Checksumming Strings

 md5() sha1() 

Using crypt() with strings is similar to creating a checksum of something: It can be easily determined whether a string matches the checksum; however, it is not (easily) possible to re-create the original string from the checksum.

Checking Logins Using SHA1 and MD5 Hashes (checksum.php)
 <?php   $pass = (isset($_GET['pass'])) ? $_GET['pass'] :     '';   $md5pass = '6958b43cb096e036f872d65d6a4dc01b';   $sha1pass = '61c2feed11e0e53eb8e295ab8da78150be12   f301';   if (sha1($pass) === $sha1pass) {     echo 'Login successful.';   } else {     echo 'Login failed.';   } // Alternatively, using MD5: //  if (md5($pass) === $md5pass) { //    echo 'Login successful.'; //  } else { //    echo 'Login failed.'; //  } ?> 

Two algorithms whose purpose is to do exactly this checksumming are Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1) and Message Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5). They create such a checksum, or hash. The main difference between these two algorithms and the one used in DES/crypt() is: The SHA1 or MD5 checksum of a string is always the same, so it is very easy to verify data. As Figure 1.2 shows, even the PHP distributions have a MD5 checksum mentioned on the website to validate the downloads.

Figure 1.2. The PHP downloads page shows MD5 hashes of the PHP distributions.

Again, the goal is to validate a password the user provides using GET. The correct password is, once again, 'TopSecret' with the following hashes:

  • 6958b43cb096e036f872d65d6a4dc01b is the MD5 hash

  • 61c2feed11e0e53eb8e295ab8da78150be12f301 is the SHA1 hash


When calculating the MD5 or SHA1 hash of a file, no call to file_get_contents() or other file functions is required; PHP offers two functions that calculate the hashes of a file (and takes care of opening and reading in the file data):

  • md5_file()

  • sha1_file()

PHP Phrasebook
PHP Phrasebook
ISBN: 0672328178
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 193 © 2008-2017.
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