Resolving Ambiguity in Interfaces


Application Development Using Visual Basic and .NET
By Robert J. Oberg, Peter Thorsteinson, Dana L. Wyatt
Table of Contents
Chapter 6.  VB.NET in the .NET Framework

When working with interfaces, an ambiguity can arise if a class implements two interfaces and each has a method with the same name and signature. As an example, consider the following versions of the interfaces IAccount and IStatement . Each interface contains the method Show .

 Interface IAccount    Sub Deposit(ByVal amount As Decimal)    Sub Withdraw(ByVal amount As Decimal)    ReadOnly Property Balance() As Decimal  Sub Show()  End Interface Interface IStatement    ReadOnly Property Transactions() As Integer  Sub Show()  End Interface 

How can a class that implements both of these interfaces specify implementations for both of the Show methods that have the same name? The answer is to use an alias for each of the method implementations in the derived class. You can use the interface name to qualify the method, as illustrated in the program Ambiguous . [7] In the Ambiguous example, the IAccount version of Show is named IAccount_Show , and the IStatement version of Show is named IStatement_Show . These method names are typically not used explicitly by client code. Rather, the client code usually calls on the name of the method as it is defined in the interfaces. IAccount_Show implements IAccount.Show and displays only the balance. IStatement_Show implements IStatement.Show and displays both the number of transactions and the balance.

[7] Actually, any distinct names will do, but using the interface name as part of the method name helps make it more recognizable and meaningful.

 graphics/codeexample.gif // Account.vb (project "Ambiguous") ...  Public Class Account   Implements IAccount, IStatement  Private m_balance As Decimal    Private m_numXact As Integer = 0    Public Sub New(ByVal balance As Decimal)       m_balance = balance    End Sub    Public Sub Deposit(ByVal amount As Decimal) _     Implements IAccount.Deposit       m_balance += amount       m_numXact += 1    End Sub    Public Sub Withdraw(ByVal amount As Decimal) _     Implements IAccount.Withdraw       m_balance -= amount       m_numXact += 1    End Sub    Public ReadOnly Property Balance() As Decimal _     Implements IAccount.Balance       Get          Return m_balance       End Get    End Property  Public Sub IAccount_Show() Implements IAccount.Show  Console.WriteLine("balance = {0}", Balance)    End Sub    Public ReadOnly Property Transactions() As Integer _     Implements IStatement.Transactions       Get          Return m_numXact       End Get    End Property  Public Sub IStatement_Show() Implements IStatement.Show  Console.WriteLine(_          "{0} transactions, balance = {1}", _          m_numXact, Balance)    End Sub End Class 

Here is the client code that exercises the IAccount and IStatement interfaces. For comparison, we show making the call through both an interface reference and an object reference.

 ' Ambiguous.vb Imports System Module Ambiguous  Sub Main()     Dim acc As Account = New Account(100)     Dim iacc As IAccount = acc     Dim istat As IStatement = acc  iacc.Show()       'calls IAccountShow   istat.Show()      'calls IStatementShow  acc.IAccount_Show()     acc.IStatement_Show()  End Sub End Module 


Application Development Using Visual BasicR and .NET
Application Development Using Visual BasicR and .NET
Year: 2002
Pages: 190 © 2008-2017.
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