Sending SQL to Firebird


The function ibase_query() can be used to send an SQL string to the database. However, there is no ibase_escape_string(); so, to be safe from SQL injection, a prepared statement must be used. Here, the function ibase_prepare() comes into play: It parses an SQL statement (with question marks as placeholders) and returns a statement object. Then, ibase_execute() executes this statement and retrieves the values for the placeholders as additional parameters.

Sending SQL to InterBase/Firebird (ibase_execute.php; excerpt)
 <?php   if ($db = ibase_connect('localhost:/tmp/quotes.gdb', 'user',   'password')) {     require_once '';     $sql = 'INSERT INTO quotes (id, quote, author,       qyear) ' .        'VALUES (GEN_ID(quotes_gen, 1), ?, ?, ?)';     $stmt = ibase_prepare($db, $sql);     ibase_execute($stmt,        $_POST['quote'], $_POST['author'], intval          ($_POST['year']));     echo 'Quote saved.';     ibase_close($db);   } else {     echo 'Connection failed.';   } ?> 


The preceding code contains two specialities of Firebird. First, the identity column is driven by a generator in the database; the call to GEN_ID(quotes_gen, 1) enters the next available value in this column when inserting a new field. Also, the word year is reserved within Firebird, so the column's name is qyear.

PHP Phrasebook
PHP Phrasebook
ISBN: 0672328178
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 193 © 2008-2017.
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