

enter action command (ActionFixture class), 133
Label entity (media library application), 65
media library application, 65 “66
testing database access layer
isolated entities, 75 “92
relationships between entities, 92 “97
test organization, 101
enumerations, ConnectionState, 72
Eratosthenes, Sieve of, 36 “59
adding tests, 43 “44
applying refactoring, 58 “59
collapse loops , 49 “52
converting procedural design to objects, 56 “58
Extract method, 53 “55
Hide method, 44 “45
inlining methods , 46 “47
reducing variable scope, 52, 56
removing dead code, 49, 53
Rename method, 42 “43
rename variables , 47 “49
replacing nested conditionals with guard clauses, 45
replacing temporary variables, 52 “53
Errors and Failures window (NUnit-Gui), 239
ArgumentOutOfRangeException, 23
propagating, 168
Execute method (CommandExecutor class), 199 “200
ExistingReviewException class, 165 “166, 210
ExistingReviewId method (ReviewAdapter class), 164, 174 “176
ExistingReviewMapper class, 176 “179, 210
Exit option (NUnit-Gui File menu), 239
Expand All option (NUnit-Gui View menu), 239
Expand Fixtures option (NUnit-Gui View menu), 239
Expand option (NUnit-Gui View menu), 239
ExpectedException attribute (NUnit), 246
explicit transaction management. See manual transaction management
eXtensible Schema Definition schema file. See XSD (eXtensible Schema Definition) schema file
Extract method, refactoring, 53 “55
Extreme Programming Explored, 7
Extreme Programming Installed, 5

Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET
Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET (Microsoft Professional)
ISBN: 0735619484
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 85 © 2008-2017.
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