parent class, 122

parent node, 55

parents of nodes in a graph, 60

pattern-based approach to multiple dimensions, 179

patterns, examining a list of permutations for, 96

PDA (personal digital assistant), address book structure for, 190–191

PDF file, resume in, 9

perfect squares, counting, 164

permutation process, defining, 96

permutations, going through in a systematic order, 95

Permutations of a String problem, 95–97

persistence in finding a correct solution, 19

personal digital assistant (PDA), address book structure for, 190–191

pickup order, one change breaking the deadlock, 119

pictures, drawing to solve brainteasers, 173

pipe, as an analog for a network, 189

pixel density, in a line-drawing algorithm, 144

pixel-based raster image, converting a geometric drawing to, 147

pixels, algorithms changing the colors of, 143

place value, determining for each character digit, 84

Point class definition, 121–122


advancing at different speeds, 51–52

passing to a variable, 32, 41

required for deletions from a linked list, 30

to a stack, 31

understanding, 25

pointer constant, 68

pointer misuse, C/C++, 28

points, falling inside a rectangle, 150


classic example of, 123–124

defined, 122

virtual methods used for, 127–128

pop operation

coding for, 34

possibilities for the interface to, 32

returning an error code, 33

on a stack, 30, 31

positive integers, as square roots of perfect squares, 164

postorder traversal of a node, 60

preemptive threading, 108

preorder traversal

of a binary search tree without using recursion, 62–64

coding using recursion, 62

of a node, 59

Preorder Traversal, No Recursion problem, 62–64

Preorder Traversal problem, 61–62


for job interviews, 201

for knowledge-based questions, 185

primary key, 131

adding, 133

primes, unique factor properties of, 163

printing of resumes, 210


beware of simple, 161–162

Big-endian or Little-endian, 153–155

Binary Search, 92–95

Boat and Dock, 174–176

breaking into parts, 161

Bridge Crossing, 165–168

Bugs in removeHead, 40–41

Burning Fuses, 180, 182

Busy Waiting, 112–114

C linked list, 25

C++ linked list, 25

C++ versus Java, 186–187

Combinations of a String, 97–100

Company and Employee Database, 137–138

Count Open Lockers, 163–164

Counting Cubes, 176–179

Cryptography, 189–190

The Dining Philosophers, 117–119

Eighth of a Circle, 146–148

Escaping the Train, 183–184

Find the First Nonrepeated Character, 73–76

The Fox and the Duck, 179–180, 181

Friend Classes, 187

Garbage Collection, 188–189

getting stuck on, 19

Hash Tables versus Binary Search Trees, 190–191

Heavy Marble, 169–172

Inheritance, 187–188

Integer/String Conversion, 83–88

Interfaces and Abstract Classes, 125–126

List Flattening, 44–47

List Unflattening, 48–49

Lowest Common Ancestor, 64–66

Maintain Linked List Tail Pointer, 35–40

Max, No Aggregates, 139–140

Mth-to-Last Element of a Linked List, 41–44

Multiple Inheritance, 128–129

Network Performance, 189

New Cryptography Algorithms, 190

Null or Cycle, 49–52

Number of Ones, 155–157

Permutations of a String, 95–97

Preorder Traversal, 61–62

Preorder Traversal, No Recursion, 62–64

Rectangle Overlap, 149–153

Remove Specified Characters, 76–79

Reverse Words, 79–83

Simple SQL, 136–137

Stack Implementation, 30–35

Telephone Words, 100–105

Three Switches, 164–165

Three-Valued Logic, 140–141

Virtual Methods, 127–128

problem-solving ability, using brainteasers to assess, 159

problem-solving process in interviews, 17

Producer thread, writing with a Consumer thread, 114–117

Producer/Consumer problem, 114–117

professional development courses, 3

programmer, determining what kind you are, 1–2

programmer food chain, working up, 4

programming, reading about, 201

Programming Interviews Exposed mailing list, joining, 201

programming job, finding the kind you enjoy, 1–2

programming problems, approaches to, 15–23

projects, types of, 2

proofreading resumes, 210

properties. See attributes

proprietary, closed-source projects, 2

pseudo-events, queueing for processing by the event thread, 114–117

public key cryptography

compared to symmetric key, 189–190

described, 189, 190

public keys over insecure channels, 190

public profile. See online profile

public static function in Java or C#, 75–76

push operation

coding for, 33

on a stack, 30

taking a data argument and returning an error code, 32

push routine for a stack, 31

puzzles, training your mind, 201

Pythagorean theorem, 175

Programming Interviews Exposed. Secrets to Landing Your Next Job
Programming Interviews Exposed: Secrets to Landing Your Next Job, 2nd Edition (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 047012167X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 94

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