C#, 161

C++, 374

CA. See Certification authority (CA)

Callback contract

add, to ProductsService service and invoke callback operation, 347–349

defining, 342

generate client proxy and implement, 349–351

implementing duplex channel, 347

implementing operation in, 343–345

invoking operation in, 345–346

reentrancy and threading in callback operation, 346

using, to implement events, 347–359

CallbackContract property, 342

Callback method, 286, 288, 293–294

Callback operation, 346–349

Certhash parameter, 98


ASPNETProductsService, 384

authenticating and authorizing users by using, 132–141

authentication service using, 142–147

create, 366

export and import, into client certificate store, 145

export and import, into server’s certificates store, 137

investigate identities of users authenticated using, 138–139

update WCF client application to send, to WCF service, 137–138

and Windows CardSpace, 366

Certificates Microsoft Management Console, 96–98

Certificate store, export users’ certificates and import them into server’s, 137

Certificate validation checking, add code to WCF client to override, 98–99

CertificateValidationMode property, 135

Certificate verification, bypass, 384

Certification authority (CA), 133, 135

Certmgr command, 137, 370

ChainTrust service, 135

ChangePrice method, 355

ChangePrice operation, 347

ChangeStockLevel, 27, 347


composing, into binding, 256–261

defined, 33–34

ChannelDispatcher object

and EndpointDispatcher, 264, 331

function of, 255

review, 322–324

and Service Host object, 260

using service throttle to control resource use, 304, 309–308

ChannelFactory class, 267

ChannelFactory infrastructure, 269

ChannelFactory object, 255, 265, 272

ChannelListener object, 254, 260

Channel object, 33, 78.

See also specific objects

Channel organization, recommended, 257

Channel property, 269

Channel stack, 33–35, 247, 255, 322

Checkout, 184, 187–188, 223, 227

ChunkSize integer constant, 314

Claims-based security

configure ShoppingCartService to use, 364–367

defined, 362

implementing, 362–375

Claimset, 363, 368

ClaimsTypes property, 365

ClaimTypes class, 365

Click attribute, 39

Client application(s)

configure, and service to use third-party identity provider, 376–377

configure, to flow transactions to ShoppingCart Service service, 224–225

configure, to use WSDualHttpBinding binding, 351–354

configure ShoppingCartService service to flow transactions from, 220–221

configure WCF service to authenticate itself to, 144–145

create, to test ShoppingCartService service, 190–193

create custom binding for, 250–251

create transaction in, 221–224

enabling streaming in, 319

examine trace message generated by, 239–245

incorporating security into, 5–6

invoking operation asynchronously in, 286–287

modify, to authenticate WCF service using certificate, 136

modify WCF service to require, to authenticate using certificates, 134–136

privacy, 6

reconfigure, to use ShoppingCartRouter service, 337

regenerate proxy class and update, 170–171

sending large binary data objects to, 314–318

send message and process response in, 271–274

update, to send certificates to WCF service, 137–138

update, to subscribe to “Price Changed” event, 356

verify, authenticates WCF service, 146–147

ClientBase abstract class, 269

ClientBase class, 270

Client-based authentication, 377–380

Client callback, 341, 347.

See also Callback contract

ClientCertificate property, 105

Client certificate store, export WCF service certificate and import into, 145

Client communications, controlling

connecting to service programmatically, 265–271

sending messages programmatically, 271–274

ClientCredentials, 105–106, 270–271

Client object, 31

Client proxy, generate, and implement callback contract, 349–351

Closed state, 76

Close method, 28, 37, 41, 77

Closing state, 76

CLR. See Common language runtime (CLR)

CMD Shell, 370

COM. See Component Object Model (COM)

COM+ application, expose, as WCF service, 388–401.

See also Products COM+ application

COM+ catalog, 387–399

Common language runtime (CLR), 60, 334

CommunicationState.Opened, 346

Complete method, 223, 226–227

Component Object Model (COM), 2–3

Component Services console, 225–230, 393

ComSvcConfig utility, 388

ConcurrencyMode attribute, 285

ConcurrencyMode.Multiple, 195, 283–285

ConcurrencyMode property, 194, 232, 283–284, 304–305

ConcurrencyMode.Reentrant, 195

ConcurrencyMode.Single, 305

Concurrency property, 195

ConcurrentMode.Single, 195

ConfigFault object, 67

Console client application, 24–28

Content-based routing, 321

Contract, 12–14, 321.

See also Data contract;

Service contract

Contract element, 20

ContractFilter, 324

ContractFilter property, 331

Contract-first approach, 12

Cookies, 181

CorrelationState parameter, 262

CreateAnonymousForCertificateBindingElement, 257

CreateBufferedCopy method, 262

CreateChannel method, 267

Created state, 75–76

CreateMessage method, 78, 262

CreateSequence message, 240

CreateSequenceResponse message, 240–241

Create User page, 127–128

Current.PrimaryIdentity property, 132

Current property, 227

CurrentStockLevel, 27, 153, 347

Custom authorization, implement, 369

Custom binding, create, 247–251, 319

CustomBinding object, 256

Custom Demux, 325

CustomeCertificateValidatorType property, 135

Custom service, 135

Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation Step by Step
Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation Step by Step (Step By Step Developer Series)
ISBN: 0735623368
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 105
Authors: John Sharp

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