parallax mapping, 206


shaders, 168–169

shaders tutorial, 157–159


gravity, 379–382

initial difficulties, identifying and solving, 32–33

introduction, 371

loopings, 387–390

Newton’s laws of motion, 372–373

Racing Game and, 374–378

spring physics, 390–393

Physics and Math Library, 386

physics engines, 382–383

Bullet Physics Library, 386

Havok, 384–385

Newton Game Dynamics, 385

nV Physics Engine, 386

ODE, 385

Physics and Math Library, 386

PhysX, 384

Tokamak Game Physics, 386

PhysicsAsteroidManager class, 394–397

PhysX, 384

pipe (|) operator, 15

pipeline. See content pipeline

Pixel Shader

optimizations, 189–191

shaders tutorials and, 163–166

Pixel Shader 3.0, 175

pixels, outputting to screen, 163–166

planning. See game design

Player class, 297

XNA Shooter game, 319–321

player input, Pong game, coding, 43–47

player synchronization, network games, 5

point lights, 158

polygons, asteroids, 180–181


Agile Methodology, 30–32

basic idea formulation, 29


ball, 41

ball speed, 45–46

bounding boxes, 50–51

missed ball, 51

overview, 34

paddle speed and position, 44–45

paddles, 42

player input, 43–47

player lives, 41

rectangles, 35

sprites, 34–35

design overview, 28

history, 27

initial difficulties, identifying and solving, 32–33

planning development technology, 30

planning features and game play, 29–30

planning phase, 28–29

Rumble support for Gamepad controller, 57

sound files, 34

adding, 52–55

textures, 33

troubleshooting, 58–59

unit testing, 35–39

ball, 40

collisions, 47–51

menus, 36

sound files, 55

Xbox 360, preparing for, 56–57

post-screen shaders

color correction, 230–233

implementation, 221

PostScreenDarkenBorder class, 223–226

RenderToTexture class, 222–223

unit testing results, 226–227

menu effects, 233–234

motion blur, 229–230

PostScreenDarkenBorder class, 223–226

PostScreenGlow, 228

RenderToTexture class, 222–223

sky cube mapping, 210–216

writing, 216–219

PostScreenDarkenBorder class, 223–226

PostScreenDarkenBorder.fx, 216

PostScreenGlow, 228

PPUs (physics processing units), 371

Program.cs file

contents, 14

unit testing and, 71


Breakout game

game loop, 85–87

levels, 83–85


ball, 40–41

bounding boxes, 50–51

menu testing, 36

missed ball, 51

overview, 34

paddles, 42

player input, 43–47

player lives, 41

rectangles, 35

sprites, 34–35

unit testing, 35–39

RenderSprite method, 37

StartTest, 37

TestDelagate, 36–37

TestMenuSprites, 37–38

Projectile class, 298

XNA Shooter game, 325–327

projectiles, 326–327


creating, 13–14

file properties, accessing, 16

Game class, 5

quitting, 15

starting, 14

textures, adding, 16


Asset Name, 16

Content Importer, 16

Contnet Processor, 16

files in projects, accessing, 16

GameComponent class, Component, 6

Professional XNA Game Programming
Professional XNA Programming: Building Games for Xbox 360 and Windows with XNA Game Studio 2.0
ISBN: 0470261285
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 138

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