

Save As option (NUnit-Gui File menu), 238
Save option (NUnit-Gui File menu), 238
Save Results as XML option (NUnit-Gui Tools menu), 239
scope, variables , reducing, 52, 56
Search method, CatalogService class, 215
Search page, Web clients , 214 “230
binding search results with repeater Web controls, 218 “226
CatalogServiceGateway class implementation, 226 “230
creating, 221 “226
implementing search, 215 “230
SearchButtonClick method, 222, 226
SearchPage.aspx.cs class, 229
SearchPageHelper class, 224 “226
security, Web services, 122 “124
direct security context propagation, 123
mapped security contexts, 123
self-validating tests, Test case (NUnit), 240 “241
assertions, 243 “244
test fixtures, 241 “242
test runners, 242
test suites, 241
Service Interface package, 207 “208
ServicedComponent class, 256
ServiceLayer namespace, 209
ServiceLayer refactoring, 205 “211
SetUp attribute, 74, 244 “246
SetUp method, 183, 187
ArtistFixture.cs, 84
SetUp refactoring, 84
Sieve of Eratosthenes, 36 “59
adding tests, 43 “44
applying refactoring, 58 “59
collapse loops , 49 “52
converting procedural design to objects, 56 “58
Extract method, 53 “55
Hide method, 44 “45
inlining methods , 46 “47
reducing variable scope, 52, 56
removing dead code, 49, 53
Rename method, 42 “43
rename variables, 47 “49
replacing nested conditionals with guard clauses, 45
replacing temporary variables, 52 “53
simple design, 5 “6
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), faults, 168 “179
ExistingReviewMapper class, 176 “179
passing id of existing review to client, 173 “174
SoapException, Detail property, 171
SqlConnection objects, 72
SqlTransaction class, 186
Stack.cs, 32
StackFixture class, 15
StackFixture.cs, 12, 29 “32
calling Top on, 26 “27
creating, 9 “14
empty Stacks, 12 “14
test list, 10 “12
popping, 22 “23
pushing multiple objects on, 20 “22, 25 “26
pushing null on, 27 “29
pushing single objects on, 14 “20, 24 “26
unbounded, 9
Standard Error window (NUnit-Gui), 240
Standard Output window (NUnit-Gui), 240
start command (ActionFixture class), 133
Status panel (NUnit-Gui), 238
StubCatalogService class, 208
StubCatalogService subclass (CatalogService class), 157
StubCatalogServiceFixture class, 208
subclasses, CatalogService
DatabaseCatalogService, 157 “161
StubCatalogService, 157
synthetic primary keys, 78 “86

Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET
Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET (Microsoft Professional)
ISBN: 0735619484
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 85 © 2008-2017.
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