

Abstract Factory pattern, 265
Active business processes, tracking, 158
Ad-hoc federations, 206
Address complex type XML definition listing, 108
AddressImpl class, 122
Anonymous publishing, 210
Ant targets (for building and running the examples), 55, 73, 96, 113, 129, 149-150, 165, 184, 202, 221, 242-243, 259, 276, 294, 309, 313, 316-317
ant.bat file, 313
ANT_HOME variable, 313
Apache Ant, installing, 312. See also Ant targets
Apache Axis (Web Service engine), 32, 46, 227-230
building Java adapters to SOAP, 109
consuming Web Services with, 69-71
deployment to, 46
installing, 312, 314-315
physical tiers pattern, 12
private instance variables for JavaBeans, 289
for the SOAP-ignorant, 65
using for deploying services, 46-47
Apache Axis service lifecycle options, 228
Apache Axis WSDD files, 46-47, 68, 107
Apache SOAP processor, 257, 312
Apache Tomcat servlet engine, 46, 227-230, 312, 314-315
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), 2
choice of platform to expose, 4
evolving nature of, 270
extents, 120
Application requirements, 17-23
Application scope (Apache Axis lifecycle), 228
Application structure, 25-33
Application structure (case study), 29-33
Applications, integrating heterogeneous, 170-171
ApplicationSubscriber interface, 236
ApplicationSubscriberImpl class, 235-237, 242
Apress Web site, 311
Architectural micro-iterations, 23-24
Architectural patterns, 15, 58
Architectural styles, 58-62
combining, 60
elements of, 59
mediation between, 62
Web Services vs. Java, 59-60
Architecture Adapter pattern, 57-74
collaborations, 63
components , 61-62
and service-oriented architecture, 74
structure, 60-63
Architecture adapters, 9
in the case study, 71-73
constructing, 70
customer creation through, 69
and decreasing complexity, 64
low-level design, 61-62
performance concerns, 64
preparing to implement, 63-64
reusable, 64
and service-oriented architecture, 55
using prebuilt, 64
in Web Services, 64-71
ArchitectureAdapter component, 61
common traversal patterns, 64
communication between, 57-60
and components and connectors, 58
explained, 58-59
high-level, 23-33
operation call sequence between, 63
in software cycle, 8
tying together disparate, 4-5
Arrays, 121
of data transfer objects, 290
of type-safe classes, 126
Asynchronous business process
in the case study, 164
invocation of, 163
sequence diagram, 158, 162
Asynchronous Business Process pattern, 10, 153-167
Business Process pattern and, 151
collaborations, 158
components, 157
implementing, 160-164
in practice, 154-155
preparing to implement, 159
related patterns, 166-167
requirements fulfilled by, 164
structure, 155-158
Atari 2600 example, 246, 248-249, 251
Author, providing feedback to, 13

Web Service Patterns
Web Services Patterns: Java Edition
ISBN: 1590590848
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 190 © 2008-2017.
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