

J2EE application
architecture, choosing, 40, 68
business domain models, 64 “65
business- tier interfaces
bean attributes, displaying on JSP pages, 79 “84
bean updates, action classes performing, 87 “88
beans and forms, action classes loading for display, 85 “87
described, 78 “79
presentation components , relationships in, 84 “85
design patterns, 41 “42
JUnit testing framework, 623 “624
presentation approach
display page assembles response elements, 70 “73
JSP pages, 68 “69
master page assembly, 73 “77
presentation requirements, 65 “68
requirements, 63 “64
J2EE Web application. See Web application
JAAS authorization, 426 “429
debugging, 615 “616
stack traces, 591 “595
Web Services, 675 “683
WebLogic Server architecture, starting with, 673
Java API for XML-Based RPC. See JAX-RPC
Java clients , security-aware, 425 “434
Java Management Extensions. See JMX
Java Message Service. See JMS
Java Message Service (Monson-Haefel and Chappell), 329
Java Naming and Directory Interface. See JNDI
Java Servlet Programming Bible (Rajagopalan), 1
Java Servlet Programming (Hunter), 1
Java servlets, 1 “8
Java Virtual Machine. See JVM
Javadoc processor, 286 “288
JavaMail sessions, 516
JavaServer Pages. See JSP
JAX-RPC (Java API for XML-Based RPC), 668
JDBC database
code complexity and BMP, 187
connection pools, 501 “505
releasing resources, 583
resources, 505 “507
stateless service, 270 “272
Jewel, Tyler ( Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans ), 177
JMS (Java Message Service)
API, 331 “337
application design
consumers specifying which to receive, 367 “369
described, 361
destinations, locating, 362 “363
large messages, compressing, 365
message type, choosing appropriate, 363 “364
messages, acknowledging, 365 “366
messages, expiring, 369 “372
ordering messages, 376
performance, improving with multicast sessions, 378 “379
poison messages, handling, 372 “375
request/reply style message exchange, 379 “382
transactions, 376 “378
XML messages, compressing, 365
asynchronous messages, consuming on server, 384 “389
described, 329
EJB components, bridge to
application design, 388 “389
components, 199 “200, 256
concurrency, 385 “386
constructing, 294 “295
durable subscriptions, 387 “388
legacy systems, 390 “391
reason to execute, 567
transactions, 386 “387
legacy messaging systems, 389 “393
messaging models, 330
resources, configuring
connection factories, 514 “515
described, 508 “509
distributed destinations, 511 “513
member destinations, 513 “514
migration support, 515
servers and stores, 509 “511
server migration failures, 538 “539
with servlets and EJBs, 382 “384
transport, 708 “709
JMS (Java Message Service) provider
connection routing, load balancing, and failover, 339 “340
described, 338
distributed destinations, 340 “346
location transparency, 339
migrating servers, 346 “347
connection factories, 347 “349
delivery overrides , 355 “356
destination quotas and thresholds, 356 “359
flow control, 360 “361
message paging, 359 “360
ordering messages (destination keys), 349 “350
persistent stores, 351 “355
sending later, 350 “351
servers, 338
templates, 349
JMX (Java Management Extensions), 525 “529
JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface)
cluster-wide namespace, 461
external objects, mapping, 391
lookup strategies, EJB containers, 573 “574
objects, listing ( LIST command), 520
Johnson, Ralph ( Design Patterns ), 41
JSP (JavaServer Pages)
base classes, custom, 32
bean attribute, displaying, 79 “84
bean instances, declaring, 14
components, precompiling, 160 “164
custom tags, 13 “14, 21
described, 1
dynamic content caching, 571 “572
J2EE application presentation, 68 “69
modularity of Web site display content, 46
response, buffered, 12 “13
run-time expressions with directives, 32 “33
as scripting technology, 8
servlets, 8 “12
sessions, efficient use of, 571
tag libraries, 152, 158
tags and scripting elements, 9 “10
Web applications, building, 1
WebLogic server performance, optimizing, 571 “572
WebWork framework, 60
JTA Service, migrating, 538
JUnit testing framework
deploying and executing, 624 “627
described, 621 “622
with J2EE applications, 623 “624
organizing, 628 “629
tests, creating, 622 “623
JVM (Java Virtual Machine)
memory, freeing unused objects, 552 “554
processor ratio, 636 “637
threads, state of all, 591 “596
BEA JRockit, 560 “562
described, 551 “552
garbage collector, selecting, 559
memory, freeing unused objects, 552 “554
Sun HotSpot, 554 “558, 560
WebLogic server, 494, 551 “562

Mastering BEA WebLogic Server. Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications
Mastering BEA WebLogic Server: Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications
ISBN: 047128128X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 125 © 2008-2017.
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