

AAA Conferences sample Web site

consumer process workflow for presentation layer, 558

credit card payment page, 554

details page for, 553

homepage, 552

hotel confirmation page, 569

hotel criteria page, 566–568

hotel option page, 565–566

hotel selection page, 568–569

integrating processes into presentation layer workflow, 558–560

personal registration page, 553

registration confirmation page, 554, 570

registration confirmed page, 554–555, 570–572

absolute pathing in XSLT, 183

accuracy testing of Web services, 318–319

Active Server Pages. See ASP

administrative console of WebSphere, 312

amenity element schema, 405–406

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), 137

appendChild method (DOM), 154

application partnerships

for brokered Web services, 28

for hybrid Web services, 28, 29

integration model for, 18–21

linking presentation layer for, 5–8

scenarios for Web services, 25–30


analyzing existing hotel reservation system, 551–555

creating in WebSphere, 312–314

defined, 2

designing for mortgage calculator Web service consumer, 542–544

discriminating with Web services, 21

enterprise application integration, 13–14

integration and presentation layers in consumer, 521

linking presentation layers between, 5–6

listener and responder in Web service, 37–40

logical architecture of stacked Web services, 56

providing efficient workflow responses in, 237–241

scale of, 29

shared ownership of interface, 199

storyboarding, 45

Web service as core functionality of, 203

apply-templates element (XSLT), 170, 172

architecture, 25–65

communication, 64

defining Web service and consumer communication, 30–44

logical, 44–63, 64

n-tier, 3–4, 30, 46, 394

physical vs. logical, 46

scenarios for Web services partnerships, 25–30

See also communication architecture; logical architecture


participant in UDDI development, 608–610, 616

vendor strategies of, 615–616

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), 137

ASP (Active Server Pages)

building weather Web service listener, 333–337

designing ASP pages in .NET, 542

designing mortgage calculator consumer integration layer, 541

developing weather Web service in, 322–323

finalized page for weather Web service, 343–345

implementing ASP pages for hotel reservation consumer, 565–572

request objects in, 461

asterisk (*) in XSLT, 185

asynchronous calls, 39, 40

@attribute syntax (XSLT), 185

attribute element (XSLT), 170, 173

Attribute_Node node type (DOM), 147–148


attribute properties in DOM, 151

availability form (HRSWS), 427

building XML documents with, 76–77

for complex type element (XSD), 114

defining element content into DTD, 89–92

of DOM node type, 150–153

element, 125

ordered attributes for primitive data types, 106–108

unordered attributes for primitive data types, 108–110

XSD attribute group declarations, 129

See also specific DOM attributes by name

attributes node type attribute (DOM), 150–151

authentication, 262–275

adding to weather Web service, 361–365

authentication logic, 268–274

choosing methods of, 263

consumer, 264–266

for hotel reservation listener, 445, 447

for hotel reservation requests, 391–392, 513–514

Kerberos, 276

overview, 262–263

scenarios for consumer and user authentication, 264

system access vs., 258

user, 264, 266–268

See also authentication logic

authentication logic, 268–274 475–478

defining roles for, 271–273

deploying consumer and user in Web services, 270, 271

rules for, 268–271

profiles, 273–275

availability criteria schema (HRSWS), 406–408

availability form (HRSWS), 425–437

basic HTML output for, 428–430

choosing XML format for, 431–433

elements and attributes, 427

interaction schema for, 436–437

payload for isolated hotel reservation Web service, 387–388

processRequest logic in, 474–475

reservationWS interface schema with availability form interaction, 415–416, 437

sample response for isolated service, 475–478

schema map for isolated service, 424

as user interface in responder, 449, 451

viewing HTML code in browser, 430

workflow for, 474

XML payload for, 433–435

availability request (HRSWS), 478–491

designing payloads for hotel reservation, 383–385

developing data logic for, 478–480

null result payload for, 412

payload for isolated hotel reservation Web service, 388

responder logic for, 485–490

sample response for, 490–491

schema for, 408–409

in service responder workflow, 449–450

wsFetchAvailability logic, 480–485

availability response schema (HRSWS), 411

availability results schema (HRSWS), 409–410

availabilityRequestTemplate (HRSWS), 572–573

axis notation for path, 186

Architecting Web Services
Architecting Web Services
ISBN: 1893115585
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 77 © 2008-2017.
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