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Page 450

Table 19.2. Data dictionary objects.

Object Purpose Prefix Object Name Displays AUDIT USER , DBA _AUDIT_CONNECT Information about connections to and disconnections from the database. AUDIT DBA _AUDIT_DBA Audit entries related to the different AUDIT statements (a subset of DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL). AUDIT DBA _AUDIT_EXISTS Audit entries related to the AUDIT_EXISTS and AUDIT_NOT_EXISTS statements (a subset of DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL). AUDIT USER _AUDIT_OBJECT The audit trail for statement-level auditing set up on objects. Lists the operating system user, Oracle user, terminal, and object affected. AUDIT USER, DBA _AUDIT_SESSION Audit trail entries for user connections to and disconnections from the database. Includes operating system user, Oracle user, time logged on/off, amount of I/O performed, and deadlocks detected during the session. AUDIT USER, DBA _AUDIT_STATEMENT Audit trail records for GRANT, REVOKE, AUDIT, NOAUDIT, and ALTER SYSTEM commands, including information about which privileges were granted or revoked . AUDIT USER, DBA _AUDIT_TRAIL A complete list of everything that has been audited. This is a superset of the other audit data dictionary views. AUDIT ALL _DEF_AUDIT_OPTS Which audit options have been set up (if auditing is enabled). AUDIT USER, DBA _OBJ_AUDIT_OPTS Which audit options have been set up for tables and views. AUDIT DBA _PRIV_AUDIT_OPTS System privileges currently being audited . AUDIT DBA _STMT_AUDIT_OPTS System auditing options currently in effect.

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Object Purpose Prefix Object Name Displays
AUDIT USER, DBA _TAB_AUDIT_OPTS Auditing options for the user's tables and views.
DB STRUCT DBA _DATA_FILES Name, tablespace, and size of the database files, but not the control file or the redo logs.
DB STRUCT ALL, USER, DBA _DB_LINKS Database links that enable access to other databases.
DB STRUCT USER, DBA _FREE_SPACE Free space in the tablespaces, including an entry for each fragment of free space.
DB STRUCT ALL, USER, DBA _REFRESH All the refresh groups that the user can touch.
DB STRUCT ALL, USER, DBA _REFRESH_CHILDREN All the objects in the refresh groups that the user can touch.
DB STRUCT DBA _ROLLBACK_SEGS The rollback statements that have been created in the database, including the static storage parameters and whether the rollback segment currently is in use. Use the v$rollstat dynamic view to see the current state of the rollback segment.
DB STRUCT USER, DBA _TABLESPACES A description of the accessible tablespaces, including the default storage parameters to use if the storage parameters are not specified when objects are created in this tablespace.
DB STRUCT USER, DBA _TS_QUOTAS How much storage the user can use in a tablespace (if storage is allocated by the DBA on a tablespace-by-tablespace basis). Information is given in terms of the number of Oracle blocks and the number of bytes.
DB STRUCT ALL, USER, DBA _USERS Information about the current user or other users on the database, including the default and temporary tablespaces defined and the encrypted passwords.

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Table 19.2. continued

Object Purpose Prefix Object Name Displays DB STRUCT GLOBAL_NAME One row that shows the global name of the database. Used with database links. DB STRUCT NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS National language settings specified when the database was created. DB STRUCT NLS_INSTANCE_PARAMETERS National language settings specified in the INIT.ORA file for this instance. DB STRUCT NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS National language settings currently in effect for this session. DB STRUCT PRODUCT_COMPONENT_VERSION Version numbers for the database server products. DB STRUCT PUBLICSYN Public synonyms currently defined for the database. DUP ALL, USER, DBA _CATALOG Objects ”tables, views, synonyms, and sequences. This is a subset of the information shown in USER_OBJECTS. DUP ACCESSIBLE_COLUMNS Columns on all the tables accessible to the user. DUP CAT Synonym for USER_CATALOG. DUP CATALOG Objects on the database (an Oracle5 view). DUP CLU Synonym for USER_CLUSTERS. DUP COL Columns on tables and views (an Oracle5 view). DUP COLS Synonym for USER_TAB_COLUMNS. DUP COLUMN_PRIVILEGES Whether column-level privileges have been granted (an Oracle6 view). DUP DB Information about the database (synonym for V_$DATABASE).

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Object Purpose Prefix Object Name Displays
DUP SYNONYMS Synonym information (an Oracle5 view).
DUP SYSCATALOG Information about all objects in the database (an Oracle5 view).
DUP TABLE_PRIVILEGES Grants on objects for which the user is the grantor, grantee, owner, or an enabled role or for which PUBLIC is the grantee (an Oracle6 view).
LOOK AUDIT_ACTIONS Lookup table for the audit action codes that lists the audit action names .
LOOK DICT_COLUMNS A description of the columns in data dictionary tables and views. Provides information on what each column means.
LOOK DICTIONARY All the data dictionary views and dynamic performance tables.
LOOK RESOURCE_MAP A lookup table with the name of the resource for each of the IDs in the table. The IDs are used to reference resource names in other tables.
LOOK SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP System privileges that can be granted to roles or directly to Oracle users.

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Table 19.2. continued

Object Purpose Prefix Object Name Displays
LOOK TABLE_PRIVILEGE_MAP Different types of table-level privileges that can be granted.
LOOK V$FIXED_TABLE Names of all the dynamic performance tables.
LOOK V$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION Definitions of the V$ views. Shows which X$ tables are accessed by the V$ views.
LOOK V$INDEXED_FIXED_COLUMN Which columns of the X$ tables are indexed. Useful in tuning SQL queries on the V$ views.
LOOK V$LATCHNAME Names of latches. Used with v$latch.
LOOK V$NLS_VALID_VALUES Valid values that can be set up for the national language support parameters. Set up depending on which national language software has been installed.
LOOK V$OPTION Options installed with the server.
LOOK V$STATNAME A lookup table for the names of the statistics reported in the v$ sysstat table.
LOOK V$TYPE_SIZE Sizes of the database components . Useful in sizing formulas used to determine the optimum initial and next extent sizes for tables and indexes.
LOOK V$VERSION Information about the version numbers of the components for the Oracle server software.
MISC ALL, USER, DBA _COL_COMMENTS Column-level comments on tables or views created by using the COMMENT command.
MISC ALL, USER, DBA _ERRORS Errors during the compilation of procedures, functions, and packages. The SQL*Plus command SHOW ERRORS formats the contents of this table, which is cleared out automatically after the PL/SQL unit is compiled successfully.
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Oracle Unleashed
Oracle Development Unleashed (3rd Edition)
ISBN: 0672315750
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1997
Pages: 391

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