

Hailstorm, 625–626

hasattributes method (DOM), 154–155

hasChildNodes method (DOM), 155

heavy request/heavy response process, 10

heavy request/light response process, 10–11

Hewlett-Packard, 620–621

E-speak platform, 620

Netaction software suite, 621

participant in XAML consortium, 614

Service Framework Specification, 621

hierarchical diagrams

of embedded interface schema, 421, 422

of interface layer schema, 401–402

of isolated interface schema, 443

of three-tier schema, 133

hops, 27

hotel detail response schema, 414–415

hotel detail view, 491–497

advantages of presentation model for, 379

defining for embedded service, 385

extracting data with recordset object and building XML with data logic, 492–493

integrating into availability function for consumer, 581

integrating responder logic in, 495

payload for isolated hotel reservation Web service, 388

sample response for, 496–497

schema map of, 403–404

schema of, 414–416

in service responder workflow, 450

specifying field types and details for content data model, 491–492

wsFetchHotelContent function in, 493–495

hotel reservation system consumer, 550–594

analyzing existing application, 551–555

building request for methods, 577–580, 586–587

checkAvailability method code listing, 576–586

creating integration layer, 560–565

designing XML templates for implementing, 572–575

developing COM object for implementing, 575–576

identifying processes in presentation layer, 556–558

implementing in ASP pages, 565–572

integrating processes in presentation layer, 558–560

invoking and establishing connection, 580, 587

makeReservation method, 586–589

modifying response for checkAvailability method, 580–581

parsing response for makeReservation method, 587

testing, 594

XSL stylesheets in, 576, 580, 590–593

hotel reservation system Web services workflow (HRSWS), 367–517

application authentication for, 391–392

availability form, 474–478

availability request, 478–491

building response to consumer by service responder, 451

business layer design, 394–397

creating base service functionality, 455–516

data layer for, 452–454

defining presentation model for, 371–373

designing availability form for isolated service interactions, 425–437

designing content data model, 454

designing Web service for, 393–455

determining requirements, 367–370

diagram of interface schema hierarchy, 421, 422, 443

embedded Web services in interface layer for, 402–422

hotel availability request schema, 403, 405–414

identifying process flow in interface model, 373–378

implementing presentation model, 514–516

interface model for, 373–390

isolated services in interface layer, 422–443

payload definition for, 381–390

reconciling process flow with presentation model, 378–380

reservation form for isolated service interactions, 438–443

reservation form implementation, 497–501

schema maps for isolated service interactions, 423–425

security model for, 390–393, 510–514

selecting technologies for, 370–371

service listener for, 443–447

service responder for, 448–451

testing, 516–517

See also implementing hotel reservation system; interface layer

hotelAvailability.asp, 568–569

hotelConfirmation.asp, 569

hotelCriteria.asp, 566–568

hotelOption.asp, 565–566

HRS_errors table, 503

HRSWS component, 455, 456–460

adding authentication logic to, 513–514

adding availability form process logic to, 474, 475

adding availability process logic to, 485–490

adding hotel details process logic to, 495–497

adding reservation form process logic to, 497

adding reservation process logic to, 504–508

initial implementation of clsListener, 456, 457–460

HRSWS database, 455, 466–470

content data access, 492–495

content data model, 454

content tables for, 492

session data access, 468–470

session data model, 452, 453

session tables for, 466–468

HRSWS test consumer subroutine, 463–465

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

building presentation layers with, 3, 4

building XML-compliant pages in, 590

framesets creating application partnerships in, 6–7

output for hotel reservation availability form, 428–430

overview of, 68–70

pathing syntax vs. XSLT pathing expressions, 183

special HTML tags for XML documents, 83–84

viewing availability form code in browser, 430

W3C standards for, 69

XML vs., 70–72

HTTP form submission, compared with Web services, 22–23

HTTP servers

configuring, 317

selecting, 284

services for maintaining state, 36

hybrid Web services application, 28, 29

Architecting Web Services
Architecting Web Services
ISBN: 1893115585
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 77 © 2008-2017.
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