level statistics that show the number of logons and physical and logical I/O since the instance was started.
TUN V$SYSTEM_CURSOR_CACHE Information similar to V$SESSION_CURSOR_CACHE but shows the cursors in the entire system.
TUN V$SYSTEM_EVENT Information about the number of waits for system events.
TUN V$TRANSACTION Information about current transactions, including which rollback segments currently are being used by the transactions.
TUN V$WAITSTAT Information useful in determining whether waiting occurs because of latch conflicts or because of inserts into a table. It is populated if the TIMED_STATISTICS INIT.ORA parameter is set.

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In this chapter, you learned to create a database, to set the mode of the database to Archive Log, and to bring an instance up and down. You also learned about the initialization parameters for an instance and the information available in the data dictionary. The fundamentals covered in this chapter are the same for whatever platform on which your Oracle server runs. Study your Installation and User's Guide to see whether any specific differences exist for your platform.

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Oracle Unleashed
Oracle Development Unleashed (3rd Edition)
ISBN: 0672315750
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1997
Pages: 391

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